View Full Version : Multi-Topic (With Help Needed)

06-10-2007, 11:01 PM
Around a month or so ago I posted a topic about a trip to Hatfield McCoy. I was unable to go with my father and his friends but he went and had a great time. He says he will go back next time he has free! I couldnt go because my Legion Baseball team had a tournament in Danville, Illinois.

The thing I need help with is an injury at work. Please realize we are not trying to screw the system, I am only trying to help a family member. During my cousins Jr. basketball season (she just graduated in 07) she injured her knee. She had surgery to repair her knee, played basketball her entire senior year, and is cleared by her doctor for a physical activities. She recently started a new job and reinjured her knee @ work. Since cleared from the doctor for anything, on her job app. she said that she had no restrictions (Which is correct IMO and legally I am pretty sure). How long does she have to hold her job position to be able to get paid temp. leave from her job?

06-10-2007, 11:18 PM
the leave depends on the employer. where i work, you are a Temp, not a true employee for 90 days. during those 90 days you have no benefits, vacation, and only 2 sick days. so no leave for the first 90. but other employers are different, some are instant, others are 30 days. she would have to talk to her employer to find out