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View Full Version : The Good 'ol times

09-18-2007, 08:51 PM
So I've had alot of time to think today, and I heard a song today that reminded me of the good times I had back in high School, and made me realize how much I wish I could go back.

It really made me think about how I used to see all my Friends everyday and took it for granted, now everyone is gone and I'd be lucky to see 3 or 4 of my best friends anymore. My best friend since the 7th grade is in the navy now, I havent seen him in two years. For all you guys that are still in school, dont take it for granted, because the day you graduate will be the last time you see A LOT of people that you have spent your whole life with. I dont really know why I decided to post about this, but to be honest, im sittin here damn near crying thinkin about all the awesome times and lookin at pictures from the best time of my life, knowing that I will never see 80% of those people again.

Our Class of 2006 motto:

heres to the nights that turned into mornings and to the friends that turned into family

09-18-2007, 08:58 PM
i cant say i know how ya feel, cuz im still in high school. but i can say that your 100% right. high school has been some of the best years of my life so far.

09-18-2007, 09:01 PM
yeah bro couldnt agree with ya anymore ... dont take that $hit for granted

09-18-2007, 09:06 PM
i just graduated this year and i know exactly what u mean. me and a couple of my best friends were just talkin about this exact same thing. we figured out that once the freshmen of our senior year graduate our names will be outta that school forever. its just crazy to think about it.
dont take school for granted. as much as i hated it i wish i could go back just to see all my friends together again. how often do u get to hang out with all ur friends in one place all day everyday. i know i dont anymore.

09-18-2007, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by trx400EXtreme
i cant say i know how ya feel, cuz im still in high school. but i can say that your 100% right. high school has been some of the best years of my life so far.

Well I have been out of school for almost two years and heres the best advice I can give you... DO NOT rush it, I wanted out as fast I could run, and I highly regret it, I wish I had hung around more, went to every gathering possible and said yes to everyone that wanted to hang out, because soon, you will wish you could be eating lunch with all your friends and shootin the chit in the hallways, I know I do, I think about it almost everyday

09-18-2007, 09:21 PM
couldnt agree more

i think about this tooo much, i miss the good ole days too... :(

09-18-2007, 09:28 PM
im with you on that i occasionally run into people that i went to school with here and there but besides my close friends that have kept in touch that i see a couple times a month at most i dont see anyone anymore. there all away at college or have kids getting married and i only graduated in 04 i cant imagine what its gonna be like when i get older oh well cant dwell on the past heres to old friends and new ones to come

09-18-2007, 09:32 PM
What a tear jerker, I agree.

09-19-2007, 04:47 AM
ahhh the good ole days. High school stunk anyways, college is where its at... best time of my life hands down. I liked it so much I went an extra semester.... ok I went the extra semester for other reasons, but I miss it a LOT. It didn't hit home until the first night I spent at my apartment by myself and had to get up for work the next morning, while a bunch of my friends who were still at college drunk called me. Yeah I miss it.:(

09-19-2007, 05:15 AM
Well said. I graduated over ten years ago. I still have dreams to this day about being back in high school. How fun it was, how easy it was (in retrospect), how many friends I had that I would have sworn I would be hanging with until the day I died.
I don't talk to most of them anymore or heard from them in years.:(

You always want to get out of school and be an adult, but damn, you don't realize how great and easy it was until it is gone! Those years flew by way too quick!:ermm:

09-19-2007, 05:19 AM
I couldn't wait for high school to be over. It was never a challenge and became increasingly boring and mundane. College is much better than high school if for nothing more than harder and better curriculum. You will have professors that can challenge you and be your worst nightmare but you’ll learn more than you realize. The same goes for the working world. Your boss can be your worst enemy or your best friend.

Your best friends are the ones you don't have to see everyday to keep. You can be apart for a year or two and pick up where you left off.

