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05-24-2007, 09:18 PM
Has anyone heard of any carburetor conversions for these bad boys?

05-24-2007, 09:35 PM
Sure...but I think it included a new KTM motor. :D

05-25-2007, 06:19 AM
some one a few years ago or more did a conversion. he said it went well, but obviously no one followed. i think we have all the issues with the efi worked out. most of the guys have it down to a simple science compared to the old days.

05-25-2007, 07:52 AM
Carb Conversion Thread (http://forums.cannondaler.com/viewtopic.php?t=5464&highlight=carb%2A+conversion)

05-27-2007, 11:59 AM
That was a lie . There was no real carb conversion .

05-27-2007, 09:52 PM
actually there was a carb conversion but the freaks at R&D don't want you to know about it.

05-28-2007, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by armoks
actually there was a carb conversion but the freaks at R&D don't want you to know about it.

ROFL!! Its a conspiracy!!

Winky said he did it and even had a pic of something with a carb on it but noone ever saw it anywhere or even running. It got tossed out as just another one of Winky's lies but you never know, he could have told the truth and just canned the idea.

05-31-2007, 05:11 PM
The only carbed Cannondale Diamond racing ever got running was one with a 250r engine. I think it was done fairly well though as the engine didnt fall out on the first ride.

06-03-2007, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by armoks
actually there was a carb conversion but the freaks at R&D don't want you to know about it.

Now your touting Winky!C'mon Armoks I never thought you would stoop so low.At first I was ticked at all going on over here but its actually become hilarious.Thanks for the humor.Freaks:D I am a super freak,super freak!

06-04-2007, 09:33 PM
All mall security guards should be beaten with their own plastic nightsticks. I know armoks, you would not have gotten that one so I typed it real slow for you.

06-04-2007, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by guy310
All mall security guards should be beaten with their own plastic nightsticks. I know armoks, you would not have gotten that one so I typed it real slow for you.

WOW only 8 days behind on that one, you must be getting better, next we will teach you the difference between a cop and a mall guard.

OK who is this guy? He think he can jump in and play this game? Hey champ your coming to a war of wits and you are obviously unarmed.

06-05-2007, 09:22 AM
Hey Junior, just because you work for a police department doesn't mean you are a real cop. I think you are a meter maid, right?

06-05-2007, 02:03 PM
yea meter maids carry rifles and shotguns. I have more training as a regular officer then most departments train thier SWAT teams.

What do you do?

06-05-2007, 04:38 PM
I bang your wife while you are at work. I am an electrician. You are right though, I was a little slow responding only because I just came across that thread. I don't spend all of my off time lurking on the internet and Myspace cruising for 14-year olds. I know, I know, you call it a "sting" operation, but I call it creepy.

06-05-2007, 05:17 PM
You must got the wrong house champ, hope you are having a good time with my nieghbors they don't like me either.

OHH you are such a good boy learning how to match a color of wire to a color of a terminal. Man what skill you have:rolleyes:

And sorry, I'm a bike cop when I'm not carrying the rifle or shotgun, stay away from the easy office work. Heck my bicycle at work probly costs more then your car LOL.

06-05-2007, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by guy310
I don't spend all of my off time lurking on the internet and Myspace cruising for 14-year olds. I know, I know, you call it a "sting" operation, but I call it creepy.

Out of all the put downs...that one gets some clapping. :D

But dang guys, why don't we keep all the argueing in one thread...its easier to keep up with that way.

06-05-2007, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by happyboy
Out of all the put downs...that one gets some clapping. :D

But dang guys, why don't we keep all the argueing in one thread...its easier to keep up with that way.

Guy310 can keep it here. At least the argueing on the other thread has some kind of point and has to do with quads. Not who has the better job.:rolleyes:

06-05-2007, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by guy310
I don't spend all of my off time lurking on the internet and Myspace cruising for 14-year olds. I know, I know, you call it a "sting" operation, but I call it creepy.

You could be like Happyboy and do it on his on time at work:huh

06-05-2007, 08:15 PM
I didn't say my job was better, just that I am not a bicycle cop. I bet that goes over great at your high school reunion, huh? So let me get this straight, I can picture it now. I bet you look like the guy on Reno911 that wears the Daisy Duke shorts. Rolling around on your beach cruiser with your battery operated red and blue lights and siren. So... Do they make a special holster for the water shotgun and rifle or are they strapped to your back? Wait, wait, I got it now. I bet you were the cop in the Village People, right? YMCA right? You were right, I am kind of slow, I just didn't get it at first.

06-05-2007, 08:21 PM
Yep I get paid very well to ride around on a bike all day all the way to the bank. Least I have a job people respect enough to make fun of it on TV.

Just because you have a no talent job why attack mine? What noone had faith in you're big bad motorcycle institute degree so you had to go get a laborers job? I can here you now "Hey there billy bob do I plug it in here?"

06-05-2007, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by DRT
Guy310 can keep it here. At least the argueing on the other thread has some kind of point and has to do with quads.

I'll make it more simple for you and quote myself leaving out the last part.

If your going to try to insult a person you really need to sit back and think more about your post.
Example: Armoks likes his job so trying to insult what he does for a living doesn't really get him mad or fired up.It just makes you look bad because what you posted had zero impact.
Just trying to help ............

