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View Full Version : East coast exriders ride.....

10-14-2002, 09:35 PM
Ok, I think a bunch of us would want to meet up and ride together....

I know jersey is out for some people because they dont need to run form the cops..... Though the riding in southern jersey is probably better then anywhere else on the east coast... if no one wants to deal with worrying about johnny law then I guess its out..

We definately need to figure out a place to ride......

hatfield and mccoy sounded great!

I would be down for anywhere.....southern NJ included....

but what does the consensous(sp?) say?

any one have any suggestions?

10-14-2002, 09:39 PM
VT or maybe mass

10-14-2002, 09:41 PM
hhhmmm,.....I will watch this one ..

10-14-2002, 09:43 PM
it sucks being so far away from all you "cool" exriders but im also 5 miles away from the thousands of miles of trails in Quebec

Tommy 17
10-14-2002, 10:02 PM
i'm gonna plan one again at ruasch some time in dec or jan i'll post a tread about it for us to set a date... it probably be in march april or may again...

10-14-2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by 400ex21
i'm gonna plan one again at ruasch some time in dec or jan i'll post a tread about it for us to set a date... it probably be in march april or may again...
whats wrong with november?

10-14-2002, 10:27 PM
whats wrong with november? ummm no big words now ok :D :rolleyes:

Tommy 17
10-14-2002, 10:41 PM
no ride out haha thats y

10-14-2002, 10:52 PM
Lets make some plans and get it going before everyone is crying about the cold.

And if we have enough people (then jersey may be ok) we can just rush the line if you know what I mean:D

Reason we have problems is everyone runs like antelope and the predators just pick the sick and slow. Now if the antelope fought back then things could be interesting.

10-14-2002, 11:04 PM
hey I dont have a problem setting a ride for south jersey, I can try to figure out a spot for us to all camp out without getting in any trouble...the trails in south jersey are awesome....

10-15-2002, 07:44 AM
Last week of June,,hatfield McCoy ride round 3...reservations for the campground are already setup..I'm guessin at least 75 riders this time...around 50-60 showed up last sept..you guys don't wanna miss this one..

Keep other options coming..

10-15-2002, 07:49 AM
what about last weekend of January? :D

10-15-2002, 08:50 AM
I am going to the Hatfield ride this time. If I have to fly solo, I am coming!!

10-15-2002, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Rico
Last week of June,,hatfield McCoy ride round 3...reservations for the campground are already setup..I'm guessin at least 75 riders this time...around 50-60 showed up last sept..you guys don't wanna miss this one..

Keep other options coming..

What dates do you have it reserved?

10-15-2002, 09:17 AM
June 26-29 (thurs- sunday)same spot as the last 2 times,,except i got 3 full hook ups plus the overflow site.. Woo hoooo I can't wait..I'm already stockin beer right now for it..:macho

10-15-2002, 09:26 AM
i will bring several grills this time....lol and a 1/2 a ton of meat:macho

10-15-2002, 09:56 AM
MMMMM BEEERRR!!!! I can bring some of that. When are we goin'. I'll bring Lenny and the beer. Damn 20'trailer was already sold.

10-15-2002, 10:22 AM
I'll be there with atleast 1 cooler of beer. oh and i might even bring my quad if theres enough space left.

10-15-2002, 10:36 AM
hatfield is cool im prolly goin but im talkin about SOON....

who feels like comin down to south jersey?

10-15-2002, 10:47 AM
whats your zip so i can figure out how long it would take to get there and i wont be in my house for probly 3 or 4 weeks so it'd have to be after that if the weather holds out that long. plus my leg needs to be better b4 then.

10-15-2002, 10:49 AM
mt zip is 08050, for my south NJ house but the place we will ride is about 40 miles before that zip...

10-15-2002, 10:55 AM
only 459 miles and 8 hours. acording to mapquest. if i can scrounge some money i'll probly go. id probly go down on fri. and head back sunday.

10-15-2002, 11:15 AM
cool, anyone else? I wont set a date till at least 5-10 want to go..

I'm also gonna have to scope out a camping spot for all of us.

when my bike is back together in a week or so, I will scope out a nice spot to camp.....