09-19-2007, 07:18 AM
i graduated this year and i only had half a summer off now im working fulltime for the union working for the township. so its not so bad but look at it this way if u arent going to college u have work to look foward to everyday for the rest of your life. I liked highschool just becaus eof the group a friends i had and the rucus wed cause in the school. But i wanted out of there so fast and basically stopped doin work its a good thing the teachers liked me or i would have never of graduated. lookin back on it i really only miss the group of friends i had but they all live in the same town and we get together at least 3 times a week. But now i have work and responsibility (sp) to look foward to the rest of my life so enjoyyyyy it.

09-19-2007, 07:45 AM
2 the good ol days haha i was done with school in 05 alot of my friends are around here but most either have babys wifes for girl friend or just 2 busy to hang out but with every lose of a friends theres always that gain ever since ive been racing quads i have made alot of friends good friends at that but ya i feel ya on this post

09-19-2007, 08:27 AM

Graduated 20 years ago and never once have I said "I wish I could go back" I hated school and would rather go through basic training again than Highschool. I think it's necessary but I've never wanted to go back..I like working my job and going home. When you go to school it's almost like you work all the time. You have to study for test and do book reports. When I go home from my job now I get to relax and work on the farm.

09-19-2007, 08:56 AM
Eh, you guys are looking at it all wrong. Life is supposed to be an adventure, and if you are wanting to go back and relive moments, you arent doing enough exciting things today. Most go on to college after highschool, some don't, but as long as you don't settle for a mcdonalds job everything should still be exciting. The best of your friends will stay with you, mine come and visit me at college or I go visit them, and then we still have summers. I love college right now, but when I graduate in may, I'm looking forward to moving back home and start working. I know its gonna be rough being tossed into the work force, but whats the beauty in life without a little action, mystery, and excitement.

09-19-2007, 09:02 AM
high school blew. almost everyone there was a LOSER and I knew it. College is where its at, the good thing about college is you know that just about everyone isnt gonna be out to get you because they are trying to succeed too. In high school a lot of "those people" would try to bring you to there level. You can usually find them hanging out in the parking lots for years after they graduate to try to "relive" the moments....HAHAHAHAHA

09-19-2007, 01:09 PM
Man I am actually dreading the day that I have to leave my school. I love everything about learning a trade and will miss all of the people when I do graduate. So here is to the next 3 years of high school enjoyment LOL.:cool: :D

09-19-2007, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by honda8&3
Man I am actually dreading the day that I have to leave my school. I love everything about learning a trade and will miss all of the people when I do graduate. So here is to the next 3 years of high school enjoyment LOL.:cool: :D amen lol

09-19-2007, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by trx400EXtreme
amen lol

HELL FRIGGEN YEAH:macho :muscle: :)

09-19-2007, 04:38 PM
i dispise school but i love going for my friends. im only in 10th grade and im always depressed becouse it feels like its almost over :(

09-19-2007, 04:57 PM
Right now schools great and im a freshman my uncle says it goes by real fast especiialy senior year and to mx1791 i here sophmore year is the toughest one

09-19-2007, 05:05 PM
i just have to say you all suck live it up while it last cause unless your going to a 4 year school and dont have to work full time or anything like that these will be some of the best times of your life. people say they cant wait till they get out i just wish i could go back to those times. sometimes

09-19-2007, 05:17 PM
Hell its my last year. I think I'll miss seeing my friends more than anything.:ermm:

09-19-2007, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by 07250ex
Right now schools great and im a freshman my uncle says it goes by real fast especiialy senior year and to mx1791 i here sophmore year is the toughest one

Ya MCAS is gonna blow. Especially going to a trade school cause we only get 90 days of academics not 180 days. But shop is the best thing right now. It's a lot of fun!:D

09-19-2007, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by smr

Graduated 20 years ago and never once have I said "I wish I could go back" I hated school and would rather go through basic training again than Highschool. I think it's necessary but I've never wanted to go back..I like working my job and going home. When you go to school it's almost like you work all the time. You have to study for test and do book reports. When I go home from my job now I get to relax and work on the farm.

I hear ya!I graduated 18 years ago,went to a 2 year trade school and haven't missed it.I had some great times with some great friends but haven't looked back.I would much rather be where I am today than where I was then.

