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DGR Designs
10-30-2002, 03:28 PM
any tips on hand to hand combat? some guy called my girl a ho and i'm not takin the first swing after he swings i wanna drop him like the deer i shot last year. how is it done? he has to be alive so i can get some money outta him afterwards tho.

10-30-2002, 03:34 PM
Go for the balls that will drop him really quick :D

10-30-2002, 03:34 PM
:huh :huh :huh

DGR Designs
10-30-2002, 03:37 PM
well the nuts were a last result but motice the tpic was hand to hand? not foot to nut?

10-30-2002, 03:42 PM
My bad :devil

10-30-2002, 03:43 PM
watch the movie the new guy
and practice the tiger claw technique

10-30-2002, 03:44 PM
use your back, and head-butt him, you must put your back into it.

jay's 300
10-30-2002, 03:49 PM
I know it's not hand to hand but the bottom of a shoe stomped into the side of a knee will definately drop them w/ the quickness! :devil or just a strong jab to the nose will prolly put him on his *****, atleast he won't see the foot coming! :devil

10-30-2002, 03:54 PM
Come on man, dont you watch UFC? Use those elbows, theyll knock his ***** cold for a few hours!

10-30-2002, 03:57 PM
is he bigger then u if he is then it makes it harder if ur bigger just sit on him if your smaller well run to the nearest baseball bat

DGR Designs
10-30-2002, 04:01 PM
well hes shorter and a bit stronger but i have a really hard punch when i am mad like the kind that makes a THWACK noise when it hits

10-30-2002, 04:03 PM
punch him till hes out of it then throw him on the ground and make it hurt when he wakes up!

10-30-2002, 04:50 PM
go to kazaa.com and download the program (if you dont have it) then download "high school fight" fight like that guy (takes on 4 guys...its bad) anyways, if you really wanna fight him, you can take on almost anyone if you really want to...fight him, show some passion, have a big friend show up with you :)

10-30-2002, 05:00 PM
alls if got to say is, hit in the face, it prob wont take him down, if u are weak or something

10-30-2002, 05:05 PM
yeah just go for his face, punch him as hard as you can in the face

10-30-2002, 06:26 PM
HAHAAHAHAHAA............This has got to be the funniest post I have ever read...........Im speechless.:huh :huh :huh :huh :huh :huh :huh

10-30-2002, 06:28 PM

10-30-2002, 06:34 PM
roflmfao!!!!!!!!!! that was good kenny!!!!!

Team Outlaw #34
10-30-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by 400ex127

LMAO! which one is you kenny?

10-30-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by 400EX KID #1

LMAO! which one is you kenny?

probly the one with no balls!:eek: jk

10-30-2002, 06:47 PM
HAHA......ya dumbasses im the one with the camera....lmao!!!:D

10-30-2002, 06:47 PM
Dont hit him in the balls unless you can get a square hit directly at "them". If you miss a lil it just pisses the other person even more and then your screwed.

10-30-2002, 06:58 PM
That fight movie was crazy!!!!

rotflmfao those 4 guys were scared of just 1 guy lol...

1)aim for chest, face.
2)kick for knee's, thighs.
3)knee for gut
4)block with 1 hand
5)dont just do 1 punch and think theyre going down, after you hit them once theyre stunned for 2 seconds, after that you just keep going like a combo on a video game (punch punch elbow knee kick punch)



see how scared those 4 guys were :huh

thats just sad

10-30-2002, 07:02 PM
ummm masta....thats just wrong. Killing someone is completely different from beating the **** out of them!!!!:mad:

10-30-2002, 07:04 PM
punch him in the jaw:devil

Team Outlaw #34
10-30-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by 400ex127
HAHA......ya dumbasses im the one with the camera....lmao!!!:D


Team Outlaw #34
10-30-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by 400ex127
HAHA......ya dumbasses im the one with the camera....lmao!!!:D


10-30-2002, 07:09 PM
MastaofDisasta, very funny, and informative... You know your body very well...

