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View Full Version : Shifting Help Please!

08-29-2007, 03:31 PM
installed my 450r carb yesterday.
took it out today, wont go into 3rd gear.
if i do finally get it in, and jump on the throttle, theres no power, just revs. like its in neutral.
and then its hard to get into 4th.
installed a parking brake blockoff and new clutch lever at the same time as the carb, messed with the adjustment a little, but could it be that far off to cause such a problem in only 3rd gear?
thanks for any input

08-29-2007, 07:49 PM
sounds to me like a possible tranny problem. could be worn shift forks. worn or sheared gears.

does it feel like there is any clutch drag in 1st and 2nd?

08-29-2007, 08:37 PM
yea... sounds trans related. what are your riding habbits like? do you "slap" shift it without the clutch? you drag race it????

what you may want to do is look at your shift star.... see if you may have sheered some teeth off it and is just not keeping it in a gear. when you shift it from gear to gear, it should shift with a hard "click" then catch a gear. take your plug out, then shift into first, second, third and so on and see what happens. keep us posted.

08-29-2007, 09:18 PM
you say you replaced your clutch leaver maybe its not right make sure you have some cable play i belive that could be your problem

08-30-2007, 12:44 AM
i'm hoping its just something in the cable. im going to take it out tomorrow and mess with it.

i have a feeling its in the tranny though. lonerider, the star is in the trans, correct? and yes, i do ride it hard. very rarely shift without the clutch though, unless for one reason or another i'm riding with one hand, and thats usually only downshifting.

08-30-2007, 05:47 AM
its inside the cover... check the cable first and make sure its not that as -gotfear- stated.

i beleive the shift star is gonna be on the clutch side so yea, take the cover off and check it out. take a look at it and see if it has any damage to it at all. if it looks fine, have the rear of the bike off the ground and bump it back and forth into gears and see what the shift star does.... see if it has little, excessive or no movement at all and what not.

i hate to say it but if after checking the cable and the shift star out there's nothing wrong, its likely something inside the tranny like a shift fork, busted gears, etc.

08-30-2007, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by medicdude
i'm hoping its just something in the cable. im going to take it out tomorrow and mess with it.

i have a feeling its in the tranny though. lonerider, the star is in the trans, correct? and yes, i do ride it hard. very rarely shift without the clutch though, unless for one reason or another i'm riding with one hand, and thats usually only downshifting.

Not sure what the problem could be, but it's harder on the transmission when you downshift without the clutch rather than upshift.

08-30-2007, 10:08 AM
thanks lonerider, ill check that out sometime soon. probably next week. that sucks. damnit.

and yeah, scro, i read that after i posted that. wont be doing that anymore.

08-30-2007, 02:12 PM
so the cable was pretty tight. loosened it up and took it out today. runs like a charm. .aside from being lean still. looks like ill be going to a 210 main and maybe 52 pilot. eek.