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View Full Version : Motorola SLVR SD card / MP3 songs

05-09-2007, 09:35 PM
ok... so i got a new Motorola SLVR today and i have a SD card for it and i'm trying to put song on the phone... i'm trying to see if its possible to plug the card into my comp, put the song on the card from my comp then put the card in my phone?!?!?

05-10-2007, 02:08 PM
I have the same phone.. Did yours come with a card or did you have to buy one? Your phone should have came with a USB cable for your phone. You just plug that in to your phone and the computer. And make sure you have i tunes other wise its not going to work from your phone.

If you dont have i tunes and you just want to music from your computer, you can get a SD reader for it. But you will need to buy a micro SD card adapter.

Hope this helps..

05-10-2007, 03:10 PM
I got my Micro sd card on ebay 1gig for $7 bucks :blah:

they are $70 at verizon.

I use limewire to put songs onto my phone with the USB cable.

05-10-2007, 03:50 PM
i've got the mini card thing ad i put songs on the card but now i there only on the card and i cant put the MP3 songs as my ring tone... oh well... and my phone didnt come with a plug in, i guess cuz i have cellular south and they suck! hahaha

05-10-2007, 04:00 PM
yeah you cant put any songs that you have on the card as your ringtones. it sucks. i personally dont like the phone at all anymore. it makes me mad. im surprised i havent broken it yet. lol:blah:

05-10-2007, 04:04 PM
you will have to porgram your card so it will work with your phone... im not sure about VZW but i have cingular so im not sure.

I tried to put a 2gb card in mine and it didnt work but im not sure if a 1gb will

05-10-2007, 04:04 PM
haha well anything is better then my last phone! it was the BEST phone in the world... other then that i had to get a new one EVERY month becasue the screen would go out in them!!! it was the Nokia 6252 slidder or what ever the crap its called

05-10-2007, 04:07 PM
ok... so i have a wire that can plug into the phone into the comp... BUT where do i get the soft wear to put it on my phone?!?!

05-10-2007, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by ThorRacing37
you will have to porgram your card so it will work with your phone... im not sure about VZW but i have cingular so im not sure.

I tried to put a 2gb card in mine and it didnt work but im not sure if a 1gb will

i hurd these phones wont take nothing over 1gb

05-10-2007, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by ThorRacing37
you will have to porgram your card so it will work with your phone... im not sure about VZW but i have cingular so im not sure.

I tried to put a 2gb card in mine and it didnt work but im not sure if a 1gb will

you still have your 2gb? I need a 2gb now Ive filled up my 1g

05-10-2007, 04:51 PM
how do you get the software to plug the wire into the phone and put a song on the phone drive