10-15-2002, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Rico
June 26-29 (thurs- sunday)same spot as the last 2 times,,except i got 3 full hook ups plus the overflow site.. Woo hoooo I can't wait..I'm already stockin beer right now for it..:macho

Oh yeah! Can't wait! Just hope that hillbilly stays home this time......You better lighten the "ejection" button on your dads quad too! :devil

10-15-2002, 02:38 PM
Bee, count me in for something in south jersey. You just have to give me directions. Is the spot off of the parkway? If so I might have trouble getting down there since both my trucks are commercial.

10-15-2002, 03:19 PM
we're having a ride at wolfmans on the 27. pm me if anyone can go.

10-15-2002, 07:47 PM
how about a run from sarco down deep,,,,,you know there trails that dont end in there,,,,just have to know where they are,,,i had to stop i went so deep

10-15-2002, 08:09 PM
mt zip is 08050, for my south NJ house but the place we will ride is about 40 miles before that zip... Broque where you thinking, pm me if you dont want to post it but I am thinking WTF is 40 mi from your shore place.

I am up for most of what you guys are looking at (both NJ and WV if we have more than 1 driver) but I aint doing the mountains of WV in Jan so Jeff you better get some good pics:)

Since there arent any good legal spots in NJ large enough for a decent size group maybe we should keep the exact location off the thread, just a thought but why push our luck.

It may be a good idea to look to Raush one more time before it gets too cold also.

Do any of our Exriders more south like NC SC etc have a good place for a large ride? would be good since you guys get decent weather later into the year.

Just some ideas....:blah

10-15-2002, 08:20 PM
i was thinkin of that big open area called sarco, it really dont matter, they dont come out much in the winter.....

and if they do **** ill pass em some cocoa:blah

i am trying to think of a spot where people can meet up and camp out around that area.....

DMC mx400ex
10-15-2002, 08:31 PM

we can do one day at NJORVP (www.njorvp.org), i prob wouldnt saty overnight,,, but id deff go for he one day... i cant wait looking foward to it...

10-15-2002, 08:51 PM
NJORVP is deff a safer bet than the other places and you can camp out there also. for those who have not been there the tracks are all table tops and one small step down but still can be fun. The trails are not very long but are tight and offer some challenge. There are thousands of miles of trails just outside also but they patroll it very seriously and will bounce you out of the park if caught. And now they are working with the rangers as well so I am not too excited about leaving the park on weekends especially.

There are some other places that one could become lost in but those would also be hard to get everyone directions etc. and most would end up lost.

Maybe just a smaller group in NJORVP would work ok. I am in for any ride there since I do most of my testing and set up there so I dont have to be looking over my shoulder for the friggin rangers.

Damn this state blows, any ideas?

10-15-2002, 08:53 PM
well....i could get ahold of breezewood proving grounds...isnt a ton of stuff there but would be enough room for everyone.

10-15-2002, 08:58 PM
I am up for anything...I'll bring the beer and photos of the BOOBS.

Guys just let me know the time and place and I am there.

Beerock: I am not far from south Jersey so I am game for that.

10-15-2002, 09:03 PM
hmmm, njorsv......... hmmmmm......id rather ride at sarco........

but im always a law breaker......

damn it would be so fun to have a ride out at sarco..... especially with all exriders......

10-15-2002, 09:03 PM
theres some phat pits here in vineland (southern jersey) or atco we could try.....let me know beerock id like to ride wit u some time...

10-15-2002, 09:32 PM
I have heard nothing that excites me about njorvp so I am for breaking the law. Or we can go Delaware or PA.

10-15-2002, 09:36 PM
hey beerock, have you heard of "georges" place? This guy george owns about 1,000 acres in the pines and it has lakes and all kinds of stuff nto to mention trails and sand. well george lets everyone ride there. you can even camp there. george supposedly comes around on his quad once in a while to make sure everybody is ok. I think it's off of rt 70 somewhere. my neighbors go all the time. i'll have to find out exactly where it is

10-15-2002, 09:40 PM
we shall see, I have to scope out a sweet camping spot for everyone..... I figure we could all meet on friday night or saturday morning?

and ride for the day on sat and get aquainted and then ride all day on sunday till the evening......???

