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06-18-2007, 12:47 PM
Please explain to me what it means "stock" appearing class? There is nothing done to the mini or what has been done is not "visible" when looking at the mini?

06-18-2007, 01:56 PM
stock appearing, is all stock on the outside no changes. but you can change anything inside,just cant increase cc's. the only thing on the outside is the norm rims,tires nerf bars.

this class to me does two things,allows those of us who dont cheat to win a more even playing field.

The other is for those who were cheating anyway are now closer to being legal.

But if someone will cheat in a stock class i think they will continue no matter what class.

06-18-2007, 06:02 PM
and as a point of intrest do not purches a part that is not a oem part for that quad it will be considered illegal, found out the hard way this weakend, and do not trust the parts company when they say it is , make very sure it identical in every way right down to the lettring on the side or the lack there of, although the cylinder i bought demensionaly the exact same port dimensions it had lettering on the side and the origanl did not, when i asked the parts company if this was stock oe replacement i was assured it was, so just make very sure the parts you use even in the stock appeearing classes must be the oe parts for the bike,ie no malossi cylinders,poilini or ( " METRAKIT" ) are not legal and very distinguishable from the oem parts, and yes ken there are those who will continue to cheat to compete, which i find pretty sh@#y.:blah:

06-19-2007, 03:49 PM
so, we can do anything on the "inside" and as long as it is not visible then it is okay?

Ken, how is it on a more even playing field when those who are cheating? and how are they closer to being legal?

Thanks for the reply

06-19-2007, 05:36 PM
if i do the all mods that i can according to the rules, i dont think their is alot more you can do without it being known to all. such as me porting mine stock cylinder vs those who are trying to run metrakit parts.

i would like to see them just make them all production classes with A B C divisions.

how is it being done on other tracks, it very tough on the owner dealing with all the problems.

any ideas,please

06-19-2007, 06:57 PM
I have a metrakit cyl and it hauls *****. They are very different to stock and can be spotted easy. Should definetely not be in a stock class by no means.