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View Full Version : What cool things do you guys have planned for your shop class?

08-29-2007, 09:06 PM
My Ag. Mechanics 2 class is gonna build like 6 lawn mowers to race lol and drag race them in the school parking lot and take them to races and stuff. It should be really cool and fun. what cool things have or are you planning on doing in your shop class or whatever

08-29-2007, 09:22 PM
I'm taking small engines, Auto's and Metals.

08-30-2007, 02:53 PM
I take wood shop; I'm a framer so it works, we built and made so many things. We built two 100+ feet sheds, about 6 regular sized sheds, a concession stand for our football games, an platform above the auto's room ceiling (its still in the school but the room don't go up to the ceiling, its hard to describe) and a lot of funiture. Thats just getting started. In my job, I just started over the summer and had to return to my old job when school started, we built a addtion that was about 45'x30' with a wrap around deck and we built a beautiful screen in porch and a deck.

08-30-2007, 03:50 PM
wiring up more projects in electrical shop. nothing special.