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View Full Version : Man arrested for flipping off illegals...

05-14-2007, 11:35 AM

A Seattle man is arrested for flipping off an illegal immigration rally, the cops let thousands of illegals march in the streets, but 1 white guy flips them off and he's arrested. what the F#$%? The man's car is vandalized right in front of the cops. The illegals assault him while he's in his car and the cops arrest him.

F#$%ing sad.

05-14-2007, 11:45 AM
what else is new?

ATV Chic
05-14-2007, 11:51 AM
Welcome to America :( <sigh>:ermm:

05-14-2007, 01:44 PM
Id drowned all them in a bath tub if i was as tough as Mike tyson., or sexyatvchick

05-14-2007, 01:48 PM
Ahh whats new...you got any pics of your Titan?

05-14-2007, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by procircuit406ex
Ahh whats new...you got any pics of your Titan?

Ask and ye shall receive...

just installed Bilstein Rear shocks a week ago-HUGE difference


05-14-2007, 02:19 PM
The answer is....



I'm in Arizona and we're one of the main entry points for the illegals. We (the voters) keep trying to get our wonderful (bleh) governor to sign the bills we put into our elections that deny illegals access to free healthcare and welfare, and make the penalties for hiring illegals more harsh. The problem is - she just shelves the bills on technicalities and they go nowhere...

The courts, the government, all these elected officials that won't do a thing to protect our country need to be BOOTED.

But - that's what ya gotta expect from the wonderful liberals. Never saw a tax they didn't like. Never saw a welfare opportunity they could avoid...

That's what everybody voted in in 2006.

ATV Chic
05-14-2007, 02:33 PM
Hmmmm, i believe Bush is the one who refuses to protect our borders, and our Illegal population has grown 300% since the beggingin of his tenure. I do believe i recall a few of his cabinet members and Chenney being looked at for having ILLEGALS working at their homes a couple of years ago.....:rolleyes:

ATV Chic
05-14-2007, 02:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 54warrior
[B]Ask and ye shall receive...

just installed Bilstein Rear shocks a week ago-HUGE difference

I'm so jealous btw :D

05-14-2007, 03:57 PM
Nice truck man (to bad its not a chevy or dodge jk):p

05-14-2007, 04:57 PM
well does anyone watch penn & teller bull****? if so then surely youve seen the episode where they got mexicans to build a wall that is in the government blueprints if they ever did build one then it still took them 3 mins. to climb/ break through, so....., once there is a new president that cares about whats going on in america comes along in about 2024 how would they get rid of the mexicans and keep em gone? seriously simply not hiring them and cutting them off government funds would do it but thats not gonna happen

05-14-2007, 05:15 PM
if they come here the right way and work really hard to support their family then more power to them


if they come and start stealing identities, and forming gangs, and rallying for rights while being illegal, they deserve to be flipped off!:o

05-15-2007, 07:46 AM
if they come and start stealing identities

the ones that show up with legite(sp?) paperwork are all thieves! Every damn one of them have other peoples identities!

ATV Chic
05-15-2007, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by mitch91
Id drowned all them in a bath tub if i was as tough as Mike tyson., or sexyatvchick

haha, thanks for the compliment :macho :p

05-15-2007, 08:59 AM
they should just pass a law, if you are caught running over the boarder, you will be shot. In the head.

05-15-2007, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
Welcome to America :( <sigh>:ermm:

05-15-2007, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
Welcome to America :( <sigh>:ermm:


Originally posted by 54warrior
Ask and ye shall receive...

just installed Bilstein Rear shocks a week ago-HUGE difference

DAMN! thats really nice man.

but anyways.

id like to be in charge of border patrol.

05-15-2007, 04:42 PM
If i was a minute man, id shoot all of them .

05-15-2007, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by DVXracer
If i was a minute man, id shoot all of them .

haha i would shoot them with a rubber bullet, and while they are down i would go shoot them some more!

05-15-2007, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
haha, thanks for the compliment :macho :p

No problem lol.

05-16-2007, 06:30 PM
The rich need them and the rich still run the world.

only way to get rid of the illegals is for Americans to band together and do what needs to be done.

05-18-2007, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
Hmmmm, i believe Bush is the one who refuses to protect our borders, and our Illegal population has grown 300% since the beggingin of his tenure. I do believe i recall a few of his cabinet members and Chenney being looked at for having ILLEGALS working at their homes a couple of years ago.....:rolleyes:

Okay I'm gonna call you an that one. Please post the link where you have a reputable source (ANY of the major news networks - not the blog crap) that has a story where Bush or Cheney had illegals working in their homes. If they did, there would be lawsuits, hearings in congress, all sorts of stuff on this.

I predict you will not find it, because that just another BS story propagated by people that have nothing better to do than blame Bush for the world... Mainly because they can't win the next election through truth and facts...

The sad part is that you believe it, rather than doing some investigation and finding out that the source would be left wing nuts that fabricate stories like this.

A little searching on my part turned up nothing but wacko left/socialist idiot web sites with all sorts of absolutely moronic topics - but no illegals working for Cheney or Bush. What a surprise....

What shall I disprove for you next?

