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08-05-2007, 02:20 PM
...unfortunately, it was me this time:scary:

08-05-2007, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Scro
...unfortunately, it was me this time:scary:

Oh man, is the frame bent or cracked beyond repair? Even more important question...are YOU alright? I don't know what hurts more, hitting the wall or seeing your quad in that kind of shape.

08-05-2007, 02:22 PM
I haven't been able to tear into it, but so far the subframe is trashed(broken into 4 separate pieces), the tabs on the frame where the subframe mount are broke off, plastic and grab bar are trashed. Mid-pipe on the Rossier is also pinched and FUBAR, I believe.

Luckily none of the suspension was damaged.

08-05-2007, 02:23 PM
Although I couldn't see what the quad was doing after I fell off, my buddies say it took a 15 foot fall directly on the grab bar:ermm:

08-05-2007, 02:24 PM
damn dustin, you are now forever labled "Quad Killer"

Which 450?
08-05-2007, 02:26 PM
you need to change ur subtitle now

08-05-2007, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
damn dustin, you are now forever labled "Quad Killer"

If it doesn't kill me first:mad:

Thankfully, the only thing wrong with me is a sprained ankle and slight limp:eek2: Not one scratch, which surprised the hell out me.

08-05-2007, 02:34 PM
The hill I was climbing, has never been attempted by a quad as far as we know. In this pic it's the hill to the right of the tree from the bottom. The face is a little more straight up, but the run is alot smoother.

I made it fine the first time, landing right on the edge, in the limiter:p. The second time, I didn't have near enough speed, and cased out on the edge. It was time to go flying then:cool: It felt like I was in the air forever.

I don't even want to think about what would happen, if I didn't have full gear on, especially boots.

08-05-2007, 02:35 PM
Here's a better pic.

08-05-2007, 02:37 PM
The guys that I was riding with have more pictures. I will post them when I recieve them. He said he has a pic of me reaching for the tree while I was sitting on the edge...should be a sweet owned pic...lol

08-05-2007, 03:13 PM
thats knarley, where is that at. glad your ok

08-05-2007, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by mod440ex
thats knarley, where is that at. glad your ok

Westpoint, TN...I thought my ankle was broke when it first happened, but after X-rays it was just a bad sprain.

08-05-2007, 03:19 PM
where you racing or just goofin

08-05-2007, 03:22 PM
id love to try that hill. ever since i seen it in huevos 4 ive wanted to try it. is it a hard place to find Scro? Im not too far from it i dont think.

btw glad u didnt get hurt. quads can always be replaced but ur life cant lol. im sure u already know that but it cant be said enough.

08-05-2007, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by mod440ex
where you racing or just goofin

We were just riding...it's been a hill I've wanted to hit for a long time. We spent all morning smoothing the face, and get both sides equal. If we hadn't, it probably would have thrown me into the tree. It throws you straight now, but the angle is not laid back enough to get you completely up to the flat.

08-05-2007, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by gncc025
id love to try that hill. ever since i seen it in huevos 4 ive wanted to try it. is it a hard place to find Scro? Im not too far from it i dont think.

btw glad u didnt get hurt. quads can always be replaced but ur life cant lol. im sure u already know that but it cant be said enough.

It is if you've never been there before. PM me, and we can meet up sometime.

08-05-2007, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Scro
If it doesn't kill me first:mad:

Thankfully, the only thing wrong with me is a sprained ankle and slight limp:eek2: Not one scratch, which surprised the hell out me.

amen on you NOT being hurt to bad. the quad can be brought back to life:pbut your to damn hairy for mouth to mouth:devil:

maybe when you get another quad together ill come down and shoot that hill

08-05-2007, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
amen on you NOT being hurt to bad. the quad can be brought back to life:pbut your to damn hairy for mouth to mouth:devil:

maybe when you get another quad together ill come down and shoot that hill

Oh yeah, she will be back together soon:devil: I still have the chrome subframe, mounted to the other frame I trashed...so no need to look for that.

The frame can be welded back up...so as far as I can tell, all I will need is a midpipe for the Rossier, set of plastics, and a few odd and end pieces/bolts.

08-05-2007, 03:49 PM
damn man thats insane... glad your ok though....

08-05-2007, 03:56 PM
yea i seen that on huevos 4 where one of the pros younger brothers climbed it, great pics and hope you get the r back running again

08-05-2007, 04:57 PM
that place is in tn ant it becouse it was in one of the huevos movie and all i got to say about your atv is DAMN

08-05-2007, 06:43 PM
I'm glad your ok. when did this happen?

08-05-2007, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by whoamack22
yea i seen that on huevos 4 where one of the pros younger brothers climbed it, great pics and hope you get the r back running again

thats a nasty hill! What do you think Eric i think ole Dustin would love to ride at baroid all those damn crazy hills like 2nd level, the widowmaker (that claimed your yfz), and all the others. cant wait to come back up there on the weekends now that mx is done for the year. the 400 is getting rebuilt while im gone this week and ive got 3 day weekends from here on out when college starts.

