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View Full Version : First Wreck!

09-03-2007, 01:00 AM
i know its late but i just got in my first wreck:( i was doing about 50 and went over a 4 way highway and no body was coming... well it was to fast and my back end came up. I didn't think any think was bad at first but i got about 50 feet down the road and it was rubbing and the hood was smoking..
well i pulled over (two friends in the back) and my bed is out of wack my lights came un clamped and i busted the radiator . i called my dad and to my surprise he wasn't mad just happy every one was ok. where taking it to the shop Tuesday because we think the front shock failed.
Any ways im ok and my friends are there was no (drugs, alcohol,etc involved. and i now have learned my lesson ill have pics tomorrow and what not.. well thought id let every one know

09-03-2007, 09:21 AM
that sucks!! just be thankful when the shock failed it didnt send you out of control into anything!

09-03-2007, 09:57 AM
How did you learn your lesson if it wasn't your fault? Don't put yourself down, accidents happen... =p

Sorry to hear...