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06-09-2007, 07:16 PM
Please don't respond unless you actually know what you're talking about. lol....

I don't know anything about these baseball and football cards except they were in my garage from awhile ago. My uncle gave them to me but I have no use for em... Too bad all of the individual packages are opened but they are. They are all from 1992, most of them are upperdeck brand, a box of pinnacle baseball cards and 2 boxes of opperdeck baseball cards but a different series than the rest. They are all in good condition but some are missing the packages and a little out of order but are they worth anything at all? I looked through em for a few minutes and there were some good players in there. It also looks like basicly all of the cards are there. it would be nice if I could get a little bit of money out of em since they are just taking up space and I need money for a new banshee. Here are some pics I took. Sorry aren't that clear.







06-09-2007, 07:38 PM
im srry i dont know an exact number, but those cards are mint! im sure theyre woth alot...good find:D

06-09-2007, 07:54 PM
you sure they're worth much even with all of the packages opened? I know most of the cards were put back in their packs but they are still opened. they would be worth muuuuch more I would think if all of the packs of cards were unopened.:mad:

06-09-2007, 08:04 PM
yeah...i guess your right, but even then, if the cars arent all waterlogged and stuff im sure you can still get a pretty penny for em'...especially with how many you have..like i said im not completely sure:blah:

06-09-2007, 08:25 PM
the year will not make them worth much more. But it will depend more on who the player is and how rare the card is. I have a ton of hockey cards (many worth over $200) and the year doesnt make much difference, unless of course it is really old and super rare, then they can get into the thousands.

06-09-2007, 08:49 PM
i have no clue what i am looking for when I look at em... lol so what do I do? I don't wanna take em to a card shop cause they charge a lot to look at em and stuff.:rolleyes:

06-09-2007, 08:50 PM
yeah they have never seen water... have barely seen dust sitting in that box...

06-09-2007, 10:02 PM
buy a beckit or a "beck-it" I know they have them for hockey cards. A beckit will give you an estimate of what each card is worth. For example with hockey cards i could go to the year 91-92, look up the card series called "upper deck" and then find the mark messier card i have and then itll say an estimated amount it is worth. Your local card shop should have a beckit...be sure to tell them that they are from 1992 because the newer beckits only have like the year 2000 to present. you have to get the bigger beckit and itll have an estimated value for every card ever made. Hope this helps...who knows you could have a couple grand there...but i would guess anywhere between 800-1500

06-09-2007, 10:07 PM
wow I was hoping for a few hundred dollars! lol.... I will stop off at my hobby shop asap. thanks a lot man! You have done a lot for me.

06-09-2007, 10:11 PM
holley shiiiit! $35 per book? that's $70 right there for baseball and football. uggggghh

06-09-2007, 10:19 PM
i would buy the book of the sport that you have more cards of....BTW i am not 100% sure but i think football cards bring more money then baseball, but dont quote me on that

06-09-2007, 10:23 PM
i have cases and cases of old hockey cards around. Last time i checked my highest card was at about $425 and that was like 7 years ago. I have plenty that are in the $50-250 range....but goodluck getting top dollar out of these things. Just like a quad now, it might be WORTH 4500 but you might only get 2800, ya know?

06-09-2007, 10:46 PM
yeah... I'm just looking to get a few hundred dollars or so depending on the cards.

06-11-2007, 11:28 AM
the baseball cards will be worth more money