View Full Version : I am looking for a good suspension setup to replace the fronts in my banshee

08-26-2007, 08:46 AM
I blew them over a fairly large jump, i landed in the landing but my shocks sound squishy inside after i heard a bang, if ya know what i mean.

Well anyway I looked at the elkas and the ones i want are like 900 bucks

but i can get them here for cheaper

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Elka-Front-Piggyback-Shocks-Yamaha-Banshee-or-Blaster_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43974QQihZ002QQ itemZ120155013045QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

should i go with the elka, i need them for big jumps (mostly free-style and some GNCC type riding in trails, cuz where i live the cops have suped up 4X4's and will chase you thru the trails, and for some dune riding, so would the (sport, racing) version of the elka suspension be good>

I only talked about the elkas cuz i heard they own and i need some shocks, my spending limit is about 950 bucks, so if theres better for that Feel free to shout em out :D

08-26-2007, 11:55 AM
hey if you got the money for the elkas why not go with them. me myself got some works with rezzy's and i love them. havn't hit any big jumps like your talking about but elka's are top of the line and you should love them.
Good luck

what shocks did you have when u blew them out?

08-27-2007, 10:18 AM
Was using my stock ones, (from 1998) Just got my quad steup engine and performance wise, so i had to wait to get shocks and blew the stock ones by accident

08-29-2007, 05:31 AM
$950 spending limit.... does that include the rear or is this front only? The rear you can send to C&D for a rebuild/revalve setup and have it ride like an aftermarket... fronts you can not because they are not rebuildable. I know some guys use YFZ front stockers on their banshees, and it wouldn't surprise me to see that someone such as C&D can rebuild YFZ fronts to work perfectly on the banshee front end. I've tried elkas in the past and I think there are better options out there, but if you do decide to purchase them you will be very pleased. They are a great shock.

08-29-2007, 11:28 AM
Ok, my bro has a new 07 450 and maybe i can talk him into new shox and get his old ones :D , but ill prolly get the elkas cuz he dosent want to spend any other money besides a slip on a k7n box lid and some jets :/

Im glad to hear about being able to rebuild shocks, i will probbably have my rear rebuilt because its in good shape, but y not. and buy some elkas in the front

And could you tell me how to contace C&d or whoever it was for the shock rebuild?

08-29-2007, 04:06 PM