I still gotta make sure theres a good spot thats easy to get to and peaceful to camp at.... and able for pappy to cook up a feast :devil

10-15-2002, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by quadfamily
hey beerock, have you heard of "georges" place? This guy george owns about 1,000 acres in the pines and it has lakes and all kinds of stuff nto to mention trails and sand. well george lets everyone ride there. you can even camp there. george supposedly comes around on his quad once in a while to make sure everybody is ok. I think it's off of rt 70 somewhere. my neighbors go all the time. i'll have to find out exactly where it is

hmm sounds interesting get some more info!
ive neevr been there, so I dont know what it would be like....

im sure theres a way to get to sarco pits from there.....

who knows...maybe we could all just camp out at a local camp ground and wake up and go riding the next day, in like a convoy of trucks.....

10-15-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by quadfamily
hey beerock, have you heard of "georges" place? This guy george owns about 1,000 acres in the pines and it has lakes and all kinds of stuff nto to mention trails and sand. well george lets everyone ride there. you can even camp there. george supposedly comes around on his quad once in a while to make sure everybody is ok. I think it's off of rt 70 somewhere. my neighbors go all the time. i'll have to find out exactly where it is

gettin alil better ..legal that way

10-15-2002, 09:50 PM
COONNNNVOOYYYY. Wasn't that the movie with Kris Kristoferson (of BLADE fame)????

10-15-2002, 09:56 PM
im up for any where thats legal.....just cant be a weekend in november or early december...i gots to fill my freezer for the year ya know:p

10-15-2002, 10:55 PM
well....i could get ahold of breezewood proving grounds...isnt a ton of stuff there but would be enough room for everyone. Kenny, tell us more on this. thnx

Georges is a possibility, but its not always a good thing. The owner of that land (George) seems to be a great person and doesnt mind the bikes and quads most of the time. He has actually been trying to get this place of his turned into a mx type park for years but the state just harrasses him to no end. I had posted a thread with a local paper's write up on this.

Another potential prob there is that his property sides up withthe state forests (greenwood) and the rangers have been known to be a rael pain there.

For those who arent going to search out the old post on his place what has happened in the past is that the rangers have had raids on the adjoining properties and were also handingout summons at the exits to the paved roads.

Dont misunderstand me cause its been cool a lot more than its been hot so it is a contender, and I may be able to get to George through a friend so at least he would have a heads up on what we were doing etc.

10-16-2002, 10:50 AM
What's the title of that thread? I'd like to read it, especially the writeup from the paper you're talking about. Thanks!

10-16-2002, 11:57 AM
are there any pits out in georges?

hill climbs and stuff?

10-16-2002, 12:12 PM
I think we have found a winner:macho

10-16-2002, 01:36 PM
back in the day we could pretty much park anywhere in the pits, camp out and party like animals and not worry about anything....

now the cops are so damn money hungry its utterly disgusting..

so whats the deal with georges?

1000 acres does not seem like alot of area to ride on if you dont mind me saying so......

I still am going to scope out a spot by sarco, because there are trails that goes for miles and miles and miles and miles......

but id like to know about georges.....

I have a feeling it could get boring quick there....

10-16-2002, 01:54 PM
1,000 acres boring????? Do ya realize how large that is????

10-16-2002, 01:57 PM
check out their web site......breezewood (http://www.breezewoodprovinggrounds.com)

10-16-2002, 02:17 PM
Here's the link

Georges news info (http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26155)

Brouque theres a lot of diff terrain there all mostly sand. The trails can lead to almost anyware in central/south Jersey and yes even to Sarco but there are a few major road crossings. There are some small hills and stuff for jumps and there are 3 diff pits you can get to without any road crossings.

Not too long ago you could go from gliddens to sarco to lacey and then right down towards AC with only a few small road crossings but now its all developments and other crap.

Funny how the eco nuts think we are their enemy and then some BS developer goes and dozes over everything. too bad the eco's dont realize were on their side too.

Anyhow I would be a little cautious of a large group at gliddens but Sarco may work if set up right.

The trail I used to use to get from georges to Sarco now has senior houses on it and its been paved so we would need to find an alt. way.

Breezewood looks cool (legal and all) how are the trails? is it a big trail system? how is the track?

10-16-2002, 02:19 PM
And I am gonna try to find a new trail that leads to sarco maybe on friday.

10-16-2002, 02:30 PM
dude breeze wood is farther then rausch creek!!

it still could be an option, th eplace looks great...

440exme, if you find a trail that goes to sarco that would be sweet....

how far would you say sarco is from georges?hey if my bike is back together next week id love to come with ya!