Dustin if your interested in some more crazy hills and suchand are ever down in central Arkansas let us know

here is eric going up second level

08-05-2007, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
amen on you NOT being hurt to bad. the quad can be brought back to life:pbut your to damn hairy for mouth to mouth:devil:

maybe when you get another quad together ill come down and shoot that hill

wow pappy's funny:devil: glad ur ok scro but i got a question what exactly is the subframe?

08-05-2007, 09:55 PM
wow some parts place is gunna love you!

Glad your ok. thats one nasty hill

MX MaNiAc 06
08-06-2007, 12:33 AM
Good to see ur alright. Its bad to see ur beautiful quad in that condition..

08-06-2007, 06:51 AM
Greg Little made the wall his b!tch! I do give you MAD props for trying it. Here's a video I took a few months ago when I as down there...

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i89.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid89.photobucket.com/albums/k216/ShiftFMX/MOV02138.flv"></embed>

08-06-2007, 06:53 AM
Nice hill. Shame you trashed the quad. Looks like some hills we have here in PA.

***EDIT*** ^^Video was posted same time I posted and answered my questions.

Pretty wicked.

08-06-2007, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by Rootar
thats a nasty hill! What do you think Eric i think ole Dustin would love to ride at baroid all those damn crazy hills like 2nd level, the widowmaker (that claimed your yfz), and all the others. cant wait to come back up there on the weekends now that mx is done for the year. the 400 is getting rebuilt while im gone this week and ive got 3 day weekends from here on out when college starts.

Dustin if your interested in some more crazy hills and suchand are ever down in central Arkansas let us know

here is eric going up second level

I will defiantely take you up on that offer when it is back together.

08-06-2007, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by Scro
Here's a better pic. DANG:eek2: you crazy:bandit:

08-06-2007, 07:50 AM
i love hills, but not so much walls, i was climbing 5 ft walls like that on powerlines out here, i was hitting them 2nd gear pinned on my 125 and revving it out as best as i could barly making it, props to anyone who can do anything like that

08-06-2007, 09:39 AM
thats crazy. post before and after pics

08-06-2007, 09:50 AM
damn thats good you are not hurt bad!! Well you have a start for a new OWNED picture!! haha:devil:

08-06-2007, 09:54 AM
Thats crazy, I loved that quad too! Id like to see the pictures your buddy has...

08-06-2007, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by ShiftFMX
Greg Little made the wall his b!tch! I do give you MAD props for trying it. Here's a video I took a few months ago when I as down there...

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i89.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid89.photobucket.com/albums/k216/ShiftFMX/MOV02138.flv"></embed>


You can tell that vid is from Tenn.

spectator: "Ya aight?!"

rider: "yeah"

spectator: "hehe, hell yeah!"


08-06-2007, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by ShiftFMX
Greg Little made the wall his b!tch! I do give you MAD props for trying it. Here's a video I took a few months ago when I as down there...

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i89.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid89.photobucket.com/albums/k216/ShiftFMX/MOV02138.flv"></embed>

Thats crazy

08-06-2007, 12:25 PM
I give you props for even trying to get up that lol.

08-06-2007, 07:11 PM
Ive been to Westpoint many time. I havent tried the wall but Ive tried alot of the other steep hills. Ive heard of other quads trying it. Never actually seen anybody try it. The Bowl is fun, Pebble hill is prettty cool, and we always jump the big log down by the bridge into the creek right before we leave.

08-06-2007, 07:17 PM
<div><embed src="http://www.onetruemedia.com/share_view_player?p=ba8325e32cc28bbd85772" quality="high" scale="noscale" width="600" height="526" wmode="window" allowFullScreen="true" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" flashvars="&p=ba8325e32cc28bbd85772&skin_id=601&host=http://www.onetruemedia.com" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed><div style="margin:0px;font:12px/13px verdana,arial,sans-serif;line-height:20px;padding-bottom:15px;width:600px;text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.onetruemedia.com/share_player_link?p=ba8325e32cc28bbd85772&skin_id=601&source=emplay" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.onetruemedia.com/share_player_link_image/ba8325e32cc28bbd85772/601.gif" style="border:0px;" width="600" /></a><br/><a href="http://www.onetruemedia.com/landing?&utm_source=emplay&utm_medium=txt1" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">Make an on-line slide show at <span style="text-decoration:underline;">www.OneTrueMedia.com</span></a></div></div>

08-06-2007, 07:19 PM
Not the wall, but it was steep enough that it shot me straight up.

08-08-2007, 06:56 PM
I decided to tear into her today and find out what the damage really was.

I think this about sums it up:p

08-08-2007, 06:58 PM
It's not as bad as I had thought:p

08-08-2007, 07:00 PM
I'm just glad the frame wasn't tweaked. Only thing wrong with it was a broken tab for the subframe, which will be welded back up.

08-08-2007, 07:02 PM
Replacement/spare parts going on

08-08-2007, 07:03 PM
I guess it paid off to keep all the parts from the last quad I totalled.:macho

08-08-2007, 07:03 PM
The HMF will do until I find a header for the Rossier.

