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View Full Version : now this is some bullsh$@

05-30-2007, 05:07 PM
listen to this. Me and my next door neighbor were breaking in a honda elite 50 moped today. So we were taking turns you know riding up and down the street. not over ten miles per hour. And when it was my turn i took it up the street and a cop saw me. the speedometer said 8mph when he saw me. I stopped and he got out of his car and said can i see your license. I said sorry officer i am only 15. He said well boy your in some big trouble. here i find out that it had an expired licenseplate from 1996, i had no license, no helmet, and the cop said i gave him a smurk when i looked at him. So heres the fu%$^$ up part! the cop started gettin all of my info, you know all the good stuff. He said that it is going to have to get towed, A 4 fooot moped!. the towtruck bad was 40 feet long. i have to pay the towing price. i have to pay a fine, and i have to go to juvenile court, and i could possibly be held from getting my license until im 18. it sucks! I have to go to court on june 15. Ive never been in trouble with the cops(well ive been chased by them like 20 times on my quad, but i wouldnt try to outrun them on a frikkin moped lol) I dont know what to do in court. the cop is a dick. Any advice?

05-30-2007, 05:17 PM
Well just to start off my profession is being a cop. And what it sounds like to me it that the cop was having a bad day and he wanted to be a d!ckhead to you. When you get to court just say that you didn't think there would have been any problem riding at a slow pace to break in the motor and you had no intentions of disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. Now depending on how the cop and the judge is they could let you off, lower the punishment and fines or stick it to you hard.

05-30-2007, 05:36 PM
My friend was in the same situation, he was riding his suzuki drz125l pit bike and breaking it in when two cops stopped him. They asked for all his information and called a tow truck. They gave him a few tickets ( no insurance, riding on a roadway, no license, etc.) He had the registration stickers but, the bike was so new they were still in the mail. I remember his fine added up to around $985. Those two cops were the two most thick headed people I have ever seen in my life. Well he went to court on the set day and the fines were lowered to around $90. He paid them and they gave him a paper to go and pick up his bike. (He got stopped in late march and his court date was in the middle of May.) When he went to the lot, they said they sold his bike in the middle of April. He was going slow on the road just breaking the bike in when the two cops had to come over and feel powerful. This happened about two years ago. I have come across some decent cops and some dickheads. You might have one cop that will just tell you to ride further in the woods and you will have ones that will chase you until they run out of gas. The cops aren't allowed to chase you. They will chase you on the smaller roads and as soon as you hit a more populated road than they most always back off. If you can ever get to see the ID number of the cop that is chasing you, call them in to the city and say that that patrol car was chasing an ATV and almost crashed into people in the street.

05-30-2007, 06:14 PM
onefast400ex, I see some problems with your post. If it had registaion, insurance and you had a motorcycle licence the next day you can get it out of impound. By me, its illegal to ride any unregistered, uninsured motorcylce on the street, period. Its illegal to ride atv's on the street, no matter what!!! I agree, its not fair that they sold the dirtbike, but, did you ever call to see when you get get it out of impound???? Most impound lots will hold a car/atv/motorcycle for 30 days, no more, then it goes to the auction block, as its considered abanded(sp) property. As to the guy who posted about the moped, its illegal to ride a moped on the street that is uninsured/unregistered and you don't have a licence. You were riding w/o a licence, point blank. That is why you can have your licence held untill you are 18, driving without a licence for an underage person can have stiff penalties.

Yes, the cop could have been somewhat nicer and maybe told you to go home, but he/she were doing there job. I have met nice cops and very mean ones. I ride a street converted and registered dirtbike(its 100% legal), I got some real prick cops, who questioned everything, checked the vin numbers on my frame against the registration, plate, etc. Called in my insurance to make sure it was real. And others you said "its registered, insured, inspection sticker, and you have a motorcylce licence, you are free to go, I don't know how you got the title/mso past dmv, nor do I want to know". I get stopped by cops kinda often(as it looks like a dirtbike and the plate isn't the easiest to see from the opposite direction).

05-30-2007, 06:37 PM
In maryland anything under 50 cc. is a toy, and does not need insurance or registration, and I'm not sure about a licence

Robin Hood
05-30-2007, 08:12 PM
Make sure you look into a lawyer. They work wonders (trust me, i've been in court for the same **** over and over again, and the lawyers helped out BIG TIME).