I just ordered my other case and a new crank(ill have two motors now)

10-16-2002, 02:39 PM
Well right now I aint going anyware unless its on the old yami cause the Ex is in a thousand pieces.

Its prob like a 45min ride to Sarco from there by quad.

Breezewood may be farther but it looks to be just off the interstate, so may not be any longer.

If we do the Jersey ride we would get more Jersey riders but if we did it in Pa or ? we may get more from other areaas, so why not do both LOL

Tommy 17
10-16-2002, 03:10 PM
i'm up for a ride at breezewood... lets go!!!!

10-16-2002, 03:21 PM
riding at sarco would rock but a convoy of trucks ??? i dont no how u get in there but the more people the worse of you are do u come in by the lakes or by the bowl

10-16-2002, 03:30 PM
bee count me in for the trip. ill just ride the LT. because its done.
the 250r is out of comision at least untill xmas.
wait till spring, its still too cold :o

10-16-2002, 03:35 PM
nah, theres no way in **** I would park in sarco, But I met some people who did drive out deep into the trails by sarco and camped there, thats what im looking for.......

I have to scope it out............the cops only have cars so if were in the woods nothing will happen....

there are tons of little pits perfect for camping down there..

10-16-2002, 03:40 PM
id like to saet up a ride at the farm but i dont think my parents would let me:( and theres a pit near by

10-16-2002, 05:34 PM
is that your farm in huevos 1 (its in your sig.)

any who how fun could 20 quads be riding on a farm? :huh

10-16-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Nasty250r
is that your farm in huevos 1 (its in your sig.)

any who how fun could 20 quads be riding on a farm? :huh
dude theres a big track there...

but his parents wouldnt like that.....

Ex'r Marlin
10-16-2002, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by mysticfalcon
it sucks being so far away from all you "cool" exriders but im also 5 miles away from the thousands of miles of trails in Quebec WOW... Not only does this sound good to me, but it is even closer than West Virginia's Hatfield McCoy Trails!:)

Broque... Count me in!! I am definetly up for the camping trip! (Legal or not... Count me in!)

Hatfield McCoy is about 10 hours away for me... But definetly worth it!

NJORVP is ok with me too... But definetly not my preference for a group ride and camping trip.

As for a date?


10-16-2002, 06:28 PM
as for the south jersey ride count me in that woudl rock, njorvp would be ok but it sucks there...maybe if we can get permission for liek sarco or something

10-16-2002, 06:30 PM
Hey Marlin, Maybe Lenny, You and I can all go together to this ride.

Tommy 17
10-16-2002, 08:07 PM
me and pappy wanna get one goin at breezewood here in the near future... who wants to go with us????

10-16-2002, 08:10 PM
breezewood in PA? cause that's like 40 mins if that from me.

10-16-2002, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by 400ex21
me and pappy wanna get one goin at breezewood here in the near future... who wants to go with us????
im up for breezewood let me ....know when

would also consider a trip to Georges ..not into the illegal stuff...much tho

Tommy 17
10-16-2002, 08:19 PM
yes its in south central pa south of altoona... its about 1 1/2 hours from me... mayb 2

10-16-2002, 08:24 PM
I am up for all these places except for breezewood. My dad won't drive any farther than TC/Rausch. 2:45 driving time is enough for him.

Bee, wherever you make plans on going to, can I follow you there? I haven't been to any place mentioned on here and don't know my way around.

I think getting permision to camp at Georges then riding to Sarco would be the best.

10-16-2002, 08:27 PM
well if yall gonna do it ...DO IT!!! dang....it will be winter soon.

Tommy 17
10-16-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by NJ300ex
I am up for all these places except for breezewood. My dad won't drive any farther than TC/Rausch. 2:45 driving time is enough for him.

well its 4 hours for me to get to rausch so i won't show up there... yall can go to where ever but we are gonna go to breezewood... or atleast i will be...

10-16-2002, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by 400ex127
well if yall gonna do it ...DO IT!!! dang....it will be winter soon.

yeah I agree with Kenny..."lets do it" at Georges...
lets do it real soon like mid november ...OK??
anyone else ??????
lets make it for saturday & sunday ..
do we need a new thread about this ?????????

DMC mx400ex
10-16-2002, 08:48 PM
Hey guys, i think it would be cool to go to atvny, arrive there in the later hours and ride till dark. then camp out there and in the morning, our armada will hed to diamondback mx track.