Well, if there is any smack being talked, say ths " I dont like your tone of voice, and if you dont say ***** the way I like it, I am gonna stab you in the face with a sottering iron" I am not sure what a "sottering" iron is, but on Joe Dirt, it sounded cool... If he try's to say ne thing, and espically if he rolls his head back trying to make fun of you... Punch him right dead in the throat...After the throat punch, you should be in command, and if you have any fighting skill, give him a upper cut, then a hook, then keep going at the face until he stands upright, then go for those kidneys and stomach... If you are going for the stomach nake sure you hit him right underneath the rib cage in the middle, guaranteed to knock the wind outta ne body... After that, he should be on the ground, then just start kicking at his face and body, which ever is not protected, if he balls up, kick him in the back, it will hurt alot...

Now, it sounds like mastaofdisasta knows what he's talking about, but I have been in too many scuffels to not know how to fight, plus I took karate (white belt yellow stripe) and I took some boxing lessons... If you wanna know some good "outta the box" kick's PM me... Or please, PM me before you fight him, I will set you up right..:D :cool:

10-30-2002, 07:12 PM
punch him in the jaw.
and break your hand!!

10-30-2002, 07:17 PM
Guys, if you found your replies to be deleted it's because you were offering advice on how to kill someone and that's something we can't allow on here. If you want to talk about fighting that's fine but you can't be offering advice on how to kill someone.

10-30-2002, 07:18 PM
That is why i said, You should perform these with full force, but it got deleted or somthing...I guess it was some bad information to give out anyways...

Sorry about that..

10-30-2002, 07:21 PM
dam....what my post said was basically get him in submission and break bones thats pretty fun....and it ended with killing advice but ill edit it out for guy :blah

10-30-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Guy432
Guys, if you found your replies to be deleted it's because you were offering advice on how to kill someone and that's something we can't allow on here. If you want to talk about fighting that's fine but you can't be offering advice on how to kill someone.

Thats true and understandabel, but I still like hearing advice on how to hurt your worst enemy, dont you??? j/k

10-30-2002, 07:36 PM
Why in the world would you let someone take the first swing? Dont you know action is faster than reaction?

Here is a simple test to prove my point. You and a buddy stand apart about arms length facing each other. Both of you put your arms up like you are going to throw a punch. Now one of you is the puncher and the other is the puchee. The puncher makes a move to slap you in the ears. I bet ya he hits your ears before you can block it....

Moral of the story.. If you are going to take the time out of your busy day to fight, Dont go in there to lose. Throw the first and last punch..:)

10-30-2002, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by yellowex01
Why in the world would you let someone take the first swing? Dont you know action is faster than reaction?

Here is a simple test to prove my point. You and a buddy stand apart about arms length facing each other. Both of you put your arms up like you are going to throw a punch. Now one of you is the puncher and the other is the puchee. The puncher makes a move to slap you in the ears. I bet ya he hits your ears before you can block it....

Moral of the story.. If you are going to take the time out of your busy day to fight, Dont go in there to lose. Throw the first and last punch..:)

Actually that isnt True, When in Fighting Stance, the distance to block a punch is smaller then to actually hit the person. I really matters or reaction time too..

DGR Designs
10-30-2002, 07:43 PM
well i have no better desire to throw the first one! but the fact is the big tough guy (little *****) would charge me for assault. phooey! oh well i can take it i have taken worse

10-30-2002, 07:46 PM
i'm not takin the first swing after he swings i wanna drop him like the deer i shot last year.

Listen dude, it is always better to hit him first. Anyway, if he is short and stocky this is how I'd play it. Short stocky guys usually try to bumrush you and then overpower you. If he rushes you high, plant your left foot and drive a right foot kick directly into his midsection(none of that fake karate movie bs), his momentum coming at you will work against him. Remember the power of a kick comes from your plant foot. If he comes at you low, trying to grab your midsection(very likely) drop your elbow into his spine then grab his head and fall straight down. As long as you control his head the body will follow, trust me. Now while he is stunned get up fast and start kicking him till he can take no more, then give him another one so he doesn't get any ideas about trying you again next week, LOL.

10-30-2002, 07:49 PM
You've also got to take a step back and look at why you even want to fight in the first place. You want to fight some kid because he called your girlfriend a ho...big deal. You're in high school still and I can tell you that it's going to happen more often than just this time. If you fight everyone that ever says something bad about you your're in for a miserable life. Sometimes it's just better to say "ok dude" and walk away. Life is going to present you with many potential confrontations. The question you have to ask yourself is which hill do you want to die on?

