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View Full Version : Had a little scare today.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-17-2007, 08:48 PM
Well my buddy just got a banshee and wanted to come up and ride. So he came up n i was still gearing up. My other buddy went down the field with him. When i came down the field i saw the worst sight i ever wanted to see. His quad in the weeds and him laying on the ground motionless.

There was a branch that fell off a tree hanging down into the field. He did a lap around the field and went right past it. But for some reason he didnt think of it and ran right into it. His helmet wasnt strapped so it flew off as soon as he hit the tree. By the time he hit the ground he wasnt even wearing a helmet.

I ran up to him and he was laying in a strange position having a seizure. Making moaning sounds and his whole body was twitching. I kept telling him not to move but he didnt hear me. He also pissed himself. I kept screaming his name and after a couple minutes he quit moving, looked at me and said "what?"

He kept asking what happened and before i could even tell him he would ask again. I had him move his fingers, toes, arms, legs and nothing was broken. But i figured he had a concussion. The hardest part was going up to the house and telling my dad that my buddy wrecked and he needed to come outside. I tried to make it sound like it wasnt too serious even though it really is.

He got out of the hospital n called me. They said he got a concussion and some bruises. His dad is really mad at me but it isnt my fault at all.

And that is how my sunday went. :cool:

06-17-2007, 08:54 PM
if it isn't your fault then why is his dad mad at you.

06-17-2007, 08:57 PM
hope he's alright. hopefully he'll be cautious next time.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-17-2007, 08:57 PM
Because he came back from my house with a concussion. He thinks my house isnt safe i guess?

ATV Chic
06-17-2007, 08:58 PM
That sux but i'm glad everything turned out ok.Sounds like he was very lucky.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-17-2007, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
That sux but i'm glad everything turned out ok.Sounds like he was very lucky.

Yes, as bad as it is he got a concussion it could have been much worse. When i watched him having a seizure i thought he broke his neck or something much more serious.

06-17-2007, 09:01 PM
man i know how u feel on that though because my stepdad is a diabetic and I've seen a couple of his diabetic shocks. there no picnic

ATV Chic
06-17-2007, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by MX MaNiAc 06
Yes, as bad as it is he got a concussion it could have been much worse. When i watched him having a seizure i thought he broke his neck or something much more serious.

That is sooo scary! His parents should be grateful u were there and that he is ok :ermm:

06-17-2007, 09:26 PM
lucky he didnt break anything man. tell him i hope he feels better.. i got a few concussions myself..

06-18-2007, 11:23 AM
Ive had a scare like that before. Me and my riding group were sitting at the base of a hill scoping it out, trying to work up enough balls to hit it. I finally volunteered to be the idiot and shot it. Barely made it up, but one of my friends was right behind me trying it to, he made it half way up and rolled it back on top of him, the hill is so steep he did a dead fall flat on his back to the bottom, and the quad rolled down and spiked him in the chest. When I got to the bottom his chest protector was shattered and he wasnt moving. His eyes were wide open but they werent moving. Me and my friends were trying to think what we should do, when he took in a huge breath of air and started to communicate with us. He had the wind knocked out of him and a concussion. We were very lucky. That happend last summer and his quad has been sitting in my shop ever since.

06-18-2007, 02:56 PM
One thing I always learned, - ALWAYS STRAP YOUR HELMET.

A few years ago, I was running my blaster in a big field, either in 5th or 6th gear, and my buddy on his 3 wheeler was comming across the field to the right of me. Before I seen it comming, I hit his back tire with my bumper. I launched off the front and my helmet flew right off my head.

My buddy was ok, just a little bruised and bloody. I went unconcious, and finally woke up and had to idea how I ended up there. Sometimes you hit your head hard enough, and not remember anything..

If my helmet was strapped, I would have been hurt, but I think I wouldn't have had the concussion, or memory loss.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-18-2007, 02:56 PM
I think if i was him i wouldnt ride anymore either. How long was he out? My buddy was out for a good two minutes. He didnt move at all for awhile then started to siezure. That two minutes felt like an eternity to me. When he woke up he didnt remember what he ate for breakfast. About an hour later he remembered locking up the brakes and going "oh chit"

06-18-2007, 05:38 PM
He was out for a good minute or so, and took him about a half an hour to fully recover and get up from the spot he fell. I seriously thought he was messed up bad because that was a 400 pound KFX landing directly on his chest after flipping down the hill and gaining momentum. Now im scared to watch my buddies try the hills I do. I trust myself, my abilities, and know I would jump off and kick it away when I get into trouble on a hill. But theres a certain few I ride with that makes ya bite your fingernails while there shooting. It always makes me feel better when there is someone standing about halfway up to help out if someone gets into trouble, or a tree you could snag your tire on or something.

06-18-2007, 07:02 PM
Wish your buddy a quick recovery. Some concusions take a couple weeks to recover from. My worst was 3 weeks.

That why I dont get why my friend dont strap there helmets. You might as well not ever wear one then.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-18-2007, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by firefighterjosh
Wish your buddy a quick recovery. Some concusions take a couple weeks to recover from. My worst was 3 weeks.

That why I dont get why my friend dont strap there helmets. You might as well not ever wear one then.

Good point. I hope he learned a lesson from this. I know i learned a lesson from his mistake..

06-18-2007, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by MX MaNiAc 06
I know i learned a lesson from his mistake..
Then you have it made in life.
99% of us have to do it the hard way and learn from our own mistakes.

06-19-2007, 08:55 AM
sad that his dad is mad at you for this and is blaming you when its a good thing you were there. i know i was lucky to have 2 of my friends there when i wrecked. but i dont know what happened and neither do they. they were on top of a hill and didnt see me and then finally came down when they couldnt hear me. they found me pinned up against a huge rock with the quad on top of me off the side of the track after a tabletop. i guess i didnt know who they were and they told me i wrecked and didnt believe them. my face was all bloody but i had my helmet on and it was strapped. they rushed me to the hospital and i got a catscan and all that good stuff. i dont remember any of this, i just remember waking up the next day in the hospital and wondering what happened. i ended up getting a concussion and pretty much a hole in my back, theres a scar across the bottom of my back from something and to this day i dont know how i wrecked or how i could even manage to get a scar like that. definitely proud of it though:D what makes me mad is one of my friends that was there that day had a video camera cuz he was gonna film us riding and he didnt film my wreck. would have been nice to see what actually happened.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-19-2007, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Then you have it made in life.
99% of us have to do it the hard way and learn from our own mistakes.

Watching him have a seizure really opened up my eyes. Id much rather take the extra 5 seconds to properly strap my helmet any day.

When we were getting ready to ride i was putting on my boots and chest protector. He said he didnt need any of that stuff cuz he wasnt gonna hit any of my jumps. So he tossed his helmet on and went ripping down the field. He was talking about coming back to ride next weekend and im not sure if i should let him. If he does im deffinately not letting him start his quad until he has his helmet strapped, boots, chest protector.

MX MaNiAc 06
06-20-2007, 10:40 PM
Well he went in today for a follow in and they told him he bruised his skull. But wont tell the hospital he had a seizure because he doesnt want to lose his license. He also had a bruise on his shoulder. They said the impact was so strong that if it was an inch higher he would of shattered his collar bone. Or it would of broken his neck. And if it was lower he could of broken ribs or punctured a lung.

Not even a minute before his crash he had his chest protector in his hand n dropped it on the ground cuz he "didnt need it". I told him if he had that on and strapped his helmet properly nothing would of happened. But his attitude seems liek he doesnt even care.

Wear ur gear everybody! The stuff could save ur life one day!