05-18-2007, 03:22 PM
this is all i have to say to them..........


05-18-2007, 03:38 PM
put me in as president and i'll take care of all this BS...


*illegal immigrants
*affirmative action

just to name a few things that i woudl change dramatically!

05-18-2007, 03:39 PM
“The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true, given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president. In essence 2/3’s of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So, being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What we are so unhappy about?'

Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer, and heating in the winter? Could it be that 95.4 percent of these
unhappy folks have a job? Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?

Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state? Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter?

I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough.

Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital.

Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings.

Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss.

This, all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias, raping and pillaging the residents.

Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world? Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy.

Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S., yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have, and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out?

The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The President that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The Commander in Chief of an all-volunteer Armed Force that is out there defending you and me?

Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad?

Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the "Media" told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.

Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an ''other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge after a few days in the brig.

So, why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans? Say what you want, but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells, and when criticized, try to defend their actions by "justifying" them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did, he would have done it this way......Insane!

Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage.

Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative. With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?"

Jay Leno

05-18-2007, 03:48 PM
Rules for the phone.

How ALL business phones SHOULD be answered!


Press "1" for English.

Press "2" to disconnect until you learn to speak English

And remember only two defining forces have ever
offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ

and the American Soldier.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Outlaw 50
05-19-2007, 04:58 AM
While the above commentary is quite true and very well stated, it was not written by Jay Leno.

Credit for the main content goes to Craig R. Smith, as he is the author of the main body of the piece.


I agree wholeheartedly with the fact that most Americans DON"T really appreciate the freedoms and privilege we all share.

05-21-2007, 11:16 AM
The silence from sexyatvchick is deafening....

What? Another fabricated claim of wrongdoing against Bush? Say it ain't so!

I thought the lefties were BRILLIANT!

They ALWAYS speak the truth, right?

ATV Chic
05-21-2007, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
The silence from sexyatvchick is deafening....

What? Another fabricated claim of wrongdoing against Bush? Say it ain't so!

I thought the lefties were BRILLIANT!

They ALWAYS speak the truth, right?

Well, I don't feel the need to argue with you. I don't come on this forum to argue about politics, I can do that with the old man at home. I , unlike yourself apparently, have better things to do. Such as ride! There's your answer. Satisfied?

And btw, there was a reason i didn't feel the need to respond to you. The #1 rule on this forum...

1. If you don't like someone, make believe you do or don't respond. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

05-21-2007, 03:02 PM
Go to school and get a good education and maybe you won't have to compete so much with the "Mexicans." Stop wasting time and whining about how they are taking your jobs away, because honestly, look at the jobs most of them have. If you have to compete with jobs like those, then I feel sorry for you. If they are really giving you that much competition then step it up a notch. That's the way I look at it.

05-21-2007, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by mephyst
Go to school and get a good education and maybe you won't have to compete so much with the "Mexicans." Stop wasting time and whining about how they are taking your jobs away, because honestly, look at the jobs most of them have. If you have to compete with jobs like those, then I feel sorry for you. If they are really giving you that much competition then step it up a notch. That's the way I look at it.

i have no problem with them working hard at a job that no one wants. what i do have the problem with, though, is the gangs,violence and stupid **** some of them pull. That goes for all race's no matter what color too!

05-21-2007, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by atvRiDa400ex
i have no problem with them working hard at a job that no one wants. what i do have the problem with, though, is the gangs,violence and stupid **** some of them pull. That goes for all race's no matter what color too!

I completely agree. I hate everyone equally. :) There are trouble makers in every race, and it's not just the Mexicans. In my opinion I think the actual Mexicans that are in gangs are not the illegals. I think most illegals come here with the intent to work hard and do whats best for their family. It's the 2nd generation that are the ones involved in gangs and screw everything up... think about it.

05-22-2007, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
Well, I don't feel the need to argue with you. I don't come on this forum to argue about politics, I can do that with the old man at home. I , unlike yourself apparently, have better things to do. Such as ride! There's your answer. Satisfied?

And btw, there was a reason i didn't feel the need to respond to you. The #1 rule on this forum...

1. If you don't like someone, make believe you do or don't respond. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

I'm not trying to argue with you at all. I AM TRYING TO BRING OUT THE TRUTH!

That's all. I would assume that truth is important to you. Maybe not.

Your entire life is based on things you learn, and if you don't bother to learn things correctly, you will potentially make some VERY bad decisions based on incorrect info....

This is exactly the case with many ppl these days. They "hear" something but never look into it and make a decision based on what they hear.

What if a large portion of what you hear is wrong? Wouldn't it make more sense to make your life better by finding the truth, rather than just passing bad info on to other ppl?

Maybe I'm wasting my time. Maybe you're like the girl I knew years ago that just didn't care if she could spell correctly, or if she knew math, or anything else for that matter....

I don't live like that. I want to make this world a better place, not screw it up by passing rumors around. So, excuse me for caring about the direction of this country. Excuse me for wanting my kids to grow up in a safe and happy environment.

BTW - you can't hide those silly rules. There are no personal attacks taking place here. If you can't back up what you say, then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't bother posting them in the first place....... and instead of riding, maybe you ought to spend a little time educating yourself on the rest of the world. You can't ride forever. At some point you're going to have to live in the same world you don't know enough about yet...........

