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View Full Version : question regarding surgey

05-23-2007, 11:40 PM
ok, april 29, 2006, i hit a tree in frederick and broke my wrist... had surgey then in a cast for about 7 months... everytime i saw the doctor, she said six more weeks and so on... got old... i think she did the surgey wrong since she put a screw in it, i went though therapy and all that, still cant move it 3 out of the 4 ways 100%,... its about 90 down, 20 up, 5 left, 50 right... at one point, i think the screw was coming back through my skin... hurts like hell most of the time and i couldnt get a job last summer because of it... she says its fine, but ive been told its not... now my question is should i just deal with it or get another look at it by a good doctor and possibly sue her? (never really cared for her, and know other people that have had the same surgey down and they werent happy with it) i know other people that have had the surgey done at other places and they had no problems... i want to be a pilot for the air force or navy and i know this will prevent that.... any ideas?

05-24-2007, 12:55 AM
get another docs opinion. But you prally will never get 100% I never did with my shoulder And I went threw 3 months of physical therapy