MX MaNiAc 06
09-19-2007, 05:47 PM
I hate school and always have. But 3 weeks into my senior year.. im starting to like it. The teachers have respect for me. Ive already gotten away with way more than i should have. Im gonna live it up. Ill miss my class.

10-04-2007, 08:38 PM
senior year FLYS by ive heard from alot of people enjoy it man its supposedly the best one of the 4

MX MaNiAc 06
10-04-2007, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by 07250ex
senior year FLYS by ive heard from alot of people enjoy it man its supposedly the best one of the 4

Oh yeah by far. It almost makes going through the first 11 years of school worth it. haha

10-04-2007, 08:58 PM
i remember sitting there in class at the end of my freshman year thinking this is gonna be another 3 years of hell i can't wait to get out and then my senior year came around and there i was without enough time to hang out with people i had known since i was a little kid before they went off to college in different states. I hate going to work every day because i could care less about the people there, they don't really want to know me and i couldn't care less if i know them i miss the friends i had and the things i used to do so i'll tell you guys the same thing i told my sister when she started highschool this year, don't take anything for granted do everything you get the chance to and don't ignore someone because you don't think they're someone you'll like take your time because once its gone its gone for good

10-04-2007, 09:12 PM
i know exactly what you mean. i have not seen or even talked to some of my best friends from school.

but one thing you realize once you are out of school is how people change. really. kids i never talked to in school, who i didn't think even knew my name i now hang out with, see on a weekly basis. the kids who were your friends change completely, as one of my best friends all my life got into drugs and i hardly even recognize him now and it has only been three years. people change alot once out of school. and for the most part you will not see alot of your friends from school.

high school was one of the best times of my life. i want to go back, things get much harder once you are out. enjoy it all while you can.

10-05-2007, 01:02 PM
the kids I talked to in highschool, are the ones I never see or even talk to anymore..and the friends that I grew apart from in highschool, are the ones who I hang out with and talk to now, kinda weird...

I'll never forget my graduation night...

it sucks getting old.

10-05-2007, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
the kids I talked to in highschool, are the ones I never see or even talk to anymore..and the friends that I grew apart from in highschool, are the ones who I hang out with and talk to now, kinda weird...

I'll never forget my graduation night...

it sucks getting old.

exactly. the kids i hang out with are the ones i never talked to in school and my best friends from school i have not seen since graduation day. kinda odd.

and girls to lol. i was never "popular" among high school girls but once out of the popularity contest known as high school, girls i naver said hi to in school would come up and talk to me like we were best friends. lol just odd how the situation will change things. when they are not being judged by all their friends they are completely different

10-06-2007, 11:32 AM
I can say you're 11508458% right. I was one of those people that could never wait to get out of high school. Now all my friends are in different schools far away and I don't know anybody anymore. I go to a school nearby so I'm basically the only one left over of my good friends that's still around.

Don't take high school for granted, it may seem like it sucks but the real world sucks even more!

10-06-2007, 12:20 PM
I agree with everyone on here, especially the guy that said that about when the freshman graduate when we were all seniors our names will be out of the school forever. Well ive been out of school going on 3 1/2 years and the freshman when I was in school are graduating this year. Its sad to see because I wish almost everyday I could be back in there knowing what I know now. To all people still in school. Savor the moments. Savor the times with your friends, and most important have all the fun you can because when college starts it is still fun but you have a lot more things that have to be taken care of before you can have fun like that again.

And also, do not date someone through high school. 90% of the time it ends up being a waste of time and you very much regret it. I know I do....

10-06-2007, 01:44 PM
Highschool was horrible, then again I didn't have many friends. I never want to go there again!

10-06-2007, 04:57 PM
Im a senior and now this got me thinking. Yesterday was the 1/8th mark of the school year. Thats 12% gone already. The entire time that I have been going to school, all I could think about was graduating. Now I dont want to even think about that stuff. I know I will miss it and I know I will miss everyone that I go to school with now.