After your court date is over, find the d!ckhead's address and tp his house. :p

05-30-2007, 08:49 PM
this same thing happend to my little brother, but he received multiple warings for riding a minibike on the street, he went to juv court and got a 10 dollar fine if that makes you feel any better.

05-30-2007, 09:02 PM
I thought you could be on a moped at 15, thats why all my friends got them. Also, if you just bought it, i believe you have 30 days to get a plate just like on a car. I would call an attorney and just ask him those two questions.

05-30-2007, 11:05 PM
In Georgia it is legal to ride a moped on the street at 15 years old. I have seen many kids riding mopeds on the street. Sorry for your luck. I have dealt with many cops for many issues. Some of them are nice and some of them just aren't going to give an inch.

05-31-2007, 01:11 AM
In indiana the moped laws are this.

Must be 15 to operate on the road
must be under 50cc
Must go under 30 or 35MPH can't remember

I though ohio was the same thing.:confused:

05-31-2007, 04:32 AM
Well just to start off my profession is being a cop.

just noticed in another thread that you live by Carbondale. you wouldn't happen to work with Carbondale police would you?

05-31-2007, 05:53 AM
The judge will have more sense than the cop who put you through all of this. You can take a lawyer but you could just as easily take your mom & dad. Having both parents there will make more of an impression than anything.

The good news is this incident will not keep you from joining the military one day if you want.

Everyone runs into a bad cop now and then...just do your best not to let it influence you against all cops. Every profession has a few bad seeds.


05-31-2007, 07:45 AM
I would look up the law and see if you broke one. What I dont get is why he pulled you over for going 8mph. That moped is probably 43-49cc just called a 50.
I saw on youtube some one got pulled over on a little 40lb 43cc pocket bike and it had to get towed :eek2: :rolleyes:

05-31-2007, 08:16 AM
I just bought me a moped 2 more weeks and i can legally drive it on the road.

05-31-2007, 08:25 AM
Should have looked up the laws in your State first.


Motor Scooter Information



Motor scooters and mini-motorcycles have become hot items among children and teenagers.

Parents, grandparents and other family members are spending their hard earned money to purchase scooters and mini-motorcycles – just to find out that most cannot be operated on Ohio’s roads and their children - or grandchildren cannot legally operate the vehicle.

In Ohio, the motor scooters and mini-motorcycles cannot be legally operated on Ohio’s roadways unless - they are titled, registered, covered by the proper insurance and the operator is at least 16 years old with a motorcycle license or endorsement on his or her driver license.

Most of the small electric and gas powered motor scooters, which are sold in sporting good stores and department stores, are not roadworthy, therefore cannot be titled or registered.

In order for the scooter or the mini-motorcycle to be considered roadworthy each must contain a seat, not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, contain the proper brake lights, turn signals, horn, rearview mirrors and headlights.

The county title office will then issue a title for your motor scooter or mini-motorcycle. The title will cost $5.

After you purchase your title, you will need to register your vehicle. The annual registration costs $28.50, plus a permissive tax if required and any new plate fees.

The motor scooter and mini-motorcycle will be issued a motorcycle plate, which will need to be attached to the vehicle.

Please make sure you have the proper insurance coverage on your motor scooter or mini-motorcycle, before registering your vehicle. The owner and the operator of the motor scooter or mini-motorcycle are subject to financial responsibility suspensions if the proper insurance is not maintained.

And finally, in order for the individual to legally operate the motor scooter or mini-motorcycle – he or she must be at least 16 years old and hold a valid driver license with a motorcycle endorsement or a motorcycle license. It is very important to know Ohio’s road laws and signs before an individual attempts to operate a vehicle of any kind on Ohio’s roadways. Licensed drivers have been tested on their knowledge and skills.

Please, know the law before you purchase a motor scooter or a mini-motorcycle. Know where they may be operated and who can operate them. If you have questions you may contact the BMV at 614-752-7800 and you also need to check with your local jurisdiction before you make the purchase.

It’s about your safety, your children’s safety and other drivers’ safety.

Looks as though you're up chit creek without a paddle on this one .

05-31-2007, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Stevie-D
just noticed in another thread that you live by Carbondale. you wouldn't happen to work with Carbondale police would you?

We do sometime's cross line's and work 2gether.

And cops almost always hit you with more than one ticket because then when crap does get into court we can get people to plea guilty to one thing and we say that we will drop the other's.

