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View Full Version : magura wtf?

09-12-2007, 07:49 PM
I think magura has a class of 5th graders as their design team. o.k. got it in today. Installed and all i can say is wtf magura. My lower bracket has no adjustment and the thing was pissing fluid the first three puls i gave it. The slave cyl. just rattles around and does whatever i it wants all over the lower bracket. So here is my question. Who has put one of theese things on withought having to rig up some bullcrap and if there is someone out there that has please post a picture of yours so i can figure out why i got screwed and write to magura ang figure out where they dropped the ball. Thanks you guys are great.

09-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Here is mine... I did have to change their design.

It seemed when I got mine and put it on along with an 8-plate clutch kit I had to move the slave cylinder back ALOT!!!

I don't know if the reason I had to re-engineer this is because of the Magura design or the 8 plate clutch kit moving the clutch arm?

I rode this setup with the plastic brake line for (1) ride, until a big jump allowed the plastic line to touch the exhaust manifold and it INSTANTLY melted a hole in it.. ride over.

Then I upgraded to the braided SST line and have NO problems since.

I really, really like my Magura clutch lever. I'm happy with it now.

09-12-2007, 09:01 PM
i must have the older one b/c mine is ajustible at the slave and the only thing i had to mod it the slave bracket i had to bend slightly b/c my big gun header was too big to not hit the slave cylinder but i think that is b/c they made it to fit the stock header

09-12-2007, 09:53 PM
I have one on my quad...no complaints at all. I have nothing but good things to say about it.

As far as your situation goes, is it possible you are missing parts? What did your kit come with? Mine came with 4 major components:

- Lever, line, slave cylinder assembly
- Black slave mounting bracket
- Threaded slave adjusting sleeve
- Jam/lock nut for adjusting sleeve

The way that it all goes together is as follows:

Mounting bracket is installed on clutch cover. There is a welded nut on the bracket where the slave rod passes through. Next, the outer-threaded adjusting sleeve is installed onto the slave before mounting to the bracket. This piece is much like the upper adjustment on a standard clutch lever, it has a slot along the threads to slide over the slave rod as you would with a cable. Now you can thread that adjusting sleeve into the nut welded to the bracket all the way (temporarily). Then slip the jam nut over the rod towards the slave. This allows you to then pull the rod out enough to attach it to the clutch arm.

At this point you can adjust how much the slave pulls on the clutch arm via the threaded adjustment sleeve. Thread it out of the bracket (towards front of quad) makes it pull more. Thread it into the bracket (towards rear) and it will pull less. When you are satisfied, thread that jam nut onto the protruding threads of the sleeve left of the bracket (seen in pic). This locks the entire thing as one unit and prevents the rattling you are experiencing.

Here is a pic, bad quality but best I have to help explain:
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8632/quadside1eg9.png (http://imageshack.us)

09-13-2007, 03:59 AM
my mount ist threaded but it does mount. i didnt get any adjuster for the bracket. i got the lever/master assy the line and the slave set up as awhole. then in the plastic bag was the bracket (unthreaded i.e. no nut welded. just a hole kinda like a washer istead), another washer and something that looks like a spacer but could be called a washer. got to go to work.

09-13-2007, 05:29 AM
so they just replaced the threaded design with the spacer disign

09-13-2007, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by Forest
my mount ist threaded but it does mount. i didnt get any adjuster for the bracket. i got the lever/master assy the line and the slave set up as awhole. then in the plastic bag was the bracket (unthreaded i.e. no nut welded. just a hole kinda like a washer istead), another washer and something that looks like a spacer but could be called a washer. got to go to work.

Yours sounds like the same setup as mine. There are no threads in my bracket and a threaded adjuster was not included. I simply made a brass sleeve at work that spaces the slave cylinder back about .625" and assembled it. I designed it to use the washers included so as the clutch wears (if it ever does!) I can simply remove washers or change the stacked amount to get the right free play.

09-13-2007, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by zrpilot
Yours sounds like the same setup as mine. There are no threads in my bracket and a threaded adjuster was not included. I simply made a brass sleeve at work that spaces the slave cylinder back about .625" and assembled it. I designed it to use the washers included so as the clutch wears (if it ever does!) I can simply remove washers or change the stacked amount to get the right free play.

Yeah, strange why Magura suddenly switched to this design. Seems like the older style was more user friendly in terms of adjustability :ermm:

09-13-2007, 04:46 PM
so basically the new bracket is crap and i have to redesign the $200 dollar bolt on item i just purchassed. sounds like it is time to give magura a little phone call. any more info on the new unthreaded design from people would be gret. thanks

09-13-2007, 08:54 PM
I got mine used several years ago with a broken adjuster:(

Improvised with some extra parts I had laying around;)

09-14-2007, 05:14 PM
I have both new and old styles on 400ex's Here a pic of and old style.

09-14-2007, 05:16 PM
Here is the new style. I used the silver spacer that came in the package and have had no problems.