10-30-2002, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Guy432
You've also got to take a step back and look at why you even want to fight in the first place. You want to fight some kid because he called your girlfriend a ho...big deal. You're in high school still and I can tell you that it's going to happen more often than just this time. If you fight everyone that ever says something bad about you your're in for a miserable life. Sometimes it's just better to say "ok dude" and walk away. Life is going to present you with many potential confrontations. The question you have to ask yourself is which hill do you want to die on?

So True

DGR Designs
10-30-2002, 07:55 PM
hhhhmmmm.... good point guy432.... interesting! but keep the tips comin' it's all helpfull info incase you get into something!
by the way, i really wanna fight this guy becuz hes a big talker and i want to prove to the world that he's just that a talker and when things come down to the crap on the ground life is a mess

10-30-2002, 07:58 PM
If someone called my girl a ho, I'd reply, "Yeah! But she's my ho!"

10-30-2002, 08:00 PM
Masta, get a buddy and try it.. When I went through the academy that was one of our spo's. If someone is to close to you,( say an arms length) you cant block it.. I am not talking about a boxing match, where they arent that close. Why do you think cops and such dont want you invading there space, to hard to defend if someones throws a sucker punch..

Team Outlaw #34
10-30-2002, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
If someone called my girl a ho, I'd reply, "Yeah! But she's my ho!"


10-30-2002, 08:08 PM
If he called your ol' lady a HO, maybe he knows something you don't. Maybe you should dump her, pat him on the back, and say "thanks dude", and go find another HO.

Broads simply aren't worth fighting for. On the other hand, call my dog a name, and we'll surely be trading bloody noses.

10-30-2002, 08:10 PM
in school i punched a kid in the face and when he fell i superbowl kick him in the face..works great(had to get plastic surgrey)and he wanted to fight me HAHA

10-30-2002, 08:27 PM
Guy and jabber are right on this one

10-30-2002, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
If someone called my girl a ho, I'd reply, "Yeah! But she's my ho!"
LOL you got the funniest coments.

10-30-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Guy432
You've also got to take a step back and look at why you even want to fight in the first place. You want to fight some kid because he called your girlfriend a ho...big deal. You're in high school still and I can tell you that it's going to happen more often than just this time. If you fight everyone that ever says something bad about you your're in for a miserable life. Sometimes it's just better to say "ok dude" and walk away. Life is going to present you with many potential confrontations. The question you have to ask yourself is which hill do you want to die on?
I agree with him.
Violence dont solve anything most of the time.
He is probably right about not fighting. I mean he might go phsyco and sue you and if worse comes to worse he could end up gettin a gun and shooting you. Id just walk away. You never know what will happen after that if you fight.

10-30-2002, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by yellowex01
Masta, get a buddy and try it.. When I went through the academy that was one of our spo's. If someone is to close to you,( say an arms length) you cant block it.. I am not talking about a boxing match, where they arent that close. Why do you think cops and such dont want you invading there space, to hard to defend if someones throws a sucker punch..

i am in Karate i try it all the time...

10-30-2002, 08:47 PM
Dude, when we go ridin i will teach u how to fight ok.
You can practice on Franky.:devil

Just run in swingin, Don't stop till he is on the ground or you can't swing anymore haha.

10-30-2002, 09:19 PM
you guys ever seen the ridin movie called total chaos? in that movie brian deegan shows every1 the best fighting move ever. you go up to the guy and first thing you fake him out then spin around really quick and jack him in the face. if you see the movie you'll know what i'm talkin about.

10-30-2002, 09:23 PM
roost maker, where in canada are you from? just curious cause i bet it ain't from spryfield.:devil

10-30-2002, 09:29 PM
I say stick wiht the cat method.. but you cant miss like the cat did:rolleyes: ... and also dont hit him form behind, shows fear

10-30-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Juggalo
you guys ever seen the ridin movie called total chaos? in that movie brian deegan shows every1 the best fighting move ever. you go up to the guy and first thing you fake him out then spin around really quick and jack him in the face. if you see the movie you'll know what i'm talkin about.

Yep i have that movie. Great move. If i get in a fight i would use it, I mean self defense is a must.

10-30-2002, 09:40 PM
Yeah man You do gotta worry bout gettin charged man, it seems now-a-days any little punk can get away with runnin his mouth, My friend was almost charged about a month ago for bangin out some guy that was mouthin off to him.

