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10-23-2002, 12:34 AM
guys..i might have to be selling my ex.

ok ill get to the bad news...(the worse news)

my grandpa committed suicide today..i got home from school today and there was a bunch of cops and other people in my house... they asked if i was travis..i said yeah...

the guy said something really bad has happened and that i couldnt go in ghe house., were gonna have to take you down to the police station and your grandma will tell you what has happened.

so we go to the pd and i find out whats going on..

(and incase you didnt know...my grandparents have actually playing as my parents since ive lived with them for almost 10 years.)..

i am totally lost right now...
this has truely been the worst day of my life.

ill get back to this when i am in one piece...

10-23-2002, 12:39 AM
stay strong man

10-23-2002, 04:59 AM
Sorry to hear that man. That sucks I dont know what I would do if that ever happened. Good Luck youl get through it

10-23-2002, 05:05 AM
SORRY, to hear man, That sucksn honestly, What are your plans to do now? Stay with Grandma? Sorry about him and the quad. G/L

10-23-2002, 06:11 AM
I know you are hurting inside but be strong for your grandma she will need you....

10-23-2002, 07:04 AM
:( :( :( Like sandman said be strong for granny..she needs ya most right now..:(

10-23-2002, 07:20 AM
Stay strong for her man and hang in there. You will get through it. Our prayers go out to you.

10-23-2002, 07:22 AM
:( I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. If you want to talk to anyone just drop me a line anytime :)


10-23-2002, 09:09 AM
I'll just reiterate what some of the others have said, stay strong for your grandmother and my prayers are with you.


10-23-2002, 09:12 AM
Right now jsut worry about your grandma. If you have to sell the quad sell it. Quads are only material things and can be replaced.

good luck man


10-23-2002, 09:20 AM
I am so sorry to hear this news. I can't tell you how sorry i am to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts. Just stay strong...and its OK to cry!! If you didn't people would worry about you. Take care of yourself and your grandmother...she is going to need you now.

If you need anything send me a PM!

redrider ex
10-23-2002, 09:24 AM
I'll pray for you.

10-23-2002, 09:47 AM
Pismo, When I was 18 (10 years ago) my Father committed suicide. It was and still is a very painful thing for me to deal with. The guys are right in that you should try to stay strong for your Grandmother, but you need to get your feelings out also. The hardest thing for me to deal with when my father died was the sheer anger I felt. To this day it still tears me apart from time to time. For now, don't worry about your quad or other material things.......focus on getting through each day........everything will come back to normal (somewhat anyway) and you can sort through things then. God Speed and God Bless! I have PM'd my phone #'s to you if you want to talk.

Regards, Chris

10-23-2002, 10:12 AM
Man i am very sorry about what has happened and i think that if you talk to people and tell them what and how you feel it will help you. I hate to hear that, it makes me tear up. dude i will say a prayer for you and your grandmother every not, your in my prayers man. i hope you get through this.


10-23-2002, 10:20 AM
just stay level headed and try to deal with it the right way. get your emotions out, it's really hard. my grandpa died from a heart attack a few years ago. that was the first time i've cried in a long time. hard thing to deal with man.

10-23-2002, 10:33 AM
I too am so sorry for your loss,eneryone here has pretty much sird everything I eas gonna say, stay level headed, help your grandma out as much as possible. I too have been through 2 suicides in my family, and under those circumstances it makes it a little hard to deal with. If you ever need to talk PM me .Were all here for you..Tina

10-23-2002, 01:17 PM
i'm really sorry to hear that.:(. my best friend died when i was 8. that was my grandma. i visited her for hours everyday. i loved her so much. then one day someone killed her. she was 96. it was a very hard time for me. i was little but i knew what had happened. but today i know she's in heaven waiting for me to visit her again. i always think about her. her favorite song was Amazing Grace. it's ok to cry. i heard that song one day and i just started crying. there are bad times in life. there are also good times. cherish the good times and let the bad times pass.

redrider ex
10-23-2002, 01:34 PM
over reading that

10-23-2002, 03:05 PM
PismoGuy400 - man, i'm truly sorry to hear this. stay strong and be there for your grandma. i'm sure ya'll both need each other right now. my prayers are out to you and your family.

10-23-2002, 03:18 PM
pray it helps
i know what you are going through last year one of our teacheers comitted suicide. that was on a monday, the one wendsday was the techers funeral in the morning and in the afternoon a car was doing down state with 2 of our students and there parents and the car hit black ice and hit a logging truck and the driver(the father) was killed and the 2 students were hurt very badly then on friday 2 student's grandfather did not show up home from ice fishing and he hit a pressuer ridge in his truck on the lake and went through the ice and found him in the afternoon .

it was a hard year for our school last year
like i said praying helps a lot and it got alot of us through hard times


10-23-2002, 03:31 PM
:( man, i don't know what to tell you. I couldn't imagine losing somone that close to me and I just wanted to tell you that I hope that everything works out ok for you and your grandma. sorry bro

10-23-2002, 05:05 PM
Time heals all wounds. Some things take longer than others. Whatever you do, DON'T BLAME YOURSELF!!! Take care of your Grandma, you can't replace her. If you gotta let the quad go, let it go. Your Grandma's one of a kind. The quads are a dime a dozen.

