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View Full Version : old vs. new..

08-28-2007, 01:40 PM
what do you think are the best? i personally like the old ones because ow they have no reverse and seem to be more "low -tech". also i belive the platics look better? what is your opinion on the topic? n e things u do not like about the news or old? what do you think is better?

08-28-2007, 01:51 PM
old style is my favorite and always was. When I was younger back in 1999 when they came out I said dad one day can you but this for me and he said maybe. Well I moved to Florida and bought a 250ex and then recently moved to a 400ex this year and the day I got it I just said wow, I have my dream quad. The stlyes 2004 and under are better looking in my opinin because they are deffined with 2 bug eyed lights and idk.

08-28-2007, 02:53 PM
I personally think the newer 450R style look is more me. I too fell in love with the 400EX the first time I saw one when I was a kid in the woods, and a guy came by with a yellow one. I was hooked, years later I was able to afford one and I love my 400EX a lot now. I bought a bad one but have spent a knot in making her the best I can. I really only came into 2 situations where I needed reverse, reverse isn't something that makes or breaks a sale with me. I think the 400EX is the best quad probably ever made. It is able to appeal to a **** load of enthusiasts, and is a good starter bike, and a good intermediate bike and if correctly built a strong racer. Pretty much it is a bike that is capable of growing with you as you become a better and more demanding rider.

08-28-2007, 03:02 PM

08-28-2007, 03:06 PM
I like the new ones they look sweet =p hopfully im upgrading from my 250 to a 400ex

08-28-2007, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by JDMThoughts
I personally think the newer 450R style look is more me. I too fell in love with the 400EX the first time I saw one when I was a kid in the woods, and a guy came by with a yellow one. I was hooked, years later I was able to afford one and I love my 400EX a lot now. I bought a bad one but have spent a knot in making her the best I can. I really only came into 2 situations where I needed reverse, reverse isn't something that makes or breaks a sale with me. I think the 400EX is the best quad probably ever made. It is able to appeal to a **** load of enthusiasts, and is a good starter bike, and a good intermediate bike and if correctly built a strong racer. Pretty much it is a bike that is capable of growing with you as you become a better and more demanding rider.

08-28-2007, 04:17 PM
Old school for me:cool:

08-28-2007, 08:28 PM
old school..... used to be a matter of who could build a better bike too. not who had the most money to send out their motor to. real bikes didnt have reverse, had 3 wheels, and didnt cost you 2x more then the truck you towed it out with. :D

i own a quad but i seem to get told i ride it like my old 3 wheeler.

08-28-2007, 09:35 PM
Im going with OLD SCHOOL. Somthing about the look that every one knows.

08-28-2007, 09:42 PM
I love both of them..

They both look cool. I could care less about if i have reverse or not, but i just happened to come across a great deal on an 05. at 1800, i couldnt go wrong.

I didnt like the new style at first, but it grew on me.:blah:

08-28-2007, 10:03 PM
2005 for 1800.00? Sweet score.. How did you get that screeming deal?

08-28-2007, 10:08 PM
Good friends w/ the guy. Also i dont really have a title for it, because the guy that bought it from honda isnt done paying it off, so it went through 2 people already. it should be fully paid for soon, then i'll het a title. I originally had a blaster, and as soo as i saw this deal, i jumped right at it, and glad i did. lol.

08-28-2007, 10:34 PM
old school 100%. that legendary look is what does it for me. couldnt care less about the reverse

08-28-2007, 10:35 PM
all mx'ed out- old syle is better. i think the old style ones all hooked up are the nicest looking quads along with the yfz. but stock i like the newer ones better

08-28-2007, 11:16 PM
Old school for sure... I had a poll a while back and 99-04 years smoked the new ones.

08-29-2007, 01:08 AM
i like the old style better. i bough mine new back in 2003 upgraded from a 250ex. i recently bough a beat 2002 400ex for 500 bucks and have been restoring it. but im ready to upgrade to a 450. i love the sound of efi

08-29-2007, 05:55 AM
old school just has that defined shape that you know its a 400ex. The new ones you look and can almost question if they are an 04-05 450r from farther away. Up close obviously you see the motor doesnt have fins if it was a 450r. But anyways the 2 lights on the older style just distinguish it from all other quads. OLD STYLE!

08-29-2007, 06:27 AM
for sure the older one.. love the lights on them.. when i buy new plastic.. im gona keep the lights.. I think the lights make it look like a fun quad to be on.. the newer ones all look the same.. newer ones look nice.. but the older ones have the best look..

reverse would be nice though :macho

08-29-2007, 08:13 AM
New is the way to go. Reverse and new look were sellers for me.

08-29-2007, 08:14 AM
old school for me.

08-29-2007, 09:17 AM
It's old school for me, But I like the look's of the new one's without the headlight and with a hood. Like Cody's MX'r. I would want a new one with yellow plastic and the same hood.


08-29-2007, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
what do you think are the best? i personally like the old ones because ow they have no reverse and seem to be more "low -tech". also i belive the platics look better? what is your opinion on the topic? n e things u do not like about the news or old? what do you think is better?

How about old with a new look???

Old Dirtbiker
08-29-2007, 02:09 PM
Old Style Here,

I prefer the old original style, I would agree that the newer versions of all quads look simular to each other.

Call me old school,

Kinda like cars, and Harleys
The manufactures find a popular style and everyone builds them to look the alike. Whats that about?