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View Full Version : Anyone ever start in their 30's?

07-18-2007, 07:57 PM
Just wondering if anyone has ever started racing in their 30's?
I'm 36 now always wanted to try XC just for fun and to meet people, but somehow life always kept me busy(military, wife, daughter, house, etc..). Well I just got a z400( couldn't afford a 450) and I'm having a blast on it. And was thinking of trying something I always wanted to do(GNCC).
My wife thinks it's a mid lfe thing, but really I just like ripping through the woods, no crime in that!
I'd just be doing this for fun, but is this crazy thinking at my age?
What do you think?

07-19-2007, 08:15 AM
I was 34 when I started.

I have been around it and attended races, just never did it until I was 34.

You ain't crazy....The 36+ C class is one of the biggest classes at the GNCC.

07-19-2007, 08:21 AM
Heck yeah, if you feel like doing it I say go for it. I'm 32 and just had to sell my quad but still totally have the desire to ride. As long as you dont plan on killing yourself as at your age you have a little more to lose, (Job, Wife, Child). The guy who bought my quad was 42 and came with his wife. He said he tried it and enjoyed it and wants to do it with his whole family. Midlife? eh! Go for it, as long as it doesnt cause a huge problem with you wife. Good luck

07-19-2007, 05:48 PM
I raced my first ever race at age 40! Probably the toughest race on the circuit too, the WISP!! Liked to kill me, but I had a blast!!


07-19-2007, 07:30 PM
I was 32 or 33 when I started. You are never too old. Just have to remember one thing. You don't heal as fast as you used to:ermm: :devil:

07-24-2007, 04:31 PM
Yep I was 35 when I started and shooting to solo the Baja 500 next year. I am in the best shape of my life after 3 years of ATV racing! It is a lot of fun and a great work out. Good Luck!

07-24-2007, 06:37 PM
First GNCC at 34, did a couple more at 35, first class championship in vet at 37, raced in 250A until 42ish, took a little time off, and have won 3 sr class championships, I'm now 47.
Best nat. #s 15, 16, 17.

Ken Robey
09-03-2007, 02:18 PM
started at 31, knew nothing about racing, forced into it on a dare. Started with absolutely nothing. Won my first National title in 2005, 4 local championships. None in last couple of years but still having a blast. Good luck!!!!

Velocity Girl
09-03-2007, 04:39 PM
Both my husband and I (quadmonkey) started in our early 30's. We raced downhill mountain bikes for numerous years, so when we decided to move to the motorized toys it was only a matter of months before we started racing. :D :D

09-20-2007, 04:41 PM
first race ever was at steel creek gncc in 02. i was 36 yrs. old. 52 guys in my morning C class, finished 14th and swore i would never do it again. but now i've been racing since and it gives me a reason to stay in shape and i love beating the younger guys. :D

09-29-2007, 02:06 PM
Raced my first GNCC when I was 32... Man, that sucked but I am still doing it and loving it. Couldn't afford it until now... Do it, you don't have to win, just go out and have fun...!!!

09-29-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm with them ^^

It's the most fun thing ever. Just remember that the satisfaction of pushing your body to the max comes at a price. You're not as young as you used to be! :ermm: Being in shape takes care of a lot of that though, but I haven't been in shape since I was 19. It's still worth it! :p

09-30-2007, 08:18 AM
i threw my leg over a quad for the 1st time when i was 32 started racing at 33

10-25-2007, 12:18 AM
Give it a shot CRAYFZ is Dave Simmons and he is 47 and currently ranked number 29. So anything is possible although he is superhuman.

10-30-2007, 06:15 AM
31 when I tried my first.

Yosh is right...Simmons is da man

10-30-2007, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
31 when I tried my first.

Yosh is right...Simmons is da man

I don't know about that, but I do alright.

10-30-2007, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by crayfz
I don't know about that, but I do alright.

No they are right......you are the MAN!

10-30-2007, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by 400exmom
i threw my leg over a quad for the 1st time when i was 32 started racing at 33

Ironically enough Ms. Muzz made me do it. :D OK talked me into doing it. It was probably really easy though.

11-01-2007, 02:46 PM
to add to this conversation...

i'm 36 and been riding for about 5 years. i've toyed with the idea of starting in my first race, but as of yet haven't. i am a highly competitive person in just about everything i do, so it only seems like the natural thing to do. for those of you that have competed, did you bring a bike capable of being competitive or just something to gain experience?

11-02-2007, 07:13 AM
If money is no object, then I'd get a good race bike. But really, if you start out with small goals, ride what you have and get a little experience. It will only be a matter of time and you will be so addicted you will not be able to help but upgrade.:D

11-02-2007, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Johnny_G
No they are right......you are the MAN!

yep, got to watch him ride at the ironman for the 1st time, pretty impressive atv racer not even counting the fact he is 47

Velocity Girl
11-02-2007, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by QUADROOKIE
If money is no object, then I'd get a good race bike. But really, if you start out with small goals, ride what you have and get a little experience. It will only be a matter of time and you will be so addicted you will not be able to help but upgrade.:D

How true it is!!! We started on stock Z400's, did one race and we were hooked.....then the conversation of upgrades started, then new 450's, then the upgrades to the 450's...and so it goes ;) Wouldn't have it any other way though...love every minute of it!

11-27-2007, 02:58 AM
I too may be at my mid life crissis. As I have recently bought a 88' 250R to set up and race in the 36+C class this coming year. I raced three GNCC's back when I first got married. I tangled with a 4X4 quad and lost at the John Penton race and decided maybe I should let it go and start my family. Now years later, as Andy Dufrain said in Shawshank "get busy livin' or get busy dyin'". With that thought in mind, if theres something you want to do. You better go for it. I'm not getting any younger. Besides the 36+ class are guys just like me who can only push so hard with work and responsibility's. I hope to have a good time and maybe I too can get a national number next year. Anything in the top 250 would be awesome. Hope to see you there.

11-30-2007, 07:47 AM
Buncha spring chickens!! LOL
I started in the +40 class. :D :D

Go for it dude or you'll regret it forever. :)

01-30-2008, 02:25 PM
I also live in n.h,neatv said they were going to do some woods racing this year.Never raced atv but wood like to start in the woods.Neatv posted there schedule but nothing on the woods racing,Its hard to get on there forum to ask about that.just turned thirty.:macho

02-15-2008, 11:34 AM
Go for it
I'm 43 and theres nothing better.than having the young guns put a target on your back.only to get whooped
by an old dog.(with alot of fight left in it)
besides all the older racers I know. are out to have fun.
and we do have alot of fun.