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View Full Version : Dealership Negotiations

06-11-2007, 03:12 PM
So this site has tons of good info but I have never seen anything on how to get the best price at the dealership. I was thinking about buying an LTR new from a dealer and was wondering the best way to go about this. I am 21 years old have owned new bikes in the past but this is the first one I will be purchasing for myself.

What I want to here is from those who have had success get a good price from a dealer and how they went about doing so. MSRP is 7,399 on an LTR wheres a good starting offer. Do you shop around? Do you let them know you are shopping around? I want to get my best bang for the buck...

06-11-2007, 03:24 PM
They probly wont want to go down on the quads price. But you might be able to say throw in this helm and gloves and ill giv ya $7,450 or somthing.

06-11-2007, 03:25 PM
most the dealers around here really dont go down on prices to much but they usually will throw in riding gear and what not so i guess you save something

06-11-2007, 03:36 PM
There's really not a lot of profit built into the price they advertise. My brother in law sales Honda's and he say's the average Honda sport quad only has about $800.00 of profit in the price they show. Your best bet is either buy used, or buy new but last years model or pay full price and try and get a discount on accessories.
That being said your biggest tool in any sales situation is being completly willing to walk away from any deal no matter how good it is.

Good luck though

06-11-2007, 04:16 PM
yup i always thought that when you paid cash the price lowered, well i learned my lesson buying the kawi- they told me to pucker up and kiss their a** and i asked where:D, i did however score a free hat, but cdale if i can try to give you any info it would be to look for a big zuke dealer thats willing to try and work with you.