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View Full Version : EDT Pictures?

09-18-2007, 07:51 AM
OK I was wonder were the Tri-City EDT Pictures were???????

This site has always had the best coverage and pictures of the EDT races.......Two races to go and ATVriders is dropping the ball.
ATVrider has had the best pictures and coverage.....

What's the deal with this last race????

09-18-2007, 07:55 AM
the cameraman forgot his camera???

09-18-2007, 08:21 AM
Nope the camera man was there and I am sure he got some awesome shots like always.....I just want to see them:)

09-18-2007, 08:35 AM
Pictures are up

As always unbelievable shots, great job! - Darin Wentz, Kenny & Cody Hill


09-18-2007, 07:41 PM
Ok I appreciate the pictures getting posted, but how about Round #8's Pro ATV Overview and Pro & ProAm ATV Race Report?

Also what building some hype about the fact that there only a two point lead for first and everything will be on the line this last round of the EDT series. Hitt has taken over the lead because of round eight, and the mains were rained out there!

This will unfold to be a very exciting weekend for all who attend trust me......

A little PR would be appreciated.


09-18-2007, 07:55 PM
I believe there was a write up on this race on the homepage, other then that I dont know what else you'd like:p there hasn't been anything all season beyond a home page article and photo gallery for this series, I do MX and XC and unless you'd like to foot the bill for me to take over the EDT series as well, you'll need to enjoy what we can provide...lol

Cody and I were in the area covering a XC race and were asked to swing in for some shots of the pro's....I wanted to do some forums coverage but no time..maybe later this week.





and you can always not pay your atvrider.com bill:devil:

09-18-2007, 08:24 PM
Pappy first let me say I appreciate everything atvriders does for the EDT series....You guys do a yomans job!

I must of missed the write up and will look again. Iam a little lazy and usually just go to the EDT Icon and read the updates there under the current round " Pro ATV Overviews and Pro & ProAm ATV Race Reports"

I guess I just missed it

By the way great shots!!!!!!!!!

09-18-2007, 08:34 PM
no worries, with the site changing servers we have had our hands full not to mention day in and day out life happens..lol i got afew pics of you boy but it was getting dark and i was flat bushed so they werent the best. next year could be a new ball game for who and who covers many of the series, just keep supporting the site and we will always do our best.