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05-29-2007, 05:41 PM
Guys i got a problem! i talked to my dad just now and asked him how i could get easy money for a quad or dirtibke.. and told him i can find one for under 2000 with reason.

So he just came right out not even sayin how i can make some money.. and said NO..

I swear my mom is half the problem. she doesnt even like when i jump my bike off curbs and all that good stuff.. shes a reall pain in the *****

Any sugestions on how to convince them??!?!?!?!?!?

Ruby Soho
05-29-2007, 05:44 PM
talk to them dude. reason with them. dont just blow up and walk away like i know you do :devil:

i thought your old man said you could get a sport quad

05-29-2007, 05:45 PM
i thought soo too.. he said i could get somthin if i found it but he probly just said it to get me off his case!

Ruby Soho
05-29-2007, 05:49 PM
could be. i wouldnt do it behind their backs though... that wouldnt turn out well. but like i said reason with them. if they say no ask why, if they give you a good reason then tell them you deserve it. which you do for all the things you do around your place.

05-29-2007, 05:50 PM
didn't you just get a cr125?

05-29-2007, 05:52 PM
Haha kick them in the face and just go out and buy something. Haha J/k that is prob a good way to get ya tossed out of the house.

05-29-2007, 06:07 PM
i was supposed to get a 125 but then the kid backed outa the deal.. so now i gotta start from square 1..

And when i ride its soo boring.. damn utility.. i wanna sell it but my dad wont let me.. i could easily get 4500 for it! its 06 brand new pretty much..

So back to square 1.. and i want somthin thats FUN TO RIDE!

05-29-2007, 06:49 PM
Tell them if they dont want you to invest in something worthwhile like a uad, that your gonna start spending your money on weed. Worked for me.

05-29-2007, 06:57 PM
BAHAH that might actually work!

05-29-2007, 08:47 PM
Next time you have a physical forage the DR.'s sig and write you only have 6mnts to live!!!
JK I worked my way up from a Yamaha Breeze to a blaster then to a 400ex.

05-29-2007, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by mikeB

And when i ride its soo boring.. damn utility.. i wanna sell it but my dad wont let me.. i could easily get 4500 for it! its 06 brand new pretty much..

Who paid for the utility quad in the first place?

Summers here. Go out and get a job and earn some money. I'll help my son when I see hes trying hard for something and pulling his own weight for something he wants.
I'll be darn if im just gonna give him money to buy something expensive just because he wants it. That would never teach him anything about values. Hes got to earn it first and then i'll help him out.
Example: "Dad, I want to buy a 4000 dollar sport quad."
I say "Ok that sounds good. Tell you what, save up 2000 from a summer job and I'll pay the other half."

Pulling your own weight and completing your goals for something you want goes A LONG WAYS in parents eyes.

05-29-2007, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by mikeB
i was supposed to get a 125 but then the kid backed outa the deal

that really sucks.

Originally posted by mikeB
i wanna sell it but my dad wont let me.

did you pay for it in the first place?

Originally posted by mikeB
i could easily get 4500 for it! its 06 brand new pretty much..

seems high to me. but whatever.

Originally posted by mikeB
and i want somthin thats FUN TO RIDE!

thats what its about.

Originally posted by SGA
Summers here. Go out and get a job and earn some money. I'll help my son when I see hes trying hard for something and pulling his own weight for something he wants.
I'll be darn if im just gonna give him money to buy something expensive just because he wants it. That would never teach him anything about values. Hes got to earn it first and then i'll help him out.

Example: "Dad, I want to buy a 4000 dollar sport quad."
I say "Ok that sounds good. Tell you what, save up 2000 from a summer job and I'll pay the other half."

Pulling your own weight and completing your goals for something you want goes A LONG WAYS in parents eyes.

agree completely. last summer i worked the whole summer four or five days a week with my dad. i paid for my bike. but then i was broke. he bought me new sprockets, a chain, tires, and most of my gas, just because i earned it and take care of it.

Robin Hood
05-29-2007, 10:15 PM
Don't expect them to go all out on a bike or anything. My parents started me out on a little 50 when I was 5, but that's as far as they went until 3 years ago.