05-31-2007, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by yamaha250f
We do sometime's cross line's and work 2gether.

And cops almost always hit you with more than one ticket because then when crap does get into court we can get people to plea guilty to one thing and we say that we will drop the other's.

yeah i believe this is called "throwing poop against the wall and seeing what sticks", and i think it's B.S.!! there is the letter of the law and the intent....the letter of the law is simple...for example; a cop can pull you over for doing 66 in a 65 m.p.h. zone. but what purpose does that serve? the intent of speed limits really are to make sure people aren't doing 90 in a 65 zone...this cop just as easily could have stopped and seen what you were up to, and said "be careful, and stay out of traffic...if i get a call you'll get a ticket, have a good day", and been on his way. because there is no doubt in my mind there are far worse things he could have been spending his time taking care of....it is because of stuff like this that creates a "us vs. them mentality" with common citizens and the police...and by the way, the police are paid by our tax dollars, and part of that pay is to make sure their ego is checked at the door. i'm not saying be a pushover, but abuse of privelages/power is all to common. and actually sheds a bad light on all police. now granted sometimes they put their life on the line, but this obviously wasn't one of those times....and besides carrying a gun, and maybe getting shot back at is what they signed up/and are again paid for.....so the carte blanche attitude that sometimes permiates throughout law enforcement is not never justified. and neither is "he's having a bad day"...cops are in my book expected to be above reproach. to me there is nothing more hurtful to a society then those expected to uphold the law, abusing those powers afforded them by that position.

and by the way do yourself a favor, and get a lawyer...paying a couple hundred to get this crap tossed, is cheaper then the fines. and seeing that cops ticked off face is worth the money spent on the fees alone! in the end it's about principles, and the cop failed to show good ones in the first place....goodluck... ;)

05-31-2007, 04:39 PM
now i find out i have to pay storage. im sorry if this affends any of you but i fu$#%^# hate cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is gay

05-31-2007, 04:41 PM
im gonna make a smiley face in bologna on his car. ill see how he likes that when he has to get his hood painted.

05-31-2007, 05:51 PM
Yea dude some cops are @$$HOLES theres no nice way to put it. they make all the nice ones take their reputation also...there is more of the bad kind than the good kind... atleast in my town, i love it when i meet them on my quad or snowmobile...they dont even try nemore, haha they have to pick on mopeds because everything else is too much of a challenge. I wouldnt do nething to his house or car... if u must make it a bumper sticker of "quityer*****n" or "Jesus loves u...everyone els thinks your an @$$HOLE" haha.

05-31-2007, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by dlerch
yeah i believe this is called "throwing poop against the wall and seeing what sticks", and i think it's B.S.!! there is the letter of the law and the intent....the letter of the law is simple...for example; a cop can pull you over for doing 66 in a 65 m.p.h. zone. but what purpose does that serve? the intent of speed limits really are to make sure people aren't doing 90 in a 65 zone...this cop just as easily could have stopped and seen what you were up to, and said "be careful, and stay out of traffic...if i get a call you'll get a ticket, have a good day", and been on his way. because there is no doubt in my mind there are far worse things he could have been spending his time taking care of....it is because of stuff like this that creates a "us vs. them mentality" with common citizens and the police...and by the way, the police are paid by our tax dollars, and part of that pay is to make sure their ego is checked at the door. i'm not saying be a pushover, but abuse of privelages/power is all to common. and actually sheds a bad light on all police. now granted sometimes they put their life on the line, but this obviously wasn't one of those times....and besides carrying a gun, and maybe getting shot back at is what they signed up/and are again paid for.....so the carte blanche attitude that sometimes permiates throughout law enforcement is not never justified. and neither is "he's having a bad day"...cops are in my book expected to be above reproach. to me there is nothing more hurtful to a society then those expected to uphold the law, abusing those powers afforded them by that position.

and by the way do yourself a favor, and get a lawyer...paying a couple hundred to get this crap tossed, is cheaper then the fines. and seeing that cops ticked off face is worth the money spent on the fees alone! in the end it's about principles, and the cop failed to show good ones in the first place....goodluck... ;)

Yeah so I dont even have anything to say to that but it's seriously not the way it is with me I'm not out to be a ball buster but I make sure when someone deserves it i stick it to them hard. I have nothing but leway with people but if i give someone a DUI and thats it then there's a 99% chance that its going to get lowered to disorderly conduct now if i take that same DUI and i tack on careless driving, failure to obey traffic control device and some other things then i can say well if they pled guilty to the DUI I will drop everything else. In all reality its the safest thing but I only do it when it's serious. This kid with the moped I would prob have stopped and bul1****ed with the kids I'm always hangen around by the tracks up here talked to the kids on quads and bikes but thats me not everyone is like that.

