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View Full Version : next upgrade????

07-18-2007, 08:16 PM
Ok i already have 450r front suspension and they are a ittle stiff for my likings i weigh 145 soaking wet!! What should my next upgrade be to help soften suspension with a revale job soon to come
+2 a-arms
or the works tripple rate spring kit
any input is greatly appreciated
oh and my riding is mainly MX and Desert racing

07-18-2007, 08:22 PM
id hold off on your revalve till your arms are on. added leverage will make your compression diffrent and may soften it up.

with mx and desert racing its kinda one extreame to the other as far as gearing. mx you want to shorten your gears for more power to wholeshot corners. desert racing is mostly top end so you may wanna figure out gearing and power options.

07-18-2007, 08:54 PM
I would say what ever fits you best far as next upgrade. There are tons that you can do but it depends if you want speed, softness, or good tires to hook up better. I would say get everything you what that is not power first and get all the suspenion and stuff like that first. Suspension and softness will help you more in a mx race and desert then power as with no suspension upgrades your going to be hurting..

07-18-2007, 09:06 PM
i have the power and gearing issues down but it was just a dead end road on what to do next i wasnt sure if the wider a-arms would soften it up a little so if it does for sure than thats what i will be doing. as far as the desert and mx racing i live in arizona and i love to ride and the desert racing is to spread out as far as schedulin for me to devote ,my self to just racing that series and the mx i love it because i am kicking all of my buddies a** and their 450's with my so called "little 400" and on the mx course they actually can see me beating them unlike the desert racing!!:devil:

07-18-2007, 09:10 PM
Yeah go with aftermarket stuff for your bikes looks and suspenion.. also make sure you have good tires. Yea my 440ex will leave all those 450r's in the dust at the track.