View Full Version : 23/7/10????

10-22-2002, 03:39 PM
23/7/10 tires good or not???? does it affect turnig when bigger? does it effect wheeling?? do u always want your quad sitting normaly or back?? not forward i know but i have 22" razrs on back and i do not want to be sitting forward cause i go 22" fronts...so wut are 23" front used for then? desert racing? would they bie good for me??? i ride, mud, trails, hard, soft pack, some sand, and thast it....o ya someitms really rocky places:D

10-22-2002, 04:08 PM
there a good size to have, i donno bout the other questions though i got confused

10-23-2002, 05:19 PM
damn those are some big heavy tires

redrider ex
10-23-2002, 05:21 PM
you will get more ground clearence but they won't turn as good.

10-23-2002, 05:39 PM
but they are an inch narrower than other 23 inch tires.my old 23razrswere 8 inch and razr2's are only 7 inch.yes ground clearance.....

10-24-2002, 03:48 PM

Ex'r Marlin
10-24-2002, 06:21 PM
On the 300ex they are very noticeably larger than on a 400ex.

Yes, they will affect your "wheeling" due to them being heavier tires.

Yes, they will affect your handling... They will cause you to push more in turns, but larger diameter tires will roll over obstacles much easier.

Yes, they will give you more ground clearance, but I find the front of the 300ex with 22's to have sufficient ground clearance, even with my fat butt!;)

If you were to do alot of riding in snow or mud... I would recommend the 23's on your 300ex, otherwise, I would recommend 22" tires up front... Mainly for the weight issue.

10-25-2002, 09:38 AM
i havr acr bandits up front at 23x7x10 and maxxis sur trax in the back at 22x11x9 and i love my set up, i rarely hit the rocks where i ride and they have amazing traction in the silt and mud. they are heavier and they do keep the front end down a little but it helps out on the climbs alot.

if i rode on smooth stuff and mx trax i would go toa 22 up front and 21 in the rear

oh i have a 400ex