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View Full Version : Buying Tires Need Suggestions Please

09-08-2007, 04:26 PM
iRAZR, RAZR or RAZR 2???????
Just got some new set of Hiper tech Wheels
I need some new tires i am goin 22 7 10 fronts & 20 11 9 rears

Now i need help on tires
I like the Razr & Razr2
Razr 2 looks too agressive
I Realy like the plain Razr
Need Suggestions Please Razr or Razr2

I am going to to ride on rocky desert (THE BAJA DESERT), dirt, , street and pavements roads

someone told me that the hd's & razr 2 are hard to slide them on the turns that the quad can be easy tip over while turning
beacause has too much side bite on the tires
Its that true??

Why racer use Razr 2 fronts & Razr 1 rears combo

Please help me
THANKS in advance to everybody

09-08-2007, 05:21 PM
i just bought some razrs for the rear of my bike and i love them, they grip just the right amount. they also slide good in the corners. i also heard the razr 2's did not slid well. any way, racers use the razr 2 in the front because it has awesome traction and will let you steer precisly they use razrs in the rear because they slide and grip good.

09-09-2007, 06:21 PM
the 2's on the back will bit too much and push in the corners. my sug. 2's in the front razr's in the rear

09-09-2007, 06:34 PM
having a hard time to decide Razr or Razr2

09-10-2007, 09:33 AM
Not for nuthin but, I really like my iRAZR's

09-10-2007, 03:46 PM
Thanks guys I order RAZR this morning