View Full Version : Find Riders in Nearby Areas

07-03-2007, 10:16 PM
As promised, we have delivered our new website feature that will allow riders to find other riders in their areas.
All you need to do is register. We don’t charge a dime, unlike other sites who try to stick you in the rear!

How to Register? Follow these simple steps.

1. On the top right hand site of our site www.stjoepark.com you will see Universal Login, click the Register link that is below the Login button.
2. Fill in the registration fields, accept the terms, and click Send Registration.
3. The next screen will tell you we sent a message to your email address. You need to go and read this message, there is a link that validates your registration. Click that link and it will bring you back to our site showing that you are successfully registered.

How to Find Nearby riders?

1. On the top right hand site of our site www.stjoepark.com you will see Universal Login, put in your information that you used to register and click Login.
2. Then look at the on the left hand side under the User Menu, you will see Community Builder, click the link. This takes you to your profile, scroll down and you will see the Google Maps. You can also update your profile on the same page by clicking the Edit button above your photo. You can also request a connection to other friends. You can view a list of all our users by browsing the links under User Menu, you can also submit news and articles.

Here is an example of the map:
map (http://www.stjoepark.com/gmaps.jpg)