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jay 426
06-19-2007, 08:50 PM
Has any body heard of taking out the crank counter balancer out of a 400ex? My mechanic said they disconnected the honda 250r when they raced them. He said all the balancer does is help with the vibration of the motor it wont hurt the it at all it might give you a vibration in the handle bars. Like a kx500 I have not took my engine apart but when i do the balancer is coming out.

06-19-2007, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by jay 426
Has any body heard of taking out the crank counter balancer out of a 400ex? My mechanic said they disconnected the honda 250r when they raced them. He said all the balancer does is help with the vibration of the motor it wont hurt the it at all it might give you a vibration in the handle bars. Like a kx500 I have not took my engine apart but when i do the balancer is coming out.

Sounds like a terrible idea. Only vibration? Vibration will eat your motor up. It is very bad for moving parts and will wear out bearings really fast, as well as probably rip itself out of the frame... I'd say new mechanic.

06-19-2007, 09:02 PM
Does the 400ex have a counter balancer?

06-19-2007, 10:15 PM
Yes it does.

The counterweights on the crankshaft work to balance out the up and down movement of the piston/rod assembly (a pimary imbalance). But the piston/rod assembly can't balance the fore and aft movements of the crank's weights (a secondary imbalance). That's what the counterbalancer does--balance the fore/aft movement of the crank's weights.

06-19-2007, 10:26 PM
I can understand it in race engines. At a certian level every ounce counts. At that level you have spare engines and do regular teardowns so longevity isn't as much as a concern. For most people the weight savings isn't worth the reliability loss.

jay 426
06-21-2007, 10:15 AM
the palaris predetor does not have a counter balance for the crank and people from honda said it just helps with the vibration when the balancer comes out ill let you know how it does:D

06-21-2007, 10:28 AM
Dont take it out. If you do, you will vibrate to death. Some people can deal with that, but the real problem will be cracking parts. That vibration will carck your frame and motor mounts in no time.

Just leave it in, or at the most, get it machined so its lighter. But dont remove it totally.

06-21-2007, 10:41 AM
All im going to say is if you do it you better be wearing a mouth guard and have dental insurance cause your teeth are going to chatter,let us know how it works because im really curious how that works out for you.good luck.