05-31-2007, 08:15 PM
WOW ... never knew so many people had disrespect or anger against cops . Now I'm guessing all those are saying the cop was being an ********* didn't read the little review about the laws in Ohio about the use of scooters , mopeds and mini bikes .

By the way ... it was taken from a website that had a direct link to the BMV .

So let's see where the kid went wrong .... first of all he is 15 and the law states he has to be 16 to drive. That's offence #1.

He said the plates were outdated ... offence #2 as stated by the law.

If it wasn't plated , my best guess is that it wasn't insured .... offence #3 .

And this kid has admitted to running from the cops on numerous other occasions while on his quad .... gives me the impression that he's a trouble maker and I'm sure his little smirk to the cop wasn't the only attitude he's gave him . IMO

So let's review this ... 3 offences , all of which are fairly serious ... underage driving , no plates and no insurance. If you don't have the common sense to know that these are the rules of the road , then you deserve a ticket .

Don't think any of those are serious enough to deserve a fine ?? Go and ask the underage kid that was driving a dirt bike that hit me that wasn't plated and no insurance how he feels about this subject. Wait go ask his lawyers instead !!!

05-31-2007, 09:30 PM
awww brings me back to the good ol days when i had to go to court get youself a cheap lawyer and go to court dress up all nice and be very proper with the master/judge also since this is you first offense its prolly going ot get thrown out or like they have stated a simple 50 buck fine and a slap on the wrist. just about everything will be dropped your license will not be suspend. i knwo this because this EXACT thing happened to me with my little scooter hold ur head up kid no worries and im tellin u what the look on the po po's face when u win this will be memorable :) cheers man

o yeah btw... dont announce that you plan on doing stuff to his car because things on the internet are tracked so easily so just keep it to ur friends and yourself

05-31-2007, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by yamaha250f
Yeah so I dont even have anything to say to that but it's seriously not the way it is with me I'm not out to be a ball buster but I make sure when someone deserves it i stick it to them hard. I have nothing but leway with people but if i give someone a DUI and thats it then there's a 99% chance that its going to get lowered to disorderly conduct now if i take that same DUI and i tack on careless driving, failure to obey traffic control device and some other things then i can say well if they pled guilty to the DUI I will drop everything else. In all reality its the safest thing but I only do it when it's serious. This kid with the moped I would prob have stopped and bul1****ed with the kids I'm always hangen around by the tracks up here talked to the kids on quads and bikes but thats me not everyone is like that.

i'm glad to see it...a good repoire is important with the common joe....it goes along way, and makes your job easier i'm sure...and i believe the "traffic control device" you are referring to is a 3111...;) ...i still personally believe there is way more good cops than bad, but just like with everything else, it's always the bad ones that get the most "press".....

05-31-2007, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by dlerch
yeah i believe this is called "throwing poop against the wall and seeing what sticks", and i think it's B.S.!! there is the letter of the law and the intent....the letter of the law is simple...for example; a cop can pull you over for doing 66 in a 65 m.p.h. zone. but what purpose does that serve? the intent of speed limits really are to make sure people aren't doing 90 in a 65 zone...this cop just as easily could have stopped and seen what you were up to, and said "be careful, and stay out of traffic...if i get a call you'll get a ticket, have a good day", and been on his way. because there is no doubt in my mind there are far worse things he could have been spending his time taking care of....it is because of stuff like this that creates a "us vs. them mentality" with common citizens and the police...and by the way, the police are paid by our tax dollars, and part of that pay is to make sure their ego is checked at the door. i'm not saying be a pushover, but abuse of privelages/power is all to common. and actually sheds a bad light on all police. now granted sometimes they put their life on the line, but this obviously wasn't one of those times....and besides carrying a gun, and maybe getting shot back at is what they signed up/and are again paid for.....so the carte blanche attitude that sometimes permiates throughout law enforcement is not never justified. and neither is "he's having a bad day"...cops are in my book expected to be above reproach. to me there is nothing more hurtful to a society then those expected to uphold the law, abusing those powers afforded them by that position.

