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View Full Version : Cardiostack...need info...

09-09-2007, 02:52 PM
Ive been checking into supplements for running lately.

I run cross country at my school, and this stuff looks like it would binefit me on a 5k run. My question to you all is: "does it actually work"? This stuff isnt cheap, and I dont want to waste the 20 bucks on a bottle of junk pills, when I could do somethign better with it.

If it really works, then I wouldnt have a problem buying and using it. Im alrady taking a plethora of Vitamins everyday. So far i can run about 1 mile and a half at 80% effort. Regionals are in november, and id like be where I can run 3.2 miles at a dead sprint if at all possible. Im motivated, have a good mentality and love running, I just need an extra boost sometimes.

Any feedback on this stuff would be appreciated. I also looked into creatine, but decided against it. As it would make my muscles more full of water, meaning less dehydration, but also heavier meaning more fatigue.
