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05-23-2007, 02:46 PM
Exactly what the title says. How do you all train for racing?

Im looking for some ways to actually build muscle. I ride alot now, I also Jog and Ride my bike alot. Im not in bad shape now, but I've moved up a class and I dont think it would hurt to have a little extra strength.

What do you all do to build arm strength, chest/back abdomen strength? I dont have access to weights, so keep that in mind.

Post up your training/workout plans, let us all know how you train and get ready for your race season!:)

05-23-2007, 03:07 PM
for me this is what i do, day by day.....

mondays: run 3 miles with 20sec sprints while doing it, followed by a 10min jog then stretching.

tuesdays: ride 2 15min motos with 5min inbetween, then practice holeshots, wheelies, pretty much just play ride after the motos.

wensdays: same as monday

thursdays: mtn bike ride or a 30min jog, along with stretching.

friday: rest

saturday: race

sunday: clean up quad and rest.

Also i do 100+ situps a night and 4 sets of 25 pushups.

*Now i do think usually every week, but when bad weather or extreme heat comes into place, i stick to just jogging and freeriding. Also if you can swim, do that, awsome workout!*

also, i got this similar workout from Phil Cole from atvexposed.com
And one more thing.... I have been doing this for 2 weeks, and i can already feel a difference in my endurance and strength!

05-23-2007, 04:12 PM
....high school football...............:D

05-23-2007, 07:02 PM
Work in a office:(

05-23-2007, 07:07 PM
i sit on the couch with a laptop...............i also have a physical job:D

05-23-2007, 07:17 PM
Work 12 hour days, ride a chit load of bmx, hop on a tread mill and most important ride as hard as I can every night till I can't hold on anymore.. :blah:

05-23-2007, 07:47 PM
I just ride a lot of bmx and try to stay active. I wish I could ride my R a lot but maintenance on its ridiculous=P

05-24-2007, 11:50 AM
You guys havent gave me many ideas...other than mxjunkie and djj450r and JRP...lol

Yea, when I said i ride my bike alot, i meant that I ride BMX, mostly dirt jumping with some street riding in the mix...

Ive started doing crunches and pushups, along with pullups and some stretching excercises....

I will have access to weights in about 3 weeks, since ill be working out with the wrestling team:eek2: :p

Keep posting your training regiments<----(sp)

05-24-2007, 12:50 PM
i just find the roughest spot i can and i ride as long and as hard as i can and occasionally hit up another spot for jumps and there i usually do like 4 or 5 15 minutes motos which usually comes out to like 9 10 laps 11 if i'm riding hard(and rough doesn't just mean some bumps the place me and my cousin usually practice at is entirely whoops like the straightaways the corners everything its all whoops)

05-24-2007, 02:47 PM
When I get bored I do 50 push ups to 50 sit ups to 125 crunches, with no rest in between.. And doing sit ups upside down, hanging from something is good too.

But after my first 2 hour XC race, you'll find out that the only thing for good training is ride ride ride, cuz I was sore in places I have no clue how to work out.

05-24-2007, 03:41 PM
i lift all the time but to be completely honest with you the only thing that helps me anyways is riding. if i can get in about an hour of riding everynight i can feel myself getting faster and i can ride for a lot longer without getting tired. seriously i would just ride whenever you can but make sure when you ride your pushing yourself as hard as you can all the time and when you get arm pump dont stop riding just slow down a bit take it easy and then once your arms start to loosen up again gradually start riding hard again.

05-24-2007, 03:47 PM
Does running help at all? I would think it would to help your breathing and cardiovascular stuff, but how much are you supposed to run?

05-24-2007, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by esr250r86
Does running help at all? I would think it would to help your breathing and cardiovascular stuff, but how much are you supposed to run?



now for me, there is NO way i can run 10x1 min sprints back to back, then do another 10, but hey, it works, lol.

05-24-2007, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
You guys havent gave me many ideas...other than mxjunkie and djj450r and JRP...lol

Yea, when I said i ride my bike alot, i meant that I ride BMX, mostly dirt jumping with some street riding in the mix...

Ive started doing crunches and pushups, along with pullups and some stretching excercises....

I will have access to weights in about 3 weeks, since ill be working out with the wrestling team:eek2: :p

Keep posting your training regiments<----(sp)

When I lived in my old town I'd do 3-4 laps non stop around the entire town as fast and as hard as I could ride my bike, I'd take every rough section I knew and jump anything I saw, I was in the best shape of my life! I could ride my quad forever and never really get winded persay, I'd still get arm pump here and there but thats expected after riding 4-5 hours stright in rocks, hills, tree roots and cricks :p

05-24-2007, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by honda4life72
....high school football...............:D

haha exactly all day every day :devil: :devil:

I lift for football to so i get big as HELL :muscle:

05-24-2007, 06:39 PM
yeah i quit football like a week ago. b/c i had the most yards last yr as half back and then the coaches made me a lineman=dumb.

but i still train for wrestling. so im in shape.

05-24-2007, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by 282ex
yeah i quit football like a week ago. b/c i had the most yards last yr as half back and then the coaches made me a lineman=dumb.

but i still train for wrestling. so im in shape.

nuthin wrong with playin a lil line :macho

I start at D Line :macho :muscle:

05-24-2007, 07:18 PM
Alright...im tired...ran 2 miles, and rode my dad 700 rappy for about 3 earlier....so im thouroughly worn out.

My 440 should be goin again by saturday afternoon....now that everything i need is here to fix it...lol:devil:

05-24-2007, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Alright...im tired...ran 2 miles, and rode my dad 700 rappy for about 3 earlier....so im thouroughly worn out.

My 440 should be goin again by saturday afternoon....now that everything i need is here to fix it...lol:devil:

Have fun tomorrow, after my XC race I was SOOOOOOOOOO sore for like 3 days. Didn't want to move.