and by the way do yourself a favor, and get a lawyer...paying a couple hundred to get this crap tossed, is cheaper then the fines. and seeing that cops ticked off face is worth the money spent on the fees alone! in the end it's about principles, and the cop failed to show good ones in the first place....goodluck... ;)

I dont think that is called thowing the poop on the wall and seeing what sticks. That is more of dismissing the smaller citations and getting a conviction on the bigger ones OR maybe even helping someone out by not pushing the envelope. For example, i arrest someone for driving while suspended and my PC for stoping them was they ran a stop sign, I will 9 times out of 10 dismiss the stop sign because i dont want to jam him up if they were decent with me. Also I dont know where you get your info but a Police Officer in PA can not pull you over for going 66 in a 65. If they are using Accu track or VASCAR you have to be going at least 10 over..If it is a state trooper and they are using radar it has to be at least 5 over. But that is just a guidline. I dont touch you unless your doing 15 over. One more thing, I love when people tell me "my taxs pay you every month" that is true to an extent. BUT the amount of my money that you pay with your tax's couldnt supersize my coffee at sheetz..LOL...Anyways, i would recomend getting a lawyer. You might pay alittle more for it upfront but it will pay for its self in the long run..Good luck...

05-31-2007, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Jblazin98
I dont think that is called thowing the poop on the wall and seeing what sticks. That is more of dismissing the smaller citations and getting a conviction on the bigger ones OR maybe even helping someone out by not pushing the envelope. For example, i arrest someone for driving while suspended and my PC for stoping them was they ran a stop sign, I will 9 times out of 10 dismiss the stop sign because i dont want to jam him up if they were decent with me. Also I dont know where you get your info but a Police Officer in PA can not pull you over for going 66 in a 65. If they are using Accu track or VASCAR you have to be going at least 10 over..If it is a state trooper and they are using radar it has to be at least 5 over. But that is just a guidline. I dont touch you unless your doing 15 over. One more thing, I love when people tell me "my taxs pay you every month" that is true to an extent. BUT the amount of my money that you pay with your tax's couldnt supersize my coffee at sheetz..LOL...Anyways, i would recomend getting a lawyer. You might pay alittle more for it upfront but it will pay for its self in the long run..Good luck...

the 66 in a 65 thing... isn't there a 5 and under ticket here in pa?(no points)...i believe its a 3112 or that might still be in the 3111 also i can't remember. and that speed can be obtained from following a car a la speedometer...which i believe has to be certified every 60 days... regardless it can still fall under your trump card..the "to fast for conditions".....and if you write someone up for more than one more ticket...so what if you drop it or not...they only get the points assessed from the biggest ticket...and the points are the big deal not the fines here in pa...and you only write more tickets for 2 reasons..one is to get a plea..which means a guaranteed conviction, which is what you're all about, and the other reason is basically the same, and that is you offer to drop the others for a plea, trying to make it sound like you're doing a favor, but again it's to get a conviction....and as far as the "tax" thing...where does the money come from to pay police salaries if it's not from taxes? i don't see cops out selling subs or washing cars...

05-31-2007, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by dlerch
the 66 in a 65 thing... isn't there a 5 and under ticket here in pa?(no points)...i believe its a 3112 or that might still be in the 3111 also i can't remember. and that speed can be obtained from following a car a la speedometer...which i believe has to be certified every 60 days... regardless it can still fall under your trump card..the "to fast for conditions".....and if you write someone up for more than one more ticket...so what if you drop it or not...they only get the points assessed from the biggest ticket...and the points are the big deal not the fines here in pa...and you only write more tickets for 2 reasons..one is to get a plea..which means a guaranteed conviction, which is what you're all about, and the other reason is basically the same, and that is you offer to drop the others for a plea, trying to make it sound like you're doing a favor, but again it's to get a conviction....and as far as the "tax" thing...where does the money come from to pay police salaries if it's not from taxes? i don't see cops out selling subs or washing cars...