I know many people arent such big fans of atvny but atleast we know we can camp there and its not like we have to ride thew place for 2 days. then we could hed to diamondback mx track, but i just realized that the onlyhave open practices on wensdays, so that basically screws my idea. lol.

Is it possible to camp out at atvny?

oh yeah and 2rs. i dont like water lol....its cold...lol...j/k but i think i might sit out on some of these rides till it gets hot, i might pc my frame anhow so my quad wont be ridale anyhow. so i dunno what to do, i dont think i would beable to drive like 2:45 hours away...

10-16-2002, 08:50 PM
Georges, Mid November. All we have to do now is make a new thread in the right place and get directions for people.

10-16-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by NJ300ex
Georges, Mid November. All we have to do now is make a new thread in the right place and get directions for people.


DMC mx400ex
10-16-2002, 08:54 PM
have we contacted this "george" guy yet?

10-16-2002, 09:26 PM
George's it is now let's do it. Crap do it o towards the end of november and I'm in otherwise I am screwed. Damn honeymoon gettin in the way...

10-16-2002, 10:24 PM
riding at sarco would rock but a convoy of trucks ??? i dont no how u get in there but the more people the worse of you are do u come in by the lakes or by the bowl Have used both a long time ago but now dont even bother with those cause thats where the cops like to hang around and make friends :) but there are other ways in and that place is so much more than just a pile of sand and a whooped out circle around a lake.

Opti if you could set up something at the farm you would be a legend. That would be a great place but its not sounding like its going to happen.

Breezewood is sounding pretty good, but is a long trip for me.

well if yall gonna do it ...DO IT!!! dang....it will be winter soon. Kenny you afraid of the cold or somethin:) I was out in jan and feb last year with 3 pairs of gloves, the ground was frozen and the sand down here rode like asphalt.

Bee, wherever you make plans on going to, can I follow you there? I haven't been to any place mentioned on here and don't know my way around. Dont worry we get you in there one way or another, sure you can follow someone as a giude and if dad dont want to stay around the whole weekend I am sure you can drop your ride in my truck or trailer or whatever too so your covered for the jersey thing.

have we contacted this "george" guy yet? Does anyone know this guy? :D I have seen him a few times and know some people that know him fairly well but I dont know him personally.

10-16-2002, 10:24 PM
George's it is now let's do it. Crap do it o towards the end of november and I'm in otherwise I am screwed. Damn honeymoon gettin in the way... Like I told you before......Its your funeral :D :devil :blah

10-17-2002, 05:54 AM
can we ride at geoges?..can you get in touch with him?
I was thinking you knew him or something ..
If not no sweat...was liking idea of a legal spot..

10-17-2002, 09:44 AM
For some info on the deal at georges check out the link I posted for quadfamily.

There arent normally any probs on his property but he borders some hot spots, and if its a big weekend (like memorial day etc) there are so many people there that even he gets a little fed up with the BS that some of the "city boys" do. I have heard that he does get a little more than po'ed when he finds crap all over the place after putting out garbage cans etc. so nothings perfect.

I should see the guy I know who knows him today if everything goes well.

10-17-2002, 09:46 AM
It sounds like georges may be the ticket....

only thing that sucks is if its a 45 minute ride to sarco, its not like we can rip it hard- (well I wont be able to because of my guzzler)- unless we have a pit quad that brings extra gas.. ;)

Ill post a topic for georges, but we have to decide on a date first.....

november sounds good to me...

nov 1st?
nov 15th
nov 22nd?

those are all fridays.....

my bday is nov 1th and I think im goin to nyc for a party.. so that weekend is out......unless enough people twist my arm......

so we should decide on a date in here.... once it is decided upon I WILL POST a topic for the georges ride.....

Ok fellas?

lets get to figuring out which dates are good for everyone....

10-17-2002, 10:01 AM
I think we have a thread allready?

East coast exriders ride.....

Doesnt that say it all.

Let me see what I hear today before we show up there with like 50 people.

10-17-2002, 10:10 AM
well dotn tell him 50+ tell him like 20 or so then if 50 come well be like it got alot of attention.

im sure **** love pappys cookin and my buffalo wings! :)

I will post another topic, but only once we decide a date.
so how are the dates I put up?

