View Full Version : 400ex carb on 300ex

06-10-2007, 04:45 PM
i recently installed a 400ex carb on my 300ex and i dont like how it fits on there so i was wondering if theres another way to mount this or maybe a different intake boot coming from the air box that will make it fit better from a different model. ive heard the 350x 3 wheeler on fits good is this true? thanks

06-11-2007, 09:38 PM
If you heat them up a bit it will fit pretty good after a while.I have heard mixed reviews about the 350x intake tube,some say it works fine some say the angle of it is too steep to fit properly on the 300ex without some modding.I know Dork has used it but i dont know what he did to it,the 300ex one works fine for me though;)

06-13-2007, 12:47 PM
you need to heat up the carb end and stretch it over something, a poland springs water bottle works well. as far as the angle goes, the 300ex i put it on fit great, it was a bit shorter but i slotted the airbox mount. or you could run the 400ex airboot and filter, thats the best flowing setup. but you need to take off the frame snorkel boots and make up an extension bracket for the airbox mount because the boot is shorter.