10-23-2002, 05:32 PM
sad day indeed..............stay cool & just ask if you need help with anything.


10-23-2002, 05:52 PM
I hope your alright, I know how bad I felt when my grampa just died! Just stay strong and try to keep going!

10-23-2002, 07:27 PM
sad stuff man, itllbe ok, just takes time.....go for a ride....it might not sound liek the right thing but it will help clear yer head......keep your granma some company.....:(

10-23-2002, 08:14 PM
thanks guys..you have really helped me get though the first 24 hours..

as for oldnumberseven..i know exactly how you feel..

i am so MAD that he did this to me and m grandmother... he knew that he was the person i loved the most.

it feels so bad ...there was no warning at all of this.

all i knew that he was really tired everyday...from the medication he was taking for cancer that was removed 2 years ago

what i hear he just sat down in the couch and put the 357 to his chest.

everytime i think of him i just stat crying..

thanks to eeryone for all your support

its such a shame he was only 62. he could have lived another 20 years.

i just cant picture him doing this..he was so fun to be around my whole family says that he is not the kind of person to do this..he was always happy and helping others

thanks again.

ps. i know..if i have to sell the ex i wouldnt give it a second thought

10-23-2002, 08:17 PM
wow man i'm so sorry to hear that. i remember when my grandma died it was hard for me but i couldn't even imagine what your going through. i'm truly sorry about your loss. but so far everyone is right, stay with your grandma and help her out, but also don't be afraid to help yourself or go to a counselor or somebody that can help you through this hard time. take it easy man and just stay strong.

10-23-2002, 08:44 PM
keep your head up bro..

10-23-2002, 08:54 PM
So sorry

10-23-2002, 10:11 PM
beerock..yeah..im keeping my head up..im just looking out the window into the sky..wishing that tomorrow morning ill wake up..walk downstairs and see my grandpa sittin in his chair watching tv.

i know its not gonna happen, but i cant help it.

this sucks so bad...everytime i walk to the refidgerator i see the picture of him smiling hapy as can be at thanksgiving of last year. i just get all teary eyed , then every time i turn around i see the blood stain on the carpet in the living room. it gets so much worse.

i just wish that i could have said something more to him than "ill see ya when i get home from school"

i still cant believe what made him do this to me and my family...

im sorry if im making all you guys feel bad for me, its not intentional, but i need to let this out.

10-23-2002, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by PismoGuy400
beerock..yeah..im keeping my head up..im just looking out the window into the sky..wishing that tomorrow morning ill wake up..walk downstairs and see my grandpa sittin in his chair watching tv.

i know its not gonna happen, but i cant help it.

this sucks so bad...everytime i walk to the refidgerator i see the picture of him smiling hapy as can be at thanksgiving of last year. i just get all teary eyed , then every time i turn around i see the blood stain on the carpet in the living room. it gets so much worse.

i just wish that i could have said something more to him than "ill see ya when i get home from school"

i still cant believe what made him do this to me and my family...

im sorry if im making all you guys feel bad for me, its not intentional, but i need to let this out. DOnt be sorry..I remember when my uncle commited suicide, it left our family wondering...why??? a lot of un answered questions ..to this day.. you may never know, and yes.. there is alot of anger and hurt ,you will go through alot of mixed emotions for awhile,just ry to be srong, and its good to deal with your feelings,dont hink you are a bruden to us ,we want to be here for you..

10-23-2002, 10:21 PM
atleast you were on good terms with him
you cant wish for much more than that
I hope you recover from this soon
I remember when my grandma died i was really sad and cried
I still miss her and cry when i think about her sometimes but i just think ill see her in heaven one day
Good luck

10-23-2002, 10:27 PM
i cant thank you guys enough...

10-23-2002, 10:36 PM
were all pulling for ya.
dont be angry at your grandfather though.
he still cared for you and your grandmother before he left

10-23-2002, 10:39 PM
yeah man...my heart goes out to you. as hard as it is....you must remain strong and focused. i am sure he cared deeply for you and your family but the pain of such a sickness can be unbarable. my father has cancer...heart problems and diabetes. he stays with my family once a week just so he can be close. 12 years ago ...i was able to stop him from suicide over the cancer....and sometimes i feel selfish for that. i have seen the misery he goes thru and i fully understand why he wanted to take that route. but as i told him that night.....if you choose that path...you are out of options forever. again...i am sincerely sorry for your loss and if there is anything i can do for you please let me know. send me a pm if needed....im here all the time.

10-24-2002, 12:12 PM

i have to be mad.. he left so much unfinished things for me and my family..

he promised me that he would work with me on the mustang that he has so i could drive it when im old enough.

he promised me that we would finish restoring the 73 chevy pickup that is sitting in the driveway.

now i want nothing to do with them.

he was remodeling 2 of the bathrooms in my house.

theyre completely torn apart

he left behind 3 kids (27,35,and 39) 5 grandkids, (15,9,7,6,and 2) 2 brothers and his wife.

i have so many feelings going on inside of me, and the biggest one is anger.