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View Full Version : neighbors house was broken into

08-29-2007, 06:27 PM
well this was real weird.

ill start off last night:
last night my neighbors called my dad and told them to take in the newspaper for the week because they are going away for a trip to visit their grandchildren so of course we said no problem.

so earlier today:
im riding and stuff like that out on my trails and i get back, im cleaning my quad and i see the back door to my neighbors pathfinder was open but i figured oh maybe they didnt leave yet. So i go to start up the hose to get off some dirt and i swear to god (and im not just saying this) but i swear that i heard the rear door of my house (sliding screen door) close, but i was like nah i woulda heard something else i think...

so about 4 hours ago:
my friend picks me up and we go to the girls soccer scrimmage for fun.

get back at about 530 with my mom:
i think i see a cop car up in the neighbors driveway (3 of our houses share a road, i know, badass) so as we go down our driveway im like WOW...3 cop cars. WEIRDDD)

so anyways, i hop on my quad and drove up there and the cops heard me and came out and asked me a whole bunch of questions...
the rear door was open to the pathfinder and the front door was unlocked and opened...

i was like wow wtf so i go check out the house and the only thing i find suspicious is that the basement lights dont turn on, so i go to turn on the lamp and the lightbulb is out of the socket...:confused: wtf? lol

so anyways we talked and they called in to the headquaters that its "all cleared"

so the 1 cop is like. hey man thats a 300 yea? i was like yea man and he starts to check it out and hes like, dude thats pretty nice i said thanks.

he went down my neighbors driveway and came down to mine to talk to mine and checked out my new bike. he got out of his car and checked out my new CR and hes like dam man that is a nice bike. and we talked and he told me he used to race and hes like dude we should ride sometime.

haha. anyways...its cool to see that a cop is real chill. maybe we'll ride together :p

tl;dr: neighbors house was broken into and the cop checked out my bikes and now he wants to ride with me


08-29-2007, 10:03 PM
Awww I read all that and nobody got shot, buzz kill. But on the lighter side of things, looks like you got a new riding buddy.;)

08-29-2007, 10:33 PM
where in nj do u live?

08-30-2007, 05:59 AM
long valley, nj