06-06-2007, 09:38 PM
Wow Joe Dirt, you are so well spoken, intelligent and articulate. It is too bad you can't spell dumbass. I guess thats what you get when you come from the armpit of our country. Are you sure your parents were not brother and sister. I know that is a painful thing to admit, but it explains a lot about your intelligence.

Blowmoks, I am very fortunate that I had the foresight to see that I made a mistake by wasting my time becoming a motorcycle mechanic when I already had 5 years experience in the electrical maintenance field. Now I am glad I left that profession to do what I do now. Now I am not one to brag at all, but my career is quite financially rewarding, unlike yours. According to salary.com, a mall security guard in Clinton, Marylandtucky earns an average of $30,895 per year. Now, I don't want to burst your bubble , but my year to date earnings as of June 1st is $62,741.53. Maybe the second half of this year won't be as lucrative as the first half, but I think I will be able to live with that. Now let's remember this does not include your wifes income so if she is the majority breadwinner in your family, I understand and won't hold it against you. All security guards need a sugar mama, right?

06-06-2007, 10:01 PM
Thats just funny too bad I'm not a mall security guard they don't get paid crap. I work for the government. I live VERY comfortable on my Government salary and I don't have to work any OT thanks for paying my wages with your Fed taxes!! You must not know what I do because you can't get it right. sounds like congress they can't get something right they just switch answers.

Now your state says the annual salary of electricians in your state is 50,000 man thats means you have to work a lot of OT to make that 62 so far this year. Tell your wife she needs to start charging and you wouldn't have work so much.

Now I've already told you that I'm not married. Have fun at my neighbors house the brovers must love you. Tell Tupac hi for me.

BTW hows you're wife and my kids?

06-06-2007, 10:20 PM
Work for the government, what do you mean, you are on welfare? I know what you mean, it sickens me that you people that live off of the government just suck the fed taxes of the working man. Go get an extra loaf of cheese on me buddy. And you know I didn't mean to offend you I didn't know you were gay. I will be much more sensitive next time to your feelings. And I didn't mean to presume that you would be cruising Myspace either. Being the neighborhood creepy unmarried guy who invites all the young kids over to his house for treats is a busy job and you obviously would only have the time for a few websites like this one and www.armoksanddrtlicknuts.com. Are there any alternative lifestyle establishments for you and your girlfriend DRT in Marylandtucky. Do government departments such as welfare adhere to the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policies that the armed services follow? You better not put your lucrative government position in jeopardy by being flamboyant around the office.

06-06-2007, 10:28 PM
You know the people who talk the most about anything gay are just hiding their true feelings, no wonder I have to comfort you're wife soo much. Is that why you work soo much so you can watch the guys on your crew?

You still didn't tell me how my kids are, tell them their real dad misses them....welll I don't but you wouldn't want them to cry anymore since they have to live with you.

06-06-2007, 10:58 PM
This is funny, I like this. Well your kids are doing fine. Very peculiar though, they said when other daddy who visits while I am at work comes over, he only wants butt sex from mommy and that she has to dress like a man. Are you the other daddy that they speak of? The M.O. sounds familiar. Very Marylandtuckyish wouldn't you say?

06-06-2007, 11:08 PM
Oh yeah, I don't really have a crew of guys either. The company I work for does work at voltages from 480 Volts to 34000 Volts. We perform a specialty electrical service so we are not categorized with other electricians that pull wire and bend pipe. We do more engineering and project type of stuff with circuit breakers and transformers. I am currently at US Steel in Lorain, OH teaching their electricians about circuit btreakers and electrical safety. Since I do that (teach) and management and sales, I am able to work 40-60 hours a week and earn the salary that I do. Not easy to explain in one sentence so I thought that I would just simplify it by explaining it as an electrician. And I know you aren't a security guard, I think you work in the Capitol somewhere. I just do that to bust your nuts just because it's fun... In all seriousness, why don't you participate in the Police and Fire Games races that they had in PA last year and NY? They had quad classes and they don't get a lot of legitimate Police and Fire that race.

06-07-2007, 05:08 PM
guy310 "Wow Joe Dirt, you are so well spoken, intelligent and articulate. It is too bad you can't spell dumbass. I guess thats what you get when you come from the armpit of our country. Are you sure your parents were not brother and sister. I know that is a painful thing to admit, but it explains a lot about your intelligence"
No I'm Joedirt. You better learn how to read son. Your momma needs to beat you with a belt instead of working the corner. I'm JOEDIRT

06-07-2007, 09:28 PM
LOL........ouch ..........was that a beootch slap.

06-07-2007, 09:43 PM
Maybe all you retards need a lesson in sarcasm. I will type slow for you two window lickers also. Here let me break it down for you. I called DRT Joe Dirt (notice the spelling here one tooth wonder) in an obvious sarcastic reference. So I guees a formal edumacation in Jersey and the ghetto is like third grade right. Are you guys originally from Arkansas or something. Ok, I am going on vacation now, camping with the family, so I won't be able to play with you dummies for about a week. See you then ladies.

06-07-2007, 10:24 PM
Hey now damnit!! Whats wrong with Arkansas??!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-08-2007, 05:47 AM
:eek: Cripes I thought I was nuts replying here!

06-12-2007, 03:04 PM
GAY310 this is a Cannondale/ ATK forum not the A-hole forum you might want to scroll down a few pages. Get back to talking about c-dales. Go grow some corn or something you hack.