08-08-2007, 07:05 PM
man, i dont even like looking at that.....

good thing ya got spare parts eh?

08-08-2007, 07:05 PM

rear plastics
air box

If you have any of these parts laying around, let me know:cool: If I can get these parts, and my ankle heals...I should be ready to ride this weekend...lol:devil:

08-08-2007, 07:50 PM
stupid not only hurts it's expensive......:eek2:

08-08-2007, 07:52 PM
We are headed to westpoint Saturday morning.

08-08-2007, 07:59 PM
EFF that, seriously!

08-08-2007, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Scro
It's not as bad as I had thought:p

Nahhhh! You can hardly tell! Those scratches should buff right out! :blah:

08-08-2007, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Scro

rear plastics
air box

If you have any of these parts laying around, let me know:cool: If I can get these parts, and my ankle heals...I should be ready to ride this weekend...lol:devil:

lol..goodluck with that..if you only had a yfz i could hook you up. let the ebay searching begin.

thanks goodness the suspension wasn't harmed!

08-12-2007, 08:06 AM
Bike going off the wall.

08-12-2007, 08:13 AM
There was some guys at westpoint yesterday talking about a black 450 that didnt make it up.They said u had been up College & Airborne too. Those hills are crazy! They pointed out a piece of bark missing on a tree. It was suppose to be some of your handy work.

08-12-2007, 08:15 AM
This is right next to where u go down step 2. Jacob decided to jump off.

08-12-2007, 09:24 AM
Thats Not Jacob Gerweck is it?? If it is, Thats my cousin, Who has a stock black 450r and lives right by west point :huh

08-12-2007, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
There was some guys at westpoint yesterday talking about a black 450 that didnt make it up.They said u had been up College & Airborne too. Those hills are crazy! They pointed out a piece of bark missing on a tree. It was suppose to be some of your handy work.

lol...yeah the bark missing is a reminder to never try College again..lol

08-12-2007, 11:47 AM
Yeah College is pretty ridiculous for a 4wheeler. I would try airborne if it wasnt such a long hill and the 3-4 ft. vertical climb at the top. I mite try it when i take my rhino down there so I will have something to haul my 4 wheeler back to the truck with

08-12-2007, 12:00 PM
damn anyone got any more pictures or videos of this wall.

08-12-2007, 12:14 PM
I took a vid of the bike going up it but it somehow got erased. The wall is not the steepest hill out there.

08-12-2007, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
I took a vid of the bike going up it but it somehow got erased. The wall is not the steepest hill out there.

If you are standing at the top of the wall looking down, the hill to the left of the tree with the boards at the face, is where I flipped.

08-12-2007, 06:09 PM
Wish I lived closer because I would love to shoot the wall! doesnt look to bad except the last 15ft which is straight up and down. This is a hill we have in my woods called Little Boy. at the top is a nasty lip/hump that is straight up and down. u MUST have a 450 for this hill. many have tried and myself and another have only made it. raptors, 400's, and all else roll. where im at right there at the bottom, im backed up against a creek bed bank, so thats all the run you have. rev it out and dump the clutch!

Little Boy.

08-12-2007, 07:14 PM
Well that does look like a fun hill but I dont see why people cant make it up. You cant stand at the top or bottom of the hills at Westpoint. I do believe my 416ex would make it up that.

08-12-2007, 07:17 PM
that pic was takin at about 1/2 way up it. and you only have about a 10 foot run at it. at the top we rope 2 people in with a pulley strap and a hook so they can slide down and hook your front bumper, it was a great idea and has came in usefull more then once! ill post a video of my buddy trying to shoot it on his 250f, gets kinda interesting.

08-12-2007, 07:19 PM
wow, that really sux. right now, if that had happened to me, i wouldnt be fixin it for quite a few months.

looks like the hipers and flex bars held up well though :p

08-12-2007, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
Well that does look like a fun hill but I dont see why people cant make it up. You cant stand at the top or bottom of the hills at Westpoint. I do believe my 416ex would make it up that.

hills look very decieving behind the camera. i have a vid of me shooting a small hill that is nearly straight up and down, but in the camera it looks like nothing

08-12-2007, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
hills look very decieving behind the camera. i have a vid of me shooting a small hill that is nearly straight up and down, but in the camera it looks like nothing

I agree pictures do not even do justice for how steep some of these hills we see are.

08-12-2007, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
Well that does look like a fun hill but I dont see why people cant make it up. You cant stand at the top or bottom of the hills at Westpoint. I do believe my 416ex would make it up that.

lol o please be my guest, already killed 2 400's on this thing. ill just make sure i have my camera out there, and have the tractor ready at the bottom :-)

08-12-2007, 07:36 PM
Like most conversations end on here. Its not the ride its the rider. Ill take my 400 anywhere ill take my 450.

08-12-2007, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
Like most conversations end on here. Its not the ride its the rider. Ill take my 400 anywhere ill take my 450.

too true. i take my machine in places that some 4x4's wouldnt go

08-12-2007, 07:53 PM
There's not much differnce between a slightly built 400 and a 450 unless u wanna get it out on a MX track. Trail riding is pretty close.