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10-21-2002, 02:39 PM
I broke my leg what more can I say...80 foot double big rut at the end flip flip flip snap pop .....surgery next week this will be my 5th on bones due to that thing.....I Am only 17....I think I am giving up cuz I am sick of being hurt.....

DGR Designs
10-21-2002, 02:42 PM
did the bone stick through? cause if it didn't your not quite HRT yet. you know the saying, "your not hurt till the bone sticks through!":D but don't give it up. just keep trying! hope your better soon man! (maybe you should invest in titanium body armor!)

10-21-2002, 02:43 PM
Try not jumping 80 foot double?! :huh :confused: :D

10-21-2002, 03:36 PM
well it could be worse... hows the quad doing..

10-22-2002, 08:09 AM
Well boyz I am really sleepie and I have been through alot of falls but its hurts....yes the bone did poke through....It was bad....Every motocross rider pulled me from the ex cuz my leg was twisted....I don't want to give up but I just don't have any luck right when I am progressing I hurt myself....the 80 footer I have done many times before....I just don't know what I did....but I am selling the EX my dad seen me flip and he thought I was done my neck got caught in the nerfs I was vary lucky....I love racing and riding its just not worth my life....I will however get a dirtbike:p one good thing about them is you can get away from them....and guess what the ex is fine and dandy I dunno how but it is....

10-22-2002, 08:41 AM
at least it wasnt serious
What bike you gonna get ?
o ya good luck recovering

10-22-2002, 09:00 AM
I'd listen to blysster before i quite riding.

10-22-2002, 10:36 AM
I might get a yz250F....My parents are sick of seein me hurt....lol...Its not really me...I don't know racing is the only thing I have ever been good at I am really not good a being a jock football player....I need to ride I catch on to motorsports fast

10-22-2002, 10:52 AM
sorry about your injuries man. I was contiplating an 80ftr this past Sunday.....now you have me wondering.....lol

10-22-2002, 10:54 AM
if yer gonna hit that 80 footer then keep this in mind
hesitation is devistation.

10-22-2002, 02:32 PM
so, what your saying is....ain't nothin to it, but to do it......WFO

10-22-2002, 02:43 PM
keep ya head up...

10-22-2002, 02:52 PM
Yeah Keep your head up and don't go out jumpin 80 foot doubles if there is somthing risky about it.

10-22-2002, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by rookiex
I broke my leg what more can I say...80 foot double big rut at the end flip flip flip snap pop .....surgery next week this will be my 5th on bones due to that thing.....I Am only 17....I think I am giving up cuz I am sick of being hurt.....

Wouldn't it be better to learn your limits instead of breaking five bones?

10-22-2002, 03:23 PM
Well I have done it a million times before.....but I went a little off camber and that was it....there was a rut my front tire got caught it...there was nothing I could do....If any of you have a dirt bike or like riding them what bike would you reccomend

DGR Designs
10-22-2002, 03:41 PM
if you are getting into Motocross racing on a dirtbike i would go with a KTM or CR run race gas fo sho!

10-22-2002, 05:49 PM
Hope your better soon, we are loosing too many Ex riders to Bikes and C-Dales! Arg:grr

10-22-2002, 05:57 PM
everytime you broke you leg did you just get a cast? I broke my leg 3 weeks ago, and got a rod put in it. It hurts so damn bad. This is my first and hopefully last time breaking a bone:mad:

I'm kinda concerned how my leg is going to heal up and if i'm going to be able to do all the crap i use too? anyone ever have a rod in thier leg?

10-22-2002, 06:02 PM
I have had rods in my leg ankle and hand....I dunno if I will have one if my leg They have to fix the legament and head to the tibula...I think they might cast the bone itself but go in to fix teh legament

10-22-2002, 06:03 PM
I recomend a honda 1984 XL 80.:blah J\k

Dune Surfer
10-22-2002, 06:36 PM
I suggest buying some common since. If you ride over your head you will get hurt on anything!!!

Tommy 17
10-22-2002, 06:39 PM
u know what i was just like u... broke my leg... my mom said the 1st words outta my mouth when she saw me was i'm sry mom i'll never ride again i'm doen... 1 year later i was back on the bike causing **** again... don't make no rational decisions and think about it!!!!

10-22-2002, 06:51 PM
whats up with all you guys saying he was riding over his head!!! HE SAID HE HAS DONE THE TRIPLE MANY TIMES BEFORE....if he was riding over his head then i guess anytime anyone wrecks they were riding over there head...yeah right:rolleyes:

rookie..good luck getting better, i dont see how a bike is more safe, for jumping you will love it, but you will hate it in the turns..i suggest a cr or yz..or maybe if you dont want to get hurt doing huge jumps try XC racing... but i know how MX can get in your blood:(