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View Full Version : should i be ale to wreck stock or piped Z400s with my mods now?

07-04-2007, 07:35 PM
well i was able to beat my buddies z400 with just a rev box...jetting...k&n.. and slip on but now i also have a high comp piston and 1 tooth down front sprocket so i was wondering if i should e able to just destroy his stock Z in a drag? and what would happene if it were piped?

thanks for any help guys

07-04-2007, 09:59 PM
if you smoked it then, i def. say you would now.

07-04-2007, 11:22 PM
i just wondering but... why is it necessary to be faster then a certain bike? seems to me that theres someone always faster in wich drives the slower guy to spend more money to beat the next guy. go out and enjoy your bike man... you worry too much about beating someone, you'll end up broke.

gear your bike 2 teeth down on the counter and he wont be able to touch you tho. it'll just hinder your top end alot.:D