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View Full Version : Preparing for a race?

06-15-2007, 03:28 PM
How do most of you prepare for a race? By this I mean how you eat,exercise, or anything else if you even do? What is the most effective. I have been exercising and lifting weights for the past two months but there is a race in a week and I dont know if I should exercise harder and work out harder or how I should eat. Please help me out. The problem with me is that I get tired and my hands have a tendancy to not be able to hold on to the bike and I am just out of breath. Help me out,thanks.

06-15-2007, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by esr250r86
How do most of you prepare for a race? By this I mean how you eat,exercise, or anything else if you even do? What is the most effective. I have been exercising and lifting weights for the past two months but there is a race in a week and I dont know if I should exercise harder and work out harder or how I should eat. Please help me out. The problem with me is that I get tired and my hands have a tendancy to not be able to hold on to the bike and I am just out of breath. Help me out,thanks.

If you are getting arm pump (where your hands get numb and you cant hold on) just keep riding until you get used to the pain. What I did though is bought a stick style 7 click adjustment SRP steering stabilizer. I run it on the hardest 7th setting and boy does it work! I havent got arm pump since. Another thing to looking to are Fasst Flexx Handlebars. They really help with hand fatigue but are a bit pricey but worth it:macho If you are still getting hand fatigue after that then looking into the more expensive types of stabilizer. The precision is the best IMO because it has zone adjustments for your type of riding.

Hope this helps!!

06-15-2007, 06:09 PM
First off what kinda racing are you doing mx or xc? the stabilizer and faast bars i do agree with but your suspension also plays a big part. I can give you a work out that will target just your hands and forearms, i have been doing these at the gym and it helps alot in my 45 to 60 min races. Let me know and i will p.m. you what i do at the gym, also alot of cardi is always good i do 60min of cardio 5 times a week 20min on stair climber, 20min on treadmill and 20 min on the eliptical the my arms and back, i dont really focus on my legs as they get worked out on the cardio end. The only other thing i can say is drink lots of water nothing better than that try to stay away from soda good luck. Erik

06-15-2007, 06:14 PM
Besides riding, run. I run 3 miles a day either on the treadmill, outside, playing basketball, soccer, or football. I do situps and pushups too, and if you keep up that schedule for about 2 to 3 weeks, you can start to feel a difference. Now running and whatnot wont get you faster, but you will be able to ride harder for a longer period of time. You HAVE to have <b>Determination.</b>