10-30-2002, 09:41 PM
all you need to do is throw an upper cut and catch the bottom of his nose...not too hard though...that might really...hurt... Not to kill him but to stab him with a spoon would really hurt too!!

Hey GOOD LUCK dude!! lmao


10-30-2002, 09:46 PM
well....if you were gonna hit him....you had yer chance....but you didnt....so get over it. if you have doubts on your abilty to fight.,...then dont....you'll get yer arse handed to you along with your teeth.

lil advice to people who talk smack......talk is just that....no one worries about a fella runnin his gums.....its the lil quiet guy ya gotta watch for;)

10-30-2002, 09:50 PM
1st off, you can be taught how to fight, but it only goes so far, and 2nd... does this guy have alot of friends? because i know around here if you fight 1 person, your fightin ALL their friends, and that usually ends up, you vs. your whole school, or a kid from another school would make you vs. their whole school.. its bullCHIT! around here, you fight 1 person, be ready to take on at least 3.. i mean it also, you all can come up to EVILLE indiana, and see for yourself.... i will say, karate can help you, or SEVERLY get you hurt, i know people that have tried to say "i know karate, so back up" an they have gotten WHOOPED by normal people, dont think your automatically gonna win, ive seen every situation that was 'predictable' go the other way, because of a block, or because of a mis-thrown punch.... The best thing ive ever seen was one of my friends fighting this group of like 10 people, he was taking them 1 on 1, but after the 6th guy, he told the 7th that it was gonna be quick, well he threw a punch at the 7th guy, an saw how he was gonna block, an then threw a MAJOR punch, an it hit the kids block, and the other kids hand knocked *himself* out, it was some hilarious STUFF.. i was ROLLIN on the GROUND!!!!.... just be smart, an be prepared for the worst...


ps- kenny, yes people refer to me as the "quiet" & "crazy" type, he he he , so i know what you mean, and that is true.... most Jocks cant fight...... facts are facts.... watch out for the 'ghetto' people, because they may not be GOOD at fighting the 1st time, but they are around the stuff 24/7... an dont worry about gothic people, they just TALK.....

i just noticed my post count is 187, and that is the police scanner code for HOMICIDE.... uhhh ohH!!! lol... this could be tellin you sumtin!!!.... but seriously, be smart, and try to resolve it everyother way possible, but if it comes down to it.... beat his arse!

10-30-2002, 09:57 PM
maybe you should forget it, from what your askin , you can't fight, and it would suck picking your teeth out of your arse wit a broken arm.:p

10-30-2002, 10:04 PM
your biggest advantage over him would be fear, if your not afraid to get hit you'll do good. tha and hit him in the nose, it will give you some time to get a couple good shots in. gettin hit in the nose messes with your eyes for a couple sec. don't just throw once back back down. if hes blocking you he can't throw back. this whole summer I hung out with a group of people who got in fights every night. no matter who how many or how bigs. Afew of them just didn't care, so they were never beat. If you confront him without being nervous or with no thoughts of losing more than likelythere won't be a fight anyway

10-30-2002, 10:10 PM
wow that sucked, I tried to type it too fast

10-30-2002, 10:31 PM
im gonna chime on this...i use to teach martial arts, compete in martial arts...ect...

Why fight over a verbal attack?? think about what you could lose in the long run...
Sure confront him about it..show him you arent afraid...explain your view...If he's a punk and wants to fight...let him act first...
Counter attack is always the best option..mainly due to the fact that if authorities are brought in you just defended yourself...
Im not gonna list all the places that he may be vulnerable in a fight because thats stupid...you never know the outcome until its over...do not do something stupid and try to kill him...mainly..thats murder..or attempted....and secondly..wtf??

If he tries to put his hands on you or your woman...then kick his teeth in...While he is runnin his peter slappers all he is doing is showing how ignorant he is....

10-31-2002, 05:54 AM
if it ends up that your gonna have to start throwin pnches....don't use punches. and open hand straight into the face hurts 3 times worse. because it's more solid...i took karate all my life, then got my black and quit.

make sure not to hit hius throat, or nose. hitting his nose with the open hand (palm heel they call it) can jam his nose into his brain=death....hitting his throat can collaps his hindpipe...

its best not to have to fight man. sometimes it's best to just try to forget about it. good luck

10-31-2002, 06:28 AM
If i HAD to fight, i would go buckwild on his ***** and never stop swingin or kickin untill about 10 guys pull me off.