I balls out worked all summer with my dad and his construction company. My parents realized my dedication towards getting a new quad so they decided to split it 50/50.

Just show them that you really want to work towards your cause. Don't go overboard and bug them, but make sure you plant the seed at the same time. If your dad needs help around the yard, "sure dad, i'll help ya out" if mom needs some errands run, "will do mom." Little stuff like that goes a long way if you're not in the market for a job (which should be your first priority to begin with). :)

Ruby Soho
05-30-2007, 06:17 AM
i would save money. like you WERE, but dont put it in the bank, your mom wont let you take that back out. then when you have 1500-2000 just talk to your dad about it

05-30-2007, 08:26 AM
ill have to do somthin.. pull my own weight.. and yea my dad bought me the quad but that was only cuz my sister went to europe for a trip.. and they knew i wanted a quad soo.. but origanly i wanted a KFZ or somthin of that sort.. but w.e ill have to pull somthin out of my *****$$

05-30-2007, 02:50 PM
Why don't you simply ASK them what you need to do in order to get a different quad? Ya ever thought of that?

Either they will tell you a list of things you need to do or they will tell you that there are reasons..... or that you're not going to get one.

It's surprising what happens when you simply ask your parents what you can do to get what you want.....

Also, start with your mom, and for God's sake DON'T ARGUE about anything she says. Pick a time when she's in a good mood. If you pester them about it - they will be tired of hearing about it and won't allow it no matter what.

Try this - wait one week. Don't mention the quad at all to either of them. Don't talk about it, don't say a thing. Then after about 7 days, go ask your mom "I was hoping you could tell me what kinds of things I can do to get that quad that I wanted. Do I need to improve grades, get a job, help around the house, be nicer to everybody...? Whatever it is, can you let me know?"

You just set her up to be nice to you and explain how she feels. If she is dead set against it. Just wait a few months. See if she changes her mind.

Do NOT start with your Dad. He'll be easier to deal with if you have the money. Do NOT get mad. That will send the message that you are spoiled and they were right to not allow a new quad.

05-30-2007, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
Why don't you simply ASK them what you need to do in order to get a different quad? Ya ever thought of that?

Either they will tell you a list of things you need to do or they will tell you that there are reasons..... or that you're not going to get one.

It's surprising what happens when you simply ask your parents what you can do to get what you want.....

Also, start with your mom, and for God's sake DON'T ARGUE about anything she says. Pick a time when she's in a good mood. If you pester them about it - they will be tired of hearing about it and won't allow it no matter what.

Try this - wait one week. Don't mention the quad at all to either of them. Don't talk about it, don't say a thing. Then after about 7 days, go ask your mom "I was hoping you could tell me what kinds of things I can do to get that quad that I wanted. Do I need to improve grades, get a job, help around the house, be nicer to everybody...? Whatever it is, can you let me know?"

You just set her up to be nice to you and explain how she feels. If she is dead set against it. Just wait a few months. See if she changes her mind.

Do NOT start with your Dad. He'll be easier to deal with if you have the money. Do NOT get mad. That will send the message that you are spoiled and they were right to not allow a new quad.

DUDE YOU ARE THE GOD OF EXRIDERS! i never thought of startin with my mom.. and the whole money thing with my dad might actually work.. ill have to try it!

05-30-2007, 03:23 PM
And you my friend, are a GIANT KISSASS

05-30-2007, 03:28 PM
2005 RM-z250

2003 KTM 250sx:GONE

00 400ex: GONE


05-30-2007, 03:58 PM
HA thanks pappy!

05-31-2007, 03:29 PM

05-31-2007, 04:37 PM
Im kind of in the same boat that u are in... my parents dont want me to race... i got 2 jobs started paying for all my own **** and i threatened to disown them when i was 18 if they didnt let me its been about a year but they are finally cracking...

You need to get the money by yourself and show them that you are responsible enough to buy your own things and hold a job to maintain them, yes... being a kissass can definatly improve your chances(at least with your mom). Your dad probably is going on what your mom is saying so if you can get her to crack even a little he might just let you.

06-01-2007, 06:14 AM
Many parents don't want their kids riding or racing because they know their medical insurance stinks. If you happen to be the one who gets laid up in the hospital or require lots of physical therapy, they are doomed.


