View Full Version : to much quad for 15 year old

07-30-2007, 06:34 PM
wat im really wondering is it gonna be that much more quad than my z400 right now im 14 and i figure i'll be about 5'8 125 will this be too much quad for me?

07-30-2007, 06:36 PM
if your asking this question it probably is

07-30-2007, 06:43 PM
no im just askin if its gonna get away on me and im wondering when i do get one if i should govern it down just a little bit so i still have most of the powerband but dont get into the higher faster rpms o yea by the way ive been riding quads almost every day after school or during the day since i was 4 years old

07-30-2007, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by coryatver
if your asking this question it probably is

07-30-2007, 07:47 PM
My little brother is 15 also and the same height and weight too as you. He has banshee. Honestly he doesn't like riding my KFX450R yet and he's been riding since he was 7. He says when he gets on my KFX which is rare, he doesn't feel like he can handle the power because it feels like your going faster than you really are. I think this is due to it being very responsive to the rider.

Remember its totally up to you, you have to start somewhere. My little brother is looking to get a 450 when he turns 17 or 18 though.

07-30-2007, 07:56 PM
yes the 450 will have a considerable amount of power over your 400.... but its up too you you know riding level.. if you feel you need more power, then you basically answered your own question...

another thing to remember a bike only goes as fast as you make it.....

07-30-2007, 08:11 PM
Theres never enough power for anyone.. and no its not to much.

07-30-2007, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by honda300EXtreme
yes the 450 will have a considerable amount of power over your 400.... but its up too you you know riding level.. if you feel you need more power, then you basically answered your own question...

another thing to remember a bike only goes as fast as you make it.....

Thats pretty much what it comes down to....your riding level. If your looking for more power or better handling try to mod your quad to better suit your style. If that doesnt work then look into the 450 after very carefully thinking it out.

07-30-2007, 08:19 PM
like alot of people are saying its how well you ride and if you think your up to it i am 15 and had my 15 yr old friend thats about 5'10'' and maybe 150 or 160 ride my ltz and he said that it was alot of power for him too handle, but then again he does ride a schucks 150 dirt bike, but im 6'0'' and 250 and i could handle it fine i have ridden 450's before and do fine so its up to your riding level and yea i can probably handle it better because im bigger but you will just have to ride one to find out

07-30-2007, 09:12 PM
when i went from my 400 to the 450 i just rode trails and sand pits until i was used to the quad and comfortible to jump with it. its not like your going to be going from a 250ex to a 450. if you feel like you need more power then your 400, then you'll be fine.

07-31-2007, 09:40 AM
i had a 300 ex for a year now i have a ltr 450 and i started racing mx on the 450 and i was fine- im 15 to 5-10 180lbs tho