Ex'r Marlin
10-17-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by beerock
november sounds good to me...

nov 1st?
nov 15th
nov 22nd?

those are all fridays.....lets get to figuring out which dates are good for everyone.... These dates are good for me!:)

Note: Obviously... The later into the month, the more "chilli" it will be waking up!:rolleyes: ... But if Pappy is going to do the cooking... No complaints here!:D

10-17-2002, 11:32 AM
cool.this is shaping up nicely!!!

I vote for the 15th...mid month ..
this gives plenty time for guys to get .."ducks in a row"..for the trip...& beerock can still go to his B-day thing..

also some of us (me ) ..may be racin w/e of the 1st!..

anyone second it ...?????????

10-17-2002, 11:52 AM
sorry fellas but ya have to count me out....everyweekend after the 1st i will be away deer hunting. just be safe and have fun:)

10-17-2002, 11:52 AM
22nd please 22nd guys.....I will be around then.

10-17-2002, 11:57 AM
well guys im out im gonna be between ex and dale. im gonna get myself a nice x-mas present

10-17-2002, 12:16 PM
sorry fellas but ya have to count me out....everyweekend after the 1st i will be away deer hunting. Ahh c'mon Kenny all I keep hearing about is your "good cooking" and all.

How about I just take a ride out into the pines and run one down for yer and you can make like you bagged it :D :rolleyes:

Seriously I think there are more deer around here than I can believe, and they run around the trails like how the seniors drive on the road around here so there isnt much skill needed to tag one.

Oh well right now the 8th or 15th is lookin best since I cant do the 1st or the 22nd.

And if any of you guys want to just set up a small one day thing in NJ (chatts/njorvp georges etc) thats cool too since its a lot easier to get out for the day for me.

10-17-2002, 01:03 PM
what about JACK FROST IN PA ? id rather ride a mx track then trails im not good at trails and doubt i can keep up with some of you guys....and i don't wanna be left in the middle of woods:eek: :D

10-17-2002, 01:45 PM
o they got three diferent sets of trails one is 5,10 and 15 miles, supposely there also fixing up the atv track to make it better, you can ride that track and 2 other, id rather go here

10-17-2002, 03:33 PM
damn!!...so many excuses ..why do ya own quads???
..who the heck will be goin??( if this does happen?)
.wonder if we should reschedule this like 2004:rolleyes:

10-17-2002, 03:59 PM
I may go but I won't be camping. Probably a Saturday. You listed all Fridays, what time of the day on Friday are you thinking of getting there? I really like the Georges to Sarco thing.

DMC mx400ex
10-17-2002, 04:03 PM
ill go if my dad will drive, and i will also will bring a kid on a nice blaster, and maybe a kid on a 250ex, maybe a 400ex instead the 250, just depends...

10-17-2002, 04:49 PM
I'm with 2r's :zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I feel like I went to the old women's poll here. Make up your minds. So I can say I can't go.

10-17-2002, 05:24 PM
Forget Jack Frost too many rocks LOL, I would say Rausch creek or Breezewoods before Jack.

I know this isnt going to be on a friday is it? C'mon guys lets get this straightend out.

Actually its beginning to look like were working on three rides. A overnight trip to PA, a overnight thing in NJ and a one day thing in NJ.

I am up for all depending on the dates etc.

If we dont come up with something soon I am thinking a saturday or sunday @ NJORVP/Chattsworth.

10-17-2002, 06:34 PM
definitely no friday ....sat or nothing...or sat & sunday is ok also

lets get it straight brothers

I was thinkin the dates were references....

10-17-2002, 07:11 PM
I say we should do it either the 22nd or 16th. Plenty of time to plan that way. It won't be that cold.

Lenny, I am up for the one day thing also.

So, is it Georges for sure? Lenny, get on the horn and contact George Dubya.

10-17-2002, 07:12 PM
16th or 16th & 17th......:D :D :D :D :D :D

10-17-2002, 11:28 PM
well when i said the dates i was thinkin ride all day sat and leave late sunday.....

if thats a problem then I guess we can all meet up on sat which would be

the 16th
or the 23rd....

KENNY come on take a weekend out to ride with us.......

10-18-2002, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by DMC mx400ex
have we contacted this "george" guy yet?

Do we /someone need to contact GEORGES?....
...dont not want to drive all the way up ...to be turned around..
Lenny,..(i think ) ..is supposed to ...I am hoping..

just makin sure ..