09-14-2007, 05:39 PM
hey asa400ex that is the setup they gave me. i couldnt get enough actuation with the spacer where you have it. i think it needs more fluid. the thing blew fluid on the first three puls so i know it is low. 2 questions. 1 is that a tie tie and 2 how much did you pay for the braided line and where did you get it. I guess i am going to have to go to the ktm dealer and get magura fluid. thanks for the picture. oh yah you havent had any issues with the spacer rubbing on the rubber seal?

09-14-2007, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by asa400ex
Here is the new style. I used the silver spacer that came in the package and have had no problems.
I did the exact same thing. If you notice the gold looking section between the slave cylinder and the bracket, it is brass adapter that I made. I think have a prnt around here somewhere, if interested.

09-14-2007, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Forest
hey asa400ex that is the setup they gave me. i couldnt get enough actuation with the spacer where you have it. i think it needs more fluid. the thing blew fluid on the first three puls so i know it is low. 2 questions. 1 is that a tie tie and 2 how much did you pay for the braided line and where did you get it. I guess i am going to have to go to the ktm dealer and get magura fluid. thanks for the picture. oh yah you havent had any issues with the spacer rubbing on the rubber seal?
Go to Rocky Mountain ATV, they have the braided line, which I think is about $50. They also have a bleed kit and the Magura Blood for something like $15. The Magura is real particular on how you bleed them, you need to follow their directions pretty closely.

09-14-2007, 07:09 PM
wel i am going to the ktm dealer tomarow to get magura blood because i cant wait on shipping again. hopefully i can figure out how to blead it correctly. any pointers or a link would be great. thanks

09-15-2007, 12:14 PM
Don't waste your money on the blood fluid. I talked to someone at Magura and they told me it is transmission fluid. I have been using trans fluid for years and have had no troubles. Make sure you bleed the slave correctly or you will have constant troubles.

09-15-2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Forest
hey asa400ex that is the setup they gave me. i couldnt get enough actuation with the spacer where you have it. i think it needs more fluid. the thing blew fluid on the first three puls so i know it is low. 2 questions. 1 is that a tie tie and 2 how much did you pay for the braided line and where did you get it. I guess i am going to have to go to the ktm dealer and get magura fluid. thanks for the picture. oh yah you havent had any issues with the spacer rubbing on the rubber seal?

#1 Yes it is a zip tie. I have it very loose.

#2 I think the braided line was about $60. IT is a must, don't even play with the plastic line. You can order them from Magura or any parts dealer. I got mine from Magura. They know the correct length. The dealer will ask you how long you need it or it will be cut to length. Stick with Magura.

My 2 cents

09-15-2007, 03:23 PM
well i got the magura blood. wish i would have known it was trans fluid. anyway i need to know how to blead this thing. I got a syringe and a clear tube. just dont have the know how. i will assume that it is a reverse blead job (up thrugh the slave cyl ) because of the syringe but asumption as we know is the mother of all f ups. any help would be great becuase magura has not replied to my e-mail and it has been a few days. thanks.

09-15-2007, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Forest
well i got the magura blood. wish i would have known it was trans fluid. anyway i need to know how to blead this thing. I got a syringe and a clear tube. just dont have the know how. i will assume that it is a reverse blead job (up thrugh the slave cyl ) because of the syringe but asumption as we know is the mother of all f ups. any help would be great becuase magura has not replied to my e-mail and it has been a few days. thanks.

All I have ever done is gravity bleed. I fill the top master full and open the bottom bleeder, when you get a good amount of fluid coming out close the bleeder. Pump it up a few times and should be good. Just make sure the master stays full with fluid. One thing Magura says to do is fill the slave full of fluid before you screw on the line and then gravity bleed. Good luck :D

09-16-2007, 05:54 PM
I tried to pressure blead and gravity bleed. I just cant get enough actuation. I pull the lever and it puls my clutch about half way. I am calling rocky mountain tomarrow. this thin is going back. I was going to take it to the ktm dealer but i already paid 200 bucks for this thing. it should work right out of th box. thanks for all the help. i will keep you updated when my new one comes in from rocky mountain mc.

09-17-2007, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Forest
I tried to pressure blead and gravity bleed. I just cant get enough actuation. I pull the lever and it puls my clutch about half way. I am calling rocky mountain tomarrow. this thin is going back. I was going to take it to the ktm dealer but i already paid 200 bucks for this thing. it should work right out of th box. thanks for all the help. i will keep you updated when my new one comes in from rocky mountain mc.

When you say not enough actuation, is your clutch lever at the bars not pulling all the way back to the grip? If this is the case you need to space the slave more away from the bracket. The slave at normal state needs to be pulled all the way out. If the slave is not pulled all the way out the lever at the grip will not pull 100%.

Trust me it can be a pain but once you get it working you will love it.

Good luck.

09-17-2007, 06:36 PM
no this is not the case. I pull the lever all the way to the grip and the slave only moves the clutch arm about half way. I put in the spacer to move the slave back and it doesnt allow the clutch arm to release all the way and it still doesnt actuate the clutch compleatley when pulled. it just doesnt work.