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View Full Version : should I?

05-14-2007, 04:26 PM
I'm debating on buying a kfx 700. It was a toss up between it and a 525outlaw. Ive seen the outlaws have a few too many problems. is the kfx reliable? whats the top speed? I mostly ride trails, and very little mx. thanx in advance for your answers

05-14-2007, 06:36 PM
my dad just got one and from a 300ex i love it. i wasnt to ure about it just because the wiegh and it being an automatic but the power really is amazing. his is stock right now but im trying to get him to add a few things little by little. i ride basicly the same thign and belive it or not ive actually jumped it on a few desent size jumps. and the front wheel comes off the ground so easy. i really like the quad plus its just like a tank and can get threw anythign so ive pulled things with it and rode my girlfriend a few times on the back like it was nothing.

05-21-2007, 09:16 PM
The KFX700 is a great machine...It can do just about anything and do it well. It's really not the best at anything except maybe pure fun.

Jumping...oh yeah, you can jump the V. Here is an article I wrote about with pictures and video...You need to respect the suspension because the rear shock will bite you if you're not careful.

How to Jump (http://www.slingenmud.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82)

Even if you don't own a V, this is a good read if you are thinking about learning how to jump.