10-18-2002, 10:05 AM
I think 440ex4me is checkin on this....

once we get the go well post another topic with dates and directions.....

10-20-2002, 05:20 PM
I thought you were checkin up with george for us?

any word yet?

my bike should be together next week.... just gotta bore and hone my cylinder and pick up a piston....

10-20-2002, 05:28 PM
Well the guy that I know who knows him was off on friday and I am going to try to see him on monday.

I just want to let you guys know what I heard froma reliable source but I cant confirm this yet. Lacey TWP AKA Forked river just added a $500.00 min to their 1,000.00 max ATV off road fine.

Now take a guess where most of the riding will be...

10-20-2002, 09:03 PM
well I dont want to guess dude....

but ill keep goin to sarco, regardless.

but whats up with george?
let us know when you find out..also
werent yougoing to try to find a trail that goes to sarco from georges?

10-20-2002, 09:16 PM
Wow! This is going well.....

10-20-2002, 09:36 PM
Trail to Sarco is still evading me :) but I know its got to be there.
Maybe be better with a smaller veh since I cant get this one into the little trails I wanted to check.

For those of us not able to understand my sarcasm be now advised that most of the trails etc that we had decided on were in that township and maybe even the area we are calling georges. Its all either in or bordering Lacey TWP.

And now I have found some extra problems with my motor rebuild and may not be back in action till mid nov:grr

Well I do know this area fairly well and wouldnt expect to be getting any summons while mounted on the quad but then again thats not when I got the either.

So lets see what everyones thinking.

10-20-2002, 09:48 PM
dude you just scared everyone away to that idea......:o

10-20-2002, 10:19 PM
Well there my feelings also.

If I get a green light from the land owner then it makes sense cause just with the approx 1,000 acres alone there is plenty of stuff to check out for a 2 day trip.

Plus where most of the problems seem to happen is where the trucks and trailers are parked, and since that would be on private property and we would have permission (sort of) we would eliminate 95% of our chances for trouble.

Remember that there are two potential problems 1. the state rangers. 2. the local police.

the rangers are currently the biggest problem since they just pick various areas of the pine barrens etc to go out and issue summons. From what I hear all they basicly do is cruise the woods like anyone would in a 4x4 truck (normal everyday trucks with very small stickers on the doors) but only they have an agenda. They seem to pick out the weak like a vulture does, and look for people loading unloading or parked by their tow vehicle or a family riding with small children who are unable to evade them or even small groups stopped for a break. Trust me untill you get their number on how they work you wont even know whats happening till they got you cornered, and have been known to have made contact with their vehicles and a atv as too secure its rider not to be leaving quickly.

The local police though able to work like the above rangers as well as in conjuction with them arent as much of a problem for many reasons. First thing they dont go out every weekend to a determined area to just harrass people and for the most part unless there is a sting of sorts wont even be looking for anyone unless called by a resident etc.

Well this is what we are up against and we may never see any of it at all. A friend of mine has been in this exact area every sunday since my quad has been out of commission and has not even seen a single soul besides other riders and has seen a bunch of them on everything from 3 - 4 wheelers and all kinds of 2 wheelers.

So maybe I am paranoid or even just a little overcautious but I want to be fair to the guys who are from out of the area and make sure they know the potential problems. These problems are just potential and not expected but I would feel rite if one of our group stopped to talk to a guy in a pick up waving just to get a bunch of BS tickets.

As an example I had been riding out of the same pitt off the other end of this same area for years in the past and for about a year since getting into ATV's and had never seen a single cop or ranger of any kind except for 2 off duty cops on honda's. He11 I had not even seen more than a few other riders till like last december and then the lace started getting popular and you didnt even bother to worry about where you parked cause there was just too many people. Then out of noware around feb the rangers started popping up every place. I had the pleasure of them finding my truck etc two months in a row. Now this is where I started loosing patience and getting real pissed cause there are a couple of these guys who think they own this place and dont like ATV's and hate aything performance. Needless to say there were some anxious moments harsh words exchanged.

Well we will do what we need to but just be prepared cause better safe than summoned.

10-20-2002, 10:25 PM
ya thats exactly it alot of the guys wont ride if they have to worry.

I know exactly what your saying, I actually cant stand that people get worried about stuff like that but such is life....

10-20-2002, 10:46 PM
Bee you got to be prepared for what may happen, and if that is what makes someone worry thats fine but I know what you cause a lot of people just worry.

