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View Full Version : wont start

08-22-2007, 05:05 PM
I went to start up my 300ex to go for a ride today and nothing. Headlights come one, nuetral light comes on, but not a sound when I hit the start button. Hooked it up to a slow charger and is reading 100% (fairly new battery). Any help in which direction to go would be appreciated.

08-22-2007, 05:27 PM
have someone pull u behind a truck have the swith on start, ride in 2nd gear then pop the clutch and see if it starts. if so then its prolly the starter that what my bros 400 was doin and it was the starter.

08-22-2007, 09:43 PM
I started checking electrical lines with a meter to make sure circuit was complete. After removing some electrical tape that was going into the starter switch I found some spliced wires that had come undone(previos owner). I reconnected by hand and it started right up. I'm getting some shrink wrap tomorrow to ensure that everything is snug and water tight. Thanks for the help though trx-330.