View Full Version : D15 why quads are not allowed

05-22-2007, 09:15 PM
I emailed scott sims of why no places allow quads...here is his response.


The reason you don't see many Quad events is because D-15 is made up of mostly motorcycle clubs and many of the H/S races are held on club owned land. Most MC clubs don't want their land and single track trails opened up. Each club calls the shots for what they want to run at their race....the District is just the glue that ties the clubs together into a common series. The m/c clubs that own land need a profit to pay their annual expenses such as mortgage, property taxes and liability insurance.There are enough m/c riders that a club can make a profit from a "bikes only" event so most choose not to include Quads. ( Stoney had about 250 bike riders last Sunday) Each club's need for cash is one of the main reasons we are even allowed to race on their property. A couple of clubs that no longer run the Quads told me that the extra income was nice but isn't worth the damage that Quads do to their land.

The Quad guys need to get organized, establish a club and sanction some races with D-15 at locations that are not controlled by the motorcycle crowd. An AMA/ D-15 Harescramble race costs about $2000.00 - $2500.00 for insurance, ambulance, trophies and misc. costs. 100 Quad riders at $30.00 per entry plus the gate fee would barely cover the expenses so an event organized by a Quad club might want to include bikes to make a profit. I can't imagine anyone allowing use of their land for free, so assuming a Quad club organizes a race they would have additional costs of leasing the land. That would add even more to their race expenses.

Bottom line:
D-15 is a non profit organization providing a service to clubs and riders by maintaining rules consistency, keeping points, ranking riders, collecting dues and collecting $1.00 per rider at each race all for the purpose of making the series fun and funding a seasond end banquet with awards. The clubs/ promoters tell us how many races they want to run, when they want to have them and what type of machines they want to include.

The GNCC, Mid South, KYORHS and the Haspin series are all controlled by individuals who's goals include making a profit. They are leasing land or obtaining race sites through a partnership with private landowners. They normally include as many machine types as possible ( m/c and Quads) to maximize income for both landowner and promoter.

Spread the word....D-15 is not anti Quad but once again it's not really D-15 calling the shots, it's the clubs. The Quad guys need to look out for themselves and take action. The m/c clubs are not going to do it.


05-22-2007, 09:20 PM
Sounds like a reasonable response, much more thought out then what I have dealt with in the past from district reps.

He is 100% correct in every thing he replied, we need better organization on all levels. The problem is, the average quad rider is roughly 13-22 and that income bracket doesnt lend itself to paying organizations or getting involved in a grassroots movement. It took the owner of Cernics to get a quad only mX series up and running and he has the cash to do it all by himself, but was able to get sponsors and promotion for the events. Trying it alone is a a hillclimb in itself!

05-22-2007, 09:29 PM
Yup I thanked him for the response. There was a club trying to start up near me, i signed up to help but haven't heard anything since:(

05-23-2007, 11:38 AM
There were only 112 at the last stoney lonesome race, my cousin raced in it.