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View Full Version : Third race

08-06-2007, 07:52 AM
Well, the DRR performed flawlessly yesterday.

The first race had Zachary hitting the gate on the first moto but did finish 5th (that's 2 races in a row hitting the gate)

Second race he was second on hole shot but then he spun out in a corner and then did it again on same corner to finish 5th again. (but he is running all out now)

Now for the exciting news. Cassidy got the hole shot in the first moto led almost the entire race but then overshot the same corner that Zachary spun out on. Finished second.

Second moto she got the HOLESHOT again ( I had a huge grin) Led all laps but on the final lap around a 180 corner they caught lap traffic she was bumped from behind and was spun out. She finished 5th for a 4th overall. She would of had first overall. She was upset but I and other parents congratulated her. She has improved by leaps and bounds

On a funny side note it was funny to listen to the other parents say "catch her"

Sorry so long , thanks for reading.

08-06-2007, 07:56 AM
GREAT JOB,It wont be long before those are 1st place finish's.

08-06-2007, 08:01 AM
you cant help but be proud when they start doing so well, great job to both your kids:D

08-06-2007, 08:51 PM
Great job!!!

These are the real stories that the outside world needs to read about and not just the one of kids getting injured.

ATVs and MX can provide memories that last a lifetime.

Your a great parent Darrell!!!

08-06-2007, 11:58 PM
thats awesome!

08-07-2007, 06:59 AM
darrell, I knew you could spin those wrenches , you have just been promoted to first class technician and #1 DAD all in the same day ! aint life great !

08-07-2007, 07:01 AM
congrats to z-man and princess !!