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suck my pipe
10-28-2002, 01:14 AM
Let's hear all your quad related injury's!!!!!

:here's my worst, I went over the bars on my 400EX and caught my self onmy right arm bought 40mph snaped my arm compleatly in half skin holding it on, then the quad landed and drug over my body knocking me out and giving me a concushion and cuts up my back!! In a cast for two months two meatle rod's surgury twice! The doctor says i was as good as dead if i did'nt have my helmit on, please put them on it's for your own good, oh yeah one more thing it's ok to be stupid but at least check it out good before you jut go for it!!!!!! :devil

10-28-2002, 01:56 AM
i broke my weewee

but luckily i got a bionic replacement:devil

lets not forget about my left buttocks cheek...they fixed that with half a bag of "quickcrete"

I dislocated my nostril...luckily i only lost 3 nose hairs....(thank you god)

thats it

oh and a broke thumb....

10-28-2002, 03:01 AM
WFO in 5th pinned riding a wheelie...........went over backwards..........broke wrist and ankle and de-skinned most of my back and arms,couldnt stand not riding for 2 months so I wrapped my wrist w/ a weight training glove after 2 weeks and went for it slowly,now I have a bone-spur on my wrist.........let those breaks heal before you rail!!!trust me

also broke my tail-bone riding my cr......looped it off a double and landed square on my @$$

10-28-2002, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Castor-400ex
i broke my weewee

but luckily i got a bionic replacement:devil

lets not forget about my left buttocks cheek...they fixed that with half a bag of "quickcrete"

I dislocated my nostril...luckily i only lost 3 nose hairs....(thank you god)

thats it

oh and a broke thumb....

ROFLMFAO....good one. :D

Worst injury...ughh...scraped up my arm bad after rollin a quad, but one of my sister's skulls got fractured slightly. :o

10-28-2002, 06:23 AM
riding at night + no helmet + showing off + hitting a jump for the first time + 3rd gear = scraped face, damn near broke nose, ***ed up shoulder, skinned back, girl spent the night;) that the only good thing that came from that.

that was the first of august and my shoulder is still screwed.