10-31-2002, 06:44 AM
Times sure have changed, all this planning a fight and dont even know how to defend yourself...If you wanted to stand up for your girl you should have already done so when the verbal attack took place. To wait and go home and plan a fight and come to EXriders to ask how to fight just sounds stupid to me.. In my day when confronted you settled it right then and there.. Of course you did not have to think about being sued..

So in short i dont think you really want to fight this guy you just feel like you have to to save face with the girlfriend because she was insulted.. If she wants you to fight this guy because of this then she is not worth it.. If she cared about you she wouldnt want you to get hurt..

Think about what your doing before you do something you will regret

10-31-2002, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by MSL
Times sure have changed, all this planning a fight and dont even know how to defend yourself...If you wanted to stand up for your girl you should have already done so when the verbal attack took place. To wait and go home and plan a fight and come to EXriders to ask how to fight just sounds stupid to me.. In my day when confronted you settled it right then and there.. Of course you did not have to think about being sued..

So in short i dont think you really want to fight this guy you just feel like you have to to save face with the girlfriend because she was insulted.. If she wants you to fight this guy because of this then she is not worth it.. If she cared about you she wouldnt want you to get hurt..

Think about what your doing before you do something you will regret
yea id give it some thought first.

10-31-2002, 08:59 AM
fighting doesnt prove anything, sure it is unavoidable some times but i try to avoid it if at all possible. its not like it used to be, now you fight and its the law and everybody and their brother involved. but if you gotta fight, fight to win :macho

upstate rider
10-31-2002, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Guy432
You've also got to take a step back and look at why you even want to fight in the first place. You want to fight some kid because he called your girlfriend a ho...big deal. You're in high school still and I can tell you that it's going to happen more often than just this time. If you fight everyone that ever says something bad about you your're in for a miserable life. Sometimes it's just better to say "ok dude" and walk away. Life is going to present you with many potential confrontations. The question you have to ask yourself is which hill do you want to die on? Guy is right sometimes it takes a bigger man to walk away

10-31-2002, 05:23 PM
Not to flame ya NTP but I dont think you can send someones nose into their brain.. I dont think it is possible, know matter how hard you hit them.. I think your nose is just cartilage and would just shatter when hit. Look at all the people in auto recks that have their noses and face busted up and it doesnt go into their brain.. Just my Opinion..

10-31-2002, 06:12 PM
ok well all of you that said "jus walk away" i agree, if it was that easy it would be, but now days, the dumb little punks run around tellin everyone and their brother about how they "punked" you... an how you were scared... no matter if you were or werent, then they decide to start slowly 'runnin' over you... an if you just SETTLE it the 1st time, without any hesitation... infront of everyone... it will be over.... and yes you can send someones nose into their brain..... but all that would do is kill him, if i was that mad at someone... i would take a knife an slice through his Ceolom *body cavity* just below the gut, and watch all his internal organs fall out... JMO....just watch out.....


10-31-2002, 06:19 PM
all i gotta say is you are just about gonna have to throw the first punch.. this way you can get a jump on him and you can keep socking him in his nose( hitting him there will make his nose bleed and his eyes water real bad) i have a friend that is a cop and he said if someone is comming at you agressivly while in your bubble you are allowed to box kick to self defend yourself
( there is a protection bubble you have you stick your arms out and that is you little bubble)

10-31-2002, 06:25 PM
How about we all just stop talking about this fighting crap. If you have the overwhelming desire to go fight someone than just do it. Asking advice here is almost pointless cause nearly everyone is going to tell you how tough they are and what their right way of doing things is. If having your girlfriend being called a ho is worth it than just go fight him. I don't think we really need to discuss this anymore.

10-31-2002, 06:38 PM
Actually you know what, too make youself look good too, and bloodless, just yell in his face really close and if he reacts by hitting you, you get ur chance becuase it's "self defense" so you will not get into trouble nah what I mean?