06-01-2007, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by mikeB
DUDE YOU ARE THE GOD OF EXRIDERS! i never thought of startin with my mom.. and the whole money thing with my dad might actually work.. ill have to try it!

I was just trying to think what my kids could do to convince me on something they wanted, or if it was okay with me but not with my wife.

A simple lesson for you kids living at home. You may not get the things you want for some very simple reasons...

1. It's too much money - even if you pay for most or all of it.

2. It's too dangerous (or appears to be dangerous to your parents).

3. It's not practical. You might want a quad, but live in downtown (enter big city here) and can't ride it unless you get trailered somewhere.

4. You have something similar and don't use it.

5. You tend to abuse things and break them instead of taking care of them.

6. You are not mature enough. This one is the toughest, because EVERY kids thinks they can handle what they want. Sort of like me wanting a CR450R when I was 17. The guy wouldn't even sell it to me cuz he knew it would be suicide.

7. You get too many things and your parents are tired of buying the new toy of the week.

8. You don't act properly, don't help out, argue with your parents, or with brothers and sisters, get bad grades, get in fights, have problems at school, etc. ALL of these things are totally unacceptable to most parents. Don't expect to get what you want if you are gonna act like a little twit.

9. You don't respect and listen to your parents. Probably the biggest item here. Parents are NOT going to get you stuff if you don't obey, listen and respect them.

I know a lot of you are probably thinking you're good kids, and you might very well be. There will always be a LOT that you need to learn and a LOT MORE that you don't know. So keep in mind that as long as you live at home, you are the responsibility of your parents and they will make decisions you don't always like. It's best to go along, cuz if you fight the decisions, ONLY bad things will happen....

Hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears.

06-02-2007, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
I know a lot of you are probably thinking you're good kids, and you might very well be. There will always be a LOT that you need to learn and a LOT MORE that you don't know. So keep in mind that as long as you live at home, you are the responsibility of your parents and they will make decisions you don't always like. It's best to go along, cuz if you fight the decisions, ONLY bad things will happen....

Hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears.

Very true... i kinda shortened the quote but i am agreeing with all of it.

Appreciate the boot for brd man :) Pappy

06-02-2007, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
Hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears.

That made me laugh cause most of the time it does!:D
Most teens have to learn the hard way I know I did :ermm:

Heres how most of them think:
What do parents know, thier so old fashoned and set in thier ways, they dont know whats really going on in the world like I do!
I think I'll do it my way and show everyone the real deal! .:macho

Which 450?
06-03-2007, 10:52 AM
Sandman, you are very right! The funny thing is he will read it and completely disreguard it and have an excuse for all of your reasons.

06-03-2007, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
2005 RM-z250

2003 KTM 250sx:GONE

00 400ex: GONE



06-03-2007, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by HondaEXrider22
Tell them if they dont want you to invest in something worthwhile like a uad, that your gonna start spending your money on weed. Worked for me.

haha worked for me too. And everytime my dad threatens to make me sell my quad, i say fine, i know where i can go get some leaf right now....lol.

Ruby Soho
06-03-2007, 03:41 PM
are you guys serious?

idk mike just talk to your mom and ask her why she keeps saying no and see if you can change her mind

06-04-2007, 04:11 AM
Here is a way almost GUARENTEED!!!

Think about this. You are willing to work and save up money to pay a portion, correct? How long do you think that will take you? It's certainly going to take more than a week, isn't it?

So why don't you do that part first?

Work your tail off, and squirrel away every little dollar. Instead of SAYING you are responsible, and willing to work, and dedicated, and blah blah blah, go ahead and SHOW them you are. Do the hard work up front. Believe me, that's 90% of the battle right there. Your parents will notice your efforts.

Once you have a nice chunk of change, THEN you approach your parents with it and ask.

Kids always say "I promise, I promise, I promise", but they rarely follow through. Your parents are going to be much more likely to help you buy a quad if you do the hard work up front. In fact, they will WANT to help you, because they will see it as a life-lesson. They will want to teach you that hard work pays off, that efforts get rewarded.

Trust me, doing the hard work up front will greatly increase your chances by a hundredfold. It's almost guarenteed.