Now think of it this way if you were up against just some bogus cop wannabe with a state DEPE forestry job handing you a $70.00 ticket and a little speach or what ever well its not fair or fun but its just sort of an inconvience and if you didnt have the chance to get on the gas and avoid the situation no prob take your medicine.

But now with a potential $1000.00 and min $500.00 summons thats completely out of controll and most including myself just cant deal with that. So now what happens, does someone just loose it and get out of the current situation at whatever cost or do something stupid. Well I have a problem with the do something stupid part cause if you think it out and compare these fines to the potential criminal ones for a simple assault or what ever non indictable offense they come up with for doing what you have to avoid the Nazi style clensing then its a perfectly legitimate well based decision.

What I am basicly saying is with the amount of the fines getting so rediculous theres no sense not to resort to allmost anything to avoid this harrasment since it not only gives you a chance of not dealing with it at all but even if it fails and you are charged for an even higher more serious offense its not going to be that much more expensive.

And yes I do worry sometimes also......:rolleyes:

10-20-2002, 10:51 PM
believe me, me and my riding friends always have our eyes open....

10-21-2002, 05:35 AM
I'll sum up my feelings..."illegal riding not WORTH $ the risk"...

10-21-2002, 10:29 AM
I guess if we got an ok from the owner we could stay on his prop or whatever.

Then again could do like I said earlier and move the main ride and have a small ride local for those with the b@lls.

10-21-2002, 04:11 PM
Ok I just talked to my friend at a local cycle shop.

first off.......

DO NOT ask george......

I repeat do not ASK him if a bunch of internet club members can ride there.......

WE can go ride there......

I talked to my friend who was there during the weekend....

they race and he said there was plenty to do, theres pits, trails and jumps, what more could you ask for???

I also can get directions.......

georges is easily located off the garden state parkway off of exit 69.

I'll post directions when I post the new topic......
Georges is a GO....


if a group of us feels like finding sarco then thats up to us...

theres a tip box att the gate and I suggest we all drop in some cash for george ;)

by the way............

the owner george had the owner from HATFEILD MCCOY trail system up there during the weekend and they were riding around discussng OPTIONS....

so this is really cool.....

10-21-2002, 04:21 PM
maybe this guy "GEORGE" should talk to PRES. of TCTRI also
maybe "JOHN" could help "GEORGE" ..if george is truly interested in options ..perhaps a organized CLUB is in order here..
just an idea ...

10-21-2002, 04:26 PM
ya know im curious...were talkin bout JOHN and GEORGE

Well If im correct...JOHN has the yellow hat....GEORGE is the curious little monkey....What kinda ride are you goin on there fellas?? :D :eek:

10-21-2002, 06:05 PM
It is a wild ride.

Broque wants to make a video of it and sell it. BROQUE'S WILD RIDE.

10-21-2002, 09:18 PM
DO NOT ask george......I repeat do not ASK him if a bunch of internet club members can ride there.......

Funny you say that :D I guess you got the picture there now.

they race and he said there was plenty to do, theres pits, trails and jumps, what more could you ask for??? See its not that small now is it ;)

I'll post directions when I post the new topic...... May be better to get a pm to all that needs it.

theres a tip box att the gate and I suggest we all drop in some cash for george hmm how you find that :) dont forget put in not out.

perhaps a organized CLUB is in order here..
This man has been trying to do this for years and just keeps getting hassled by the state and the pinelands commision. May they could help him though cause I know he wants to do this.

And castor what you think about a ride with curious george, could be a lot of fun riding with rather than spankin :D

10-21-2002, 09:28 PM
well, we can get a exriders east coast club together for george....

and make it a club only place to ride......making everyone who comes who isnt a member a honory member.....

being that its a club he wont need to have the govt involved hae can become tax exempt.....
WHo knows...............

but I will post a topic very soon for georges....

I want to be up and running first before I put up a date ;)440ex4me you got a couple weeks to get your bike together...

10-21-2002, 10:00 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by beerock
[B]WHo knows...............


I want to be up and running first before I put up a date /QUOTE]

get busy ,,...the date is weekend of the ..15th,...

10-21-2002, 10:15 PM
ya i forgot......:p

hurry up 440ex4me.....ok well im gonna post a new topic right now....

10-21-2002, 10:46 PM
here we go!!