When you catch someone for speed it is your discretion on what you write..You could write someone for speeding which is 3362 and if you want to be nice you can write it for 5 over the posted speed which is till 3362. Or you can write 3111A which is the obdience to traffic control devices both of which carry no points on your driving record. For the "trump card" you would need to show that there was something present such as rain, snow or something to that effect to get a conviction. ...I dont agree with you about the dropping tickets thing I have on numerous occasions withdrawn a ticket IF i have more than one on somebody WITH solid PC for a stop because they were polite with me. I dont know about other Police Officer but I DO NOT and WILL NEVER write a ticket to someone who did not deseve it or pile tickets on to someone so i can get a plea on it later if they take a hearing..That is the problem with the general public they think they know it all about being a Police Officer when you really just know stuff because you have been arrested or "know someone tha was a cop". This might be the case with you but it might not be, I really dont care. Im not in this post to fight with anyone about the law, i do that enough at work. Oh and thanks for paying my salary my family appricates it :D

06-01-2007, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by hondamx82
listen to this. Me and my next door neighbor were breaking in a honda elite 50 moped today. So we were taking turns you know riding up and down the street. not over ten miles per hour. And when it was my turn i took it up the street and a cop saw me. the speedometer said 8mph when he saw me. I stopped and he got out of his car and said can i see your license. I said sorry officer i am only 15. He said well boy your in some big trouble. here i find out that it had an expired licenseplate from 1996, i had no license, no helmet, and the cop said i gave him a smurk when i looked at him. So heres the fu%$^$ up part! the cop started gettin all of my info, you know all the good stuff. He said that it is going to have to get towed, A 4 fooot moped!. the towtruck bad was 40 feet long. i have to pay the towing price. i have to pay a fine, and i have to go to juvenile court, and i could possibly be held from getting my license until im 18. it sucks! I have to go to court on june 15. Ive never been in trouble with the cops(well ive been chased by them like 20 times on my quad, but i wouldnt try to outrun them on a frikkin moped lol) I dont know what to do in court. the cop is a dick. Any advice?

Funny story, just last night me and my friend were out at his dads shop about 1 in the morning. His dad gives us a call asking if we want to come along for a tow with him so we do. We get there and there were 3 kids on mopeds, and the cops said they were doing donuts in a cemetary. So we loaded the mopeds on the tow truck and towed them 20 miles back. The cost of the tow was around $100 a moped, so if they don't come and get them he gets to keep them.

06-02-2007, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Jblazin98
When you catch someone for speed it is your discretion on what you write..You could write someone for speeding which is 3362 and if you want to be nice you can write it for 5 over the posted speed which is till 3362. Or you can write 3111A which is the obdience to traffic control devices both of which carry no points on your driving record. For the "trump card" you would need to show that there was something present such as rain, snow or something to that effect to get a conviction. ...I dont agree with you about the dropping tickets thing I have on numerous occasions withdrawn a ticket IF i have more than one on somebody WITH solid PC for a stop because they were polite with me. I dont know about other Police Officer but I DO NOT and WILL NEVER write a ticket to someone who did not deseve it or pile tickets on to someone so i can get a plea on it later if they take a hearing..That is the problem with the general public they think they know it all about being a Police Officer when you really just know stuff because you have been arrested or "know someone tha was a cop". This might be the case with you but it might not be, I really dont care. Im not in this post to fight with anyone about the law, i do that enough at work. Oh and thanks for paying my salary my family appricates it :D

The whole problem here is that everyone thinks they know something about the law but Jblazin98 you knwo that almost 96% of Us citizens would not have the brains or the will to get through the ACT 120 and if they did wouldnt have the ability to work the hours and back to backs that the Police Officer of 2day has to work.

06-02-2007, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by yamaha250f
The whole problem here is that everyone thinks they know something about the law but Jblazin98 you knwo that almost 96% of Us citizens would not have the brains or the will to get through the ACT 120 and if they did wouldnt have the ability to work the hours and back to backs that the Police Officer of 2day has to work.

lets not confuse ACT 120 with the MCATS or the BAR exam....and there are lots of people that work long hours...i own a restaurant, and i can tell you sometimes i'd rather be shot at then put up with some of the crap i have to deal with....this exact statement is what is so frustrating about law enforcement people....you're the first ones to say what you do is "super human", but when you're caught doing something all to human, i.e. shooting someone un-armed(i understand mistakes happen), accepting bribes, caught using narcotics etc etc, you cry the blues about how it's so stressful, or take advantage of the exact same system that you complain the criminals can manipulate....look the truth be told i believe that if you're a cop and your caught breaking the law, you should get mandatory maximum sentencing for the crime....you are paid to make decisions that need to be better than the common guy on the street. if you can't than lets just let anyone be a cop....the trust we put in the police to make the right choices is paramount. i mean if you can't trust a cop, then who can you trust?? there are certain people that we as a society should never have to worry about making unethical or immoral decisions. the police and educators are on the top of my list....JMO

