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09-14-2007, 11:15 AM
whether its legal in your state or not, how many do it?

i occasionally do, but i live in rural IL.. i dont do it when im in a urban traffis environment.. mind you, its not me calling someone else and i cant even begin to imagine what a disaster it would be if i tried to text and drive..

i just dont like to do it because im very concious of my driving..

the governator banished teen drivers from doing anything with a cell phone while driving..

i can think of quite a few adults that are less aware than my 12yr old son.. so i have a basic issue with the limitations imposed.

comments anyone?

09-14-2007, 11:45 AM
I'm not gonna lie, i use it all the time. I don't text, but I don't see how talking on a phone is any more dangerous than talking to someone next to you. The way I see it more and more kids getting there licences have been around cell phones for so long that using it is like nothing, where for my dad its like brain surgery.

09-14-2007, 12:08 PM
I talk all the time on my bluetooth. I think the show Mythbusters did a show where they compared talking while on the cellphone to drunk driving. On the cellphone everyone failed their driving test. Same after being over the legal limit of alcohol which they used .08. The show looked pretty convincing. But then again i am probably most dangerous when i am listening to Stern and laughing my head off on the way to work.

09-14-2007, 12:15 PM
I Don't think anyone, at least in my area where it IS illegal, has let it stop them. It's not the talking on the phone that's dangerous, it's the morons who have their head in the clouds in the first place that are. The phone doesnt change that. I live in a town with some of the richest people in the country, and they have the WORST common sense out of anyone else I've ever come across. Every red light that changes to green there is a 10 second delay before they even notice, nobody uses turn signals, they weave all over looking for Tiffany's or Starbucks, they're reading or doing other things instead of the only thing they SHOULD be focused on....driving. This drives me nuts because my company has drivers all over town for 10 hours, and it's amazing we haven't had worse accidents than we've had with all the idiots out there. I don't blame people for not knowing how to drive, I blame them for getting behind the wheel. I can't fly an airplane, so you know what? I dont climb into the cockpit. AHHH that felt good to get out.

72 chevelle ss
09-14-2007, 12:29 PM
I think it's illegal here but I still do it. I won't make calls, but if someone calls me I answer. I don't have a big conversation though, I ask if they need something. If they do I'll listen if they just wanna talk I call em back.

And I'll admit I have sent a few texts while I drive. But I have the keypad memorized so I don't have to stare at it while I do. I just hold it with my right hand, steering wheel in the left and make out my message and send it.

09-14-2007, 01:00 PM
I don't beleive it's illegal here yet, but I don't use it in the car.

It's a too dang good of an excuse to ignore the phone.. lol

09-14-2007, 01:28 PM
The only time i use mine when I am cruising around town is if I need to meet someone or when my parents call, I don't really use it that much while im on the road

09-14-2007, 03:32 PM
its not illegal here (to my knowledge) but i dont really see the problem.... i talk and text all the time.... ive even text while crusin down the road on my bike... and imo there are far worse drivers out there

but thats just me

09-14-2007, 06:37 PM
i personally think the built in bluetooth in some cars and regular bluetooth's are safer then holding a fone to your face because holding a fone up limits ur turning of the head and body not much but its enough to have a higher risk of accident ... if u really have to use ur fone and dont have a bluetooth or anything put it on speaker

09-14-2007, 09:29 PM
I try not to do it, not exactly the easiest thing when your driving a manual truck.:p

09-14-2007, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
I try not to do it, not exactly the easiest thing when your driving a manual truck.:p
lol =p

09-14-2007, 09:52 PM
umm i dont drive yet really. but tonight i did see some guy do a burnout while he was talking on his cell phone. that cant be safe.

09-14-2007, 09:56 PM
I NEVER use my phone while driving in less i need to tell someone something important, for example today my friend was coming to my house, i was driving behind him and a road might of been closed off so i tried to call him(we were on back roads as well) but he didn't pick up so we ended up yelling back and forth to each other.

09-14-2007, 11:41 PM
I try not to use my phone while driving - not because of any safety issues - only because of the fine if caught. I don't see using a mobile phone as being anymore or less of a hazard than drinking a coke, eating, changing music or having a screaming kid in the back seat.

09-15-2007, 02:09 AM
I talk alllllll the time while I drive... but I'm not a stupid driver either. I don't purposely do it, but I frequently talk on the phone and drive. A lot of times I will lose my thought in conversation because I am more focused on driving than anything. Haha. Lets just face it, some people really suck at driving and others don't. The phone usually makes it worse because people can't focus on two things at the same time, holding a phone & talking. Then driving.