ATV Chic
05-22-2007, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
I'm not trying to argue with you at all. I AM TRYING TO BRING OUT THE TRUTH!

That's all. I would assume that truth is important to you. Maybe not.

Your entire life is based on things you learn, and if you don't bother to learn things correctly, you will potentially make some VERY bad decisions based on incorrect info....

This is exactly the case with many ppl these days. They "hear" something but never look into it and make a decision based on what they hear.

What if a large portion of what you hear is wrong? Wouldn't it make more sense to make your life better by finding the truth, rather than just passing bad info on to other ppl?

Maybe I'm wasting my time. Maybe you're like the girl I knew years ago that just didn't care if she could spell correctly, or if she knew math, or anything else for that matter....

I don't live like that. I want to make this world a better place, not screw it up by passing rumors around. So, excuse me for caring about the direction of this country. Excuse me for wanting my kids to grow up in a safe and happy environment.

BTW - you can't hide those silly rules. There are no personal attacks taking place here. If you can't back up what you say, then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't bother posting them in the first place....... and instead of riding, maybe you ought to spend a little time educating yourself on the rest of the world. You can't ride forever. At some point you're going to have to live in the same world you don't know enough about yet...........

I'm probably older than you are, and choose not to disclose my complete thoughts and facts, that i can, by the way, 100% back up with facts. I do not go that far because, once again i'm not here to argue over politics. Or any other issue for that matter. I have never and WILL never "hide" behind anyone or anything either, FYI (the rules of this site :rolleyes: ) i merely pointed that out as to why i didn't respond to you. And I certainly am not willing to discuss anything with someone who is sooooo closed minded and hell bent on making people beleive in THEIR version of "the truth". Also, don't assume you know anything about me. I happen to be well educated, and once again repeat, i choose not have altercations on here with people such as yourself, so i do not "dive deep" into the conversations or issues on here. I simply state my opinion, and move on to another topic. It's people like yourself however, that cause members to not want to come here and enjoy the topic of atv's, bikes, trucks etc. with other people who also enjoy talking about the same things. Why the personal vendetta against me all of a sudden? Because i am female? I would hope for more maturity than that, but it appears to be a stretch. And, yes you are MORE than titled to your opinion such as i am, but leave me out of it. I NEVER addressed you personally and don't appreciate your comments towards myself. I do have via our constitution, the right to post my opinion and never give a reason as to why i feel such a way. Please refrain from trying to keep me from doing so....Not that it will stop me anyway;) have a nice day :D

05-23-2007, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
I'm probably older than you are, and choose not to disclose my complete thoughts and facts, that i can, by the way, 100% back up with facts. I do not go that far because, once again i'm not here to argue over politics. Or any other issue for that matter. I have never and WILL never "hide" behind anyone or anything either, FYI (the rules of this site :rolleyes: ) i merely pointed that out as to why i didn't respond to you. And I certainly am not willing to discuss anything with someone who is sooooo closed minded and hell bent on making people beleive in THEIR version of "the truth". Also, don't assume you know anything about me. I happen to be well educated, and once again repeat, i choose not have altercations on here with people such as yourself, so i do not "dive deep" into the conversations or issues on here. I simply state my opinion, and move on to another topic. It's people like yourself however, that cause members to not want to come here and enjoy the topic of atv's, bikes, trucks etc. with other people who also enjoy talking about the same things. Why the personal vendetta against me all of a sudden? Because i am female? I would hope for more maturity than that, but it appears to be a stretch. And, yes you are MORE than titled to your opinion such as i am, but leave me out of it. I NEVER addressed you personally and don't appreciate your comments towards myself. I do have via our constitution, the right to post my opinion and never give a reason as to why i feel such a way. Please refrain from trying to keep me from doing so....Not that it will stop me anyway;) have a nice day :D

Wow, great attempt at completely ignoring the request I made to back up your claims AND throw out completely irrelevant items such as age and gender that have NOTHING to do with the topic, all to try to sidetrack this whole thing. Sorry, I'm not falling for it.

You want to know why I am singling you out? Because you accused Bush and Cheney of hiring illegals and made it sound as though that were fact. Well, then prove it. I don't care how old you are or if your male, female, transgendered, cross dresser or a frog. Irrelevant. Either you are smarter than me and can educate me on what I haven't read, or you heard this little tidbit from somebody and decided all by yourself that it MUST be true. My guess is that you heard it, didn't look it up, just believed it and repeated the rumor. Passing along bad information because it fit your desire to have all sorts of things to blame Bush for. But, that's just a guess.

I won't stand to have ppl make these claims and not go unchallenged. It's not arguing, it's simply a request to back up your claims. If you can't, then say so, don't sidetrack the discussion....

Again, stick to the facts. Either educate me and show me where Bush and Cheney have been proven to have hired illegals, or maybe an apology for slandering the President is in order.

Ahhh, maybe that's too much to ask, since the hatred runs deep from within the anti-Bush crowd. Pride is a hard thing to swallow isn't it?