06-02-2007, 09:55 PM
if you broke the law, why are you mad at the cop? :rolleyes:

06-03-2007, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
WOW ... never knew so many people had disrespect or anger against cops . Now I'm guessing all those are saying the cop was being an ********* didn't read the little review about the laws in Ohio about the use of scooters , mopeds and mini bikes .

By the way ... it was taken from a website that had a direct link to the BMV .

So let's see where the kid went wrong .... first of all he is 15 and the law states he has to be 16 to drive. That's offence #1.

He said the plates were outdated ... offence #2 as stated by the law.

If it wasn't plated , my best guess is that it wasn't insured .... offence #3 .

And this kid has admitted to running from the cops on numerous other occasions while on his quad .... gives me the impression that he's a trouble maker and I'm sure his little smirk to the cop wasn't the only attitude he's gave him . IMO

So let's review this ... 3 offences , all of which are fairly serious ... underage driving , no plates and no insurance. If you don't have the common sense to know that these are the rules of the road , then you deserve a ticket .

Don't think any of those are serious enough to deserve a fine ?? Go and ask the underage kid that was driving a dirt bike that hit me that wasn't plated and no insurance how he feels about this subject. Wait go ask his lawyers instead !!!

serious offenses??? come on. You know how many people drive with improperly registered vehicles and/or no insurance? So that leaves underage driving...a 15 year old on a freaking moped. You know what happens to a kid's life if all this crap were to stick on his record? Plain and simple, cop = ***** on this one...judge will save the day.

06-03-2007, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
serious offenses??? come on. You know how many people drive with improperly registered vehicles and/or no insurance? So that leaves underage driving...a 15 year old on a freaking moped. You know what happens to a kid's life if all this crap were to stick on his record? Plain and simple, cop = ***** on this one...judge will save the day.

Ok so lets get this straight the cop = D!ckhead then if the judge finds him guilty then whats the next things you guys are gonna say Judge = D!ckhead because of his verdict. IMO if I was the cop I would have let if fly just not worth it to do it a kid riding a moped.

06-03-2007, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by yamaha250f
Ok so lets get this straight the cop = D!ckhead then if the judge finds him guilty then whats the next things you guys are gonna say Judge = D!ckhead because of his verdict. IMO if I was the cop I would have let if fly just not worth it to do it a kid riding a moped.

So basically you agreed that the cop should have let it go because he was a kid...that is all I said. Your just offended cause I said he was an arse on this one for not handling the way you and I would have.

I predict if the kid goes to juvenile court with his parents, he walks free and clear and still gets his driver's license when he is 16. Go sit in juvenile court for a day...I've done it 3 times. It is amazing what some kids are doing today. This kid is practically an angel by comparison sake. No alcohol, no drugs, no guns, no beating anyone, and no sexual assault. Many of the kids that so many think are worthless and troubled are the ones in Special Forces today handling some of the countries most dangerous missions. Many of the others are in fact cops themselves. I have friends today who are cops that I can't even begin to tell you the mischief we got into as teenagers. Thank goodness cops used to just take you home and talk to your parents...at least on the first offense. And yes, I would say the judge is an arse too if this kid walks with a juvenile record over something like this. He is a kid that by definition doesn't have the maturity to make sound decisions. His parents need to take the moped away from him if he can't handle making the right decisions. Judges let adults walk free all the time. IMO this kid did a little more crime than keeping his library books out too long. He stopped afterall...he didn't try to run.

06-03-2007, 06:11 PM
just another punk cop trying to be a hardass, just hope the judge isnt like the cop...

