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View Full Version : Soooo Pumped!!!

07-18-2007, 06:08 PM
I finally get my quad back tomorrow! I havent been able to ride for almost 4 weeks since my motor blew up, but i will finally have it back! Found out tonight my frame was cracked too, but that will be gusseted tonight! Ill post pics of the carnage inside my motor when i get it back! Crank, piston, cylinder, allllll f'ed up. lol

07-18-2007, 08:29 PM

07-18-2007, 08:31 PM
That's awesome what did you end up having done to the motor?

07-18-2007, 08:35 PM
Good to hear !

I'm pumped about the steak im eating right now :macho

07-19-2007, 01:07 PM
well i got it back about 2hrs ago, and ive been out riding ever since! I had to go out and do about 30min of slow putting around to make sure the motor was ofically broke in, but then i put it to its test! IT FKCIN RIPS!!!!!!!!! Its just like braaaaaap, hahaha. I also got all the stock parts back and damn, my oil filter was blinged out, :o We didnt check the filter after it blew up becasue we already knew it was the crank, but i looked at it today when jim gave it to us, and damn, sooo many metal shavings... Also the crank... The washers beside the bearings got all tore up and is what caused my cylinder walls to get scratched/dented up. They are all twisted and bent up and into little pieces... Oh well, its fixed now and it runs better than ever! Will post pics of the parts in a little bit. Im dying to go ride rightnow, but tornados are in the area, so i gotta stay inside for a while:p

07-19-2007, 01:14 PM
Sweet man! I'm ordering new tie-rods today or tomorrow so I can have them sometime next week when I'm out of town.

I'll have to come to your place and ride again sometime soon! I've been pretty busy all summer.

07-19-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm glad to hear mines been apart for about 8-9 months and i havent rode in so long I'm just starting to put it back together now ,ive spent $1200 over the winter and some of the spring to get her to were it is now.Ive got about another 3 weeks yet before i can ride again lol..

07-19-2007, 07:04 PM
I hope u changed the center cases also. Itll go boom faster this time if you didnt.

07-19-2007, 09:05 PM
Get a new thong wile your at it. lol:blah:

Look at mx428s thread if your wondering what im saying,

07-19-2007, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by JRP
but tornados are in the area, so i gotta stay inside for a while

They will just add to the excitement!! :devil:

07-19-2007, 10:08 PM
well here are the pics, they dont look bad(cept the filter and washers) but believe me, they are pretty banged up.


07-19-2007, 10:15 PM
Bad blister on your middle finger?

07-19-2007, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Ghost-Rider
Bad blister on your middle finger?

eh i wouldnt call it a bad one, but ya, haha.
I hate not riding for a few weeks, then riding and getting all your blisters back. I really need to get doughnuts for my grips cuz theside of my right hand(pointer finger) is all messed up....

07-19-2007, 10:26 PM
I used to BMX so much that my hands never blister no matter what, always callused. (sp)

07-20-2007, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Ghost-Rider
I used to BMX so much that my hands never blister no matter what, always callused. (sp)

ya see across the pads of my hands, there are calluses, and they never blister, but the parts of my hands that never get used unless i ride, they get callused, but then they break open and blister....:p