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View Full Version : Got My New Tattoo

05-19-2007, 11:44 PM
first of many... what do ya think?


05-20-2007, 07:40 AM
Cool. Is that the Klu Klux Klan??

Outlaw 50
05-20-2007, 07:44 AM
Looks good, a little different than the theme of most tattoos but good.

Do yourself a favor if you are going to get more of them, locate them so that you can cover them with a tshirt and jeans. Some employers, myself included WON"T hire people with tattoos showing.

I personally think they generally look ok depending on the theme,but the customers I work for are not so understanding. It would be bad for business to hire any workers covered with tattos. I would not get referrals because of them.

05-20-2007, 09:50 AM
i agree with the previous poster, try to position them so you can cover them up with a uniform. I know my one employer will not hire people with peircings or tattoo's visible.

05-20-2007, 01:31 PM
Nice work.I got another tattoo last weekend,my daughters name.I am lucky I dont have a job that tattoo's matter I am self employeed.

05-20-2007, 07:32 PM
man..thats aweosme. if u dont mind me askin, how much did you have to pay for that?

05-20-2007, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by fasterblaster09
man..thats aweosme. if u dont mind me askin, how much did you have to pay for that?

$180, but $20 of it was because he had to sketch it just from my description... the guy does really good work so it was worth it to me...

and i would never get one i couldnt cover... i work as a jailer and will be going to the GA state police academy soon so visible tattoos arent the best thing for me.

ATV Chic
05-21-2007, 07:43 AM
Great work! Nice choice too! JMO :)

05-21-2007, 08:29 PM
i cant wait till my first tattoo... only 10 more months!!! i WANT a cross acoss my hole back.. but thats not very reasonable... so i'll probaby get a cross the size of a piece of paper.. and i also want it to be kinda tribal looking... with a verse inside of it

Originally posted by mitch91
Cool. Is that the Klu Klux Klan??

your not being serious are you?!

05-21-2007, 08:39 PM
Nice man. I thought of getting praying hands for my first tattoo, but I wanted it to be more straight on, as if you were praying with your hands to your face. I wanted it so that you could see the outline of a persons face with their eyeballs on both sides of the hands.