Yesterday, my best friend since Kindergarten and I were talking and it just sunk into us, that we wont be hanging out everyday or everyweekend once we go to college. We've been like brothers our entire life and now it seems as if its all just going to fade away.

The only thing I am looking forward too this year is, Senior prom, Swim Season and Senior week!!!!!!!!!!!

10-06-2007, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
the kids I talked to in highschool, are the ones I never see or even talk to anymore..and the friends that I grew apart from in highschool, are the ones who I hang out with and talk to now, kinda weird...

I'll never forget my graduation night...

it sucks getting old.

ILL NEVER FORGET ABOUT MY GRAD NIGHT EITHER....my dads face must have been pricelss as he asked me what i was thinking, and refused to bail me out

:devil: :devil: :devil:

10-06-2007, 08:10 PM
i graduate this year and all i thought about before was how i couldn't wait to get out of my school...but after reading this it really made me think how its going to suck after graduation not being able to see my friends everyday and hang out with them..now i'm kinda sad that i have to leave it all behind

10-10-2007, 11:31 AM
stay here stay as long as you can for the love of god cherish it

10-10-2007, 11:59 AM
damnit...im crying. ugh....cough...cough...*deep man voice* "Yea dont rush through high school, probably the best days of your life."

10-10-2007, 01:56 PM
I really glad my post has made some of you think, and in a good way, enjoy your high school career, you will miss it alot more than you think, I know I do!

10-11-2007, 11:47 AM
i graduated this past year and im already missing everybody. i dont really want to go back to high school just wish i could still see everybody. to be honest i HATED high school.

10-11-2007, 02:41 PM
yep pretty much high school was fun and i miss the people but then i think about waking up early and not even getting to make money doing it and im glad sometimes but the freedom back then was great

10-11-2007, 05:40 PM
i graduated last year and still dont like thinking about it. the last day of high school was probably the best day of my entire life.....just whilin' out with all of my friends and not having a care in the world......this summer was the first summer that i "came out of my shell". i started going to parties and became a regular. i went to at least 2 parties a week and just made SO many new friends and met SO many new people....i kinda wish i started that a year or two earlier. now im in college, i see maybe 5 out of 50 friends that i would see daily, and i miss the chicks.....boyyyy do i miss the chicks..just when i was getting good at talking to the hotties they all went away:blah:

its ok though, i really do enjoy college more, and i live in the same town so i still get to see the locals and my younger friends. all i know is i cant wait for summer 08' :D

for all you kids in high school with the "get in get out" attitude, id suggest trying to change that. make new friends, get social, go to hangouts, party, talk with girls....it really makes life alot more enjoyable

10-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by ny300exrider
i graduated last year and still dont like thinking about it. the last day of high school was probably the best day of my entire life.....just whilin' out with all of my friends and not having a care in the world......this summer was the first summer that i "came out of my shell". i started going to parties and became a regular. i went to at least 2 parties a week and just made SO many new friends and met SO many new people....i kinda wish i started that a year or two earlier. now im in college, i see maybe 5 out of 50 friends that i would see daily, and i miss the chicks.....boyyyy do i miss the chicks..just when i was getting good at talking to the hotties they all went away:blah:

its ok though, i really do enjoy college more, and i live in the same town so i still get to see the locals and my younger friends. all i know is i cant wait for summer 08' :D

for all you kids in high school with the "get in get out" attitude, id suggest trying to change that. make new friends, get social, go to hangouts, party, talk with girls....it really makes life alot more enjoyable

i can definitely relate to that. i didn't "come out of my shell" until junior year but boy when i did.....wooo. haha thats about the only word to describe it. i'd have to say junior year was my favorite and easiest year. senior year was good but it was harder than i thought or maybe i just got lazy as hell. probably the latter.

10-12-2007, 05:15 PM
wow this really got me thinkin....im a junior this year and i have to say i love school. Just to see my friends everyday, fu*k off in class, football, everything. All i know is im not in a hurry to get out and im gonna miss it like crazy when i do.