06-03-2007, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
just another punk cop trying to be a hardass, just hope the judge isnt like the cop...

yeah i agree. i kno that the cops should do their jobs and enforce the laws, BUT this seems very harsh to me. I mean, i'm 15, too, and i can't imagine how it would be not being able to drive until im 18 :eek: . 2 years ago, me and 2 friends were in rutter's (we drove on the road/highway to get there) and we were inside drinking hot chocolate/coffee and warming up. it was a snow emergency for our township too. the cop was on the other side of the road and watched us go in and when we were inside the cop came over. he got all of our info, called our parents and everything. we asked about the snow emerency thing, he said it has to be a snow emergency for the WHOLE state to drive on the roads with quads. BUT what i am getting at, is that there is cops that are pretty kool about things. he just gave us a warning instead of fining us. if he would have fined us, i think i wouldn;t be allowd to get my license till i'm 18.

sorry for lot of writing. i also think its bull**** that you had to have a towtruck come....thats retarded. the cop i was just talking about was going to make us have sum1 in a trailer come and pick them up, but i guess cuz he was feelin kinda kool that night, he let us drive the fields home.

sorry to hear about this man, fight it in court, hopefully things turn out better for you!


06-04-2007, 05:18 AM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
serious offenses??? come on. You know how many people drive with improperly registered vehicles and/or no insurance? So that leaves underage driving...a 15 year old on a freaking moped. You know what happens to a kid's life if all this crap were to stick on his record? Plain and simple, cop = ***** on this one...judge will save the day.

Do you know what happens to a person's life when they are hit and injured by an underage driver that doesn't have insurance and isn't registered ??

Trust me I know WTF happens .... I've been dealing with it for 3 years now. I'm the one that's had to go to court and battle with my own personal insurance company to get things done, I'm the one that lost my job over some kid without a license , I'm the one that's had to deal with increased insurance rates because I had to make a claim on my own insurance .

So yes ,it is a serious offence if you ask me , because until you've been in the shoes of soemone that's been directly affected because of someone else's negligence , you won't think it's something serious.

06-04-2007, 07:30 AM
its one thing to be on a mopad a block over from your house then its another if u are 15 miles from ur house,the cop had all the right to enforce the law but again sometimes its better to escort the kid back to his house and explain what can happen if it happens again, maybe the parents wernt aware of the laws with them maybe they did who knows,

whats sad is cops use that shiel to their advantage alot, not all but but alot do, ive seen several speed and run redlights and run stop signs, ive ran behind a unmarked srt dodge truck(lights in the rear window gave it away) doin 90ish(yep i break the law just like him), ive argued with a lady cop friend of mine that they shouldnt do all that she tells me u dont know whats happening on the radio and i tell her thats fine thats why they have codes to run, hauling arse 20 above the speed limit stopping at a red light to blow through without your lights on it is not considered code 1, i had a cop pass me on a 2 lane road about 45ish or so in a 30 no lights what soever, if anything have your "emergency" lights on

and i was military police for 5 years so i have a small amout of knowledge of the laws, we had a 15 over the speed limit max(not followed though) and either code one(normal driving no lights) or code 3 (lights,siren,15 over speed)

1965 honda
06-04-2007, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_#387
Funny story, just last night me and my friend were out at his dads shop about 1 in the morning. His dad gives us a call asking if we want to come along for a tow with him so we do. We get there and there were 3 kids on mopeds, and the cops said they were doing donuts in a cemetary. So we loaded the mopeds on the tow truck and towed them 20 miles back. The cost of the tow was around $100 a moped, so if they don't come and get them he gets to keep them.
hire a lawyer trust me youll get out of trouble.:devil:

06-05-2007, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by hondamx82
listen to this. Me and my next door neighbor were breaking in a honda elite 50 moped today. So we were taking turns you know riding up and down the street. not over ten miles per hour. And when it was my turn i took it up the street and a cop saw me. the speedometer said 8mph when he saw me. I stopped and he got out of his car and said can i see your license. I said sorry officer i am only 15. He said well boy your in some big trouble. here i find out that it had an expired licenseplate from 1996, i had no license, no helmet, and the cop said i gave him a smurk when i looked at him. So heres the fu%$^$ up part! the cop started gettin all of my info, you know all the good stuff. He said that it is going to have to get towed, A 4 fooot moped!. the towtruck bad was 40 feet long. i have to pay the towing price. i have to pay a fine, and i have to go to juvenile court, and i could possibly be held from getting my license until im 18. it sucks! I have to go to court on june 15. Ive never been in trouble with the cops(well ive been chased by them like 20 times on my quad, but i wouldnt try to outrun them on a frikkin moped lol) I dont know what to do in court. the cop is a dick. Any advice?

I can understand why the cop was being a dick. You apparently have a history with them by outrunning them some 20 times on your quad!!