2K1 300EX
10-31-2002, 06:46 PM
My opinion is if you are asking people on a website how to fight, then you don't need to fight the guy(no flame) but who doesn't like a good fight every-now-and then? Let him throw the first punch(suing reasons)but be ready to knock the $hit out of him after the first punch and once you hit him in the face don't slack up til he is on the ground and you are on top of him and he yelling quit.

Bring some friends in case he brings friends, some people fight 1 on 1 others bring a group(in case they get beat). Even if he gets the best of you, everyone takesor has taken an ***** whippin' .

10-31-2002, 06:51 PM
Remeber the term violence never solves anything just remmber that

10-31-2002, 07:26 PM
no violence is the only way to fix some stuff sometimes. not ussaly but sometimes, special in highschool. ussaly if someone is talking **** to me or one of my friends i can either A make them look stupid, B make everyone laugh at them. in highschool or arround people with highschool mentalitys you can get out of it by talking. if you can make everyone think he's a dumb **** or make people laugh at them they'll loose the will to fight you. because then they're doubting they can win, then they'll look even dumber when they get their *** beat. real mental thing.

but if it comes down to fists you need to realize if you pull a nut shot or a throat shot, anything cheap more than likely the guy's gonna do the same thing if you don't take him out of commision. or even worse it could piss him off enough to pull a knife or some other weapon. but if it comes down to fists try to beat his *** with out being cheap, but if all else fails no one is going to take a shot to the throat or nuts. think it over before you do it though.

10-31-2002, 08:55 PM
Didnt you guys hear Guy? Drop it, if the guy wants to fight then so be it, if not, the so be it. If you want to learn how to fight then go take a boxing class or something. What good is it if you have a bunch of people telling you to do diferent things?

11-01-2002, 04:41 AM
wow guess ill chime in here since i dont agree with any of the post. cept the ones that say its better off not fighting. but if you must... make sure you dont back up. its alot easier for someone to get you down if your going backwards. and dont waste your time kicking. youll just end up under him when you get on one foot and lose your balance. all the movies make kicking look cool but it will just get you hurt if you dont know what your doing. you need to get the first punch in. a hard jab with your strong arm will do the trick. you need to hit him hard enough to stun him and maybe back him up a bit so he will lose some balance. next go for his legs. reach down and pick his legs up as high and as hard as you can. make sure you dont mess that part up or it could get rough. then he should fall flat on his back and get the wind knocked out of him. next get on your knees on his shoulders as quick as you can. after that 4 or 5 punches in the face should be enough to teach a lesson and at the same time not injure him so bad. if you do this quickly and correctly its an easy win for you. this i guess could be considered a cheap shot but its better to win like this than to get your *** beat. good luck.

11-01-2002, 07:57 AM
Whats the next step to this ignorance, maybe you could write all the martial arts mags and ask for advise on fixing you quad. Dumbarse.

I don't think we really need to discuss this anymore. Amen

11-01-2002, 09:00 AM
Not to flame ya NTP but I dont think you can send someones nose into their brain.. I dont think it is possible, know matter how hard you hit them.. I think your nose is just cartilage and would just shatter when hit. Look at all the people in auto recks that have their noses and face busted up and it doesnt go into their brain.. Just my Opinion..

well man, actually this is very true...dont try it!

11-01-2002, 09:38 AM
i say just spank the beaver:eek:

DGR Designs
11-01-2002, 02:32 PM
well! here it is it happened today and he started it and i punched him in the cheekbone and fubbed up my hand a bit but i won and he is the laughing stock of the school. but i got a 5 day vacation tho. oh well! time to go ridin' the EX! i still have my throttle thumb and clutch hand!

11-01-2002, 02:39 PM
So you got him good?! LoL...good job! :devil

11-01-2002, 03:51 PM
hmph, i was waitin to see what happened. by the way how old are you.

DGR Designs
11-01-2002, 04:30 PM
i am 15 by the way 6"2' 155lbs and i have a farmers temper!
(never underestimate an angry farmer lmao!)

11-01-2002, 11:37 PM
did ya spank the beaver?

DGR Designs
11-02-2002, 06:28 AM
lmao nice signature castor!:D and no i did not spank the beaver lmao. later guyz!

racin 400
11-02-2002, 08:55 AM
Knee him in the thigh then trip him back wards the kick him in the kidnees a few times.

11-02-2002, 09:00 AM
This thread has gone on long enough....