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View Full Version : tire rods????

08-22-2007, 12:58 PM
so i am replacing my currently bent tire rods (not sure if thats what they are called but its the two rods that attach to the staring stme on the bottom and than to the wheels to make them turn) with some old stock ones i have.
any special instruction? or shoudl i just bolt them in and thats it?

thnaks in advance

08-22-2007, 01:02 PM
To replace the tierods, just loosen the jam nuts, screw the tie rod from the tierod ends, and do the reverse to install. One side will be reverse thread.

Once you have them in you will have to align the front end, and you do this buy turning the tierod causing the front wheel to either toe in or toe out. Most people run about 1/8 inch toe in on each side.

And the next time it happens, it's alot easier on the wallet to just straighten it in a press.;)

08-27-2007, 08:26 AM
thank you for your help..
i understand it might be easier to straightne it in a press.. but not everyone has access to a press.. especially in NYC :)

i actually had a set os stockers sitting in the garage so i replaced them..

08-27-2007, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Scro
To replace the tierods, just loosen the jam nuts, screw the tie rod from the tierod ends, and do the reverse to install. One side will be reverse thread.

Once you have them in you will have to align the front end, and you do this buy turning the tierod causing the front wheel to either toe in or toe out. Most people run about 1/8 inch toe in on each side.

And the next time it happens, it's alot easier on the wallet to just straighten it in a press.;)

it may be cheaper for aftermarket a arms, but i have like 4 stock 450r tie rods laying around at all times...lol. You can never have too many tie rods.