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08-21-2007, 10:22 PM
I'm looking in upgrade my '96 CR125R to a 2006 CRF250 and I'm thinking should I move to a 450F?
I weigh 225lbs but I love the power of the 125 smoker and I think a 450 and a 250 smoker will have more power than I can handle.
I'm just curious to see if a '06 CRF250 will have enough power to pull my 225lbs around?

08-21-2007, 10:49 PM
I just went from an 02 kx125 to a heavily modded 03 crf450, Im 230 lbs btw. At first you will be slow, super slow may I say, and you will wish you had your 125 back, but after a while you appreciate the big bike, the less shifting, and clutching. go wit hthe 450 dont play around with the smaller bikes.

08-21-2007, 11:15 PM
yeah that big bike will be great for your size i say go for it. i am 218 and i dont ride bikes but the 450 quad hauls my fat *** around. so yeah go big or go home. haha just kidding

08-22-2007, 12:40 AM
i say just go ahead and get the 450 so you can have something to grow into later

08-22-2007, 12:59 AM
Im 5'11'' and 205lbs and i own a 2006 CRF250r. The bike hauls *** and is actually taller in height then the crf450.

But as for power i would say there is plenty there, it wants to wheeli in every gear. I also ride a TRX250R and the 250F will give me the same rush as the R, just not as spunky as the twostroke:cool:

a 450 would be a nice bike to, theres no such thing as to much power if you know how to ride and handle the machine. I say if you find a nice 450f buy it, other wise a 250f should be nice as well. All though a 450 would be somthing you could have and grow into and not have to worry about selling a 250 to get a 450....

hope this helps. if you have any questions on the 2006 CRF250r let me know!

08-22-2007, 01:34 AM
also think about this. Im 5'9 and about 175lbs. My boss that I used to work for is about 5'8 and about the same weight as me and he has a yz426 dirtbike and he rides the living hell out of it. He claims its great on power, so if I was you I wouldnt be worried about it being too much power or anything. Hell man, if my old boss could handle it, you sure can :cool:

08-22-2007, 05:54 AM
I don't ride bikes but friends do. The one kid has both a CRF250 and 450. He said he would rather ride the 250 anyday. Reason being: he has more fun on it because the 450 makes everything too easy. Riding the 250 provides more of a challenge than the 450. Keep in mind this is for woods/xc/hillclimbing.

08-22-2007, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by 54warrior
I don't ride bikes but friends do. The one kid has both a CRF250 and 450. He said he would rather ride the 250 anyday. Reason being: he has more fun on it because the 450 makes everything too easy. Riding the 250 provides more of a challenge than the 450. Keep in mind this is for woods/xc/hillclimbing.

That means that he isn't challenging himself on the 450. Basic stuff can be hard if you don't have the best sh*t. If you have the best crap then basics will be easy, but that means that it is time to move on to more advanced and fast riding.