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View Full Version : "we wish the 33 killed at Virginia Tech was 33,000"

05-09-2007, 05:49 PM
More quality insanity from our friends at the Westboro Baptist Church.

You probably know them as the protesters at funerals for soldiers killed in action holding signs like "Thank God for dead soldiers"


Which 450?
05-09-2007, 05:53 PM
I wish the 33 dead was them.

05-09-2007, 06:27 PM
What a piece of chit

05-09-2007, 06:35 PM
those people are crazy they are from my home state and they just feed off the publicity...... the best thing is to just ignore everything they do

05-09-2007, 06:41 PM
People like that need to be sent to iraq to fight. Bring the good people home. Send them and the illegal aliens to fight.

05-09-2007, 06:51 PM
I really think these people just love to make outlandish statements because it brings attention to them. They were the kids no one talked to in middle and highschool and now they are just eating this up.

The best thing you could do, is ignore them. Or beat the **** out of them if you actually meet one, that might be funnier....but don't spread their words and bring them more attention.

05-09-2007, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
I really think these people just love to make outlandish statements because it brings attention to them. They were the kids no one talked to in middle and highschool and now they are just eating this up.

The best thing you could do, is ignore them. Or beat the **** out of them if you actually meet one, that might be funnier....but don't spread their words and bring them more attention.

the horrible irony is you can't touch them...they are mostly a big/extended family, and they have lawyers in their ranks...they have sued in the past....for violation of civil rights;freedom of speech etc etc....but if ever someone needed a thumping it is them that's for sure!!!

05-09-2007, 06:56 PM
that's frickin retarded. that's the same group of @ssholes that protested my church as long as 5 others i think at the same time a few months ago. they really need to get a life and stop worrying with other peoples stuff. like Barrymaxx said, if they care about everything else so much, they should be the one's over in iraq fighting. :grr:

05-09-2007, 07:40 PM
Dont even get me started...Im a gulf war and iraqi freedom vet. Those *******s need to see what its really like before opening thier mouths.

05-09-2007, 07:49 PM
ahh everytime i see these people it pisses me off, im surprised none of them have been shot yet, and if they are that much against the US why do they live here and why do they hide behind freedom of speech

05-09-2007, 08:10 PM
if i ever met that man in real life i would beat him down for saying those things. every one who belives that should be shot

05-09-2007, 08:16 PM
Have they never read the bible? i am judged by God and God only. Those sorry sons of *****es base there religious beliefs off of nothing within Christianity. When i meet there pearly gates and some ignorant hicks from Kentucky are there to Judge, send me to hell.

the 97
05-09-2007, 08:47 PM
the thing is that all you people talking about them is giving them what they want......all i have to say is that i am sure there day will come

05-09-2007, 09:50 PM
How is that **** legal to say??!!??!!?? I know it's our "bullet proof" system at work again, i say **** the freedom of speech act there should be a line drawn. They are lucky they don't protest that **** around where I live, Well I probably am too cuz if they did i'd probably be sitting in jail :p

05-09-2007, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Barrymaxx
People like that need to be sent to iraq to fight. Bring the good people home. Send them and the illegal aliens to fight.


05-10-2007, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by dlerch
the horrible irony is you can't touch them...they are mostly a big/extended family, and they have lawyers in their ranks...they have sued in the past....for violation of civil rights;freedom of speech etc etc....but if ever someone needed a thumping it is them that's for sure!!!

Well if you make it count they shouent be able to identify who beat them up.

05-10-2007, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda
I really think these people just love to make outlandish statements because it brings attention to them. They were the kids no one talked to in middle and highschool and now they are just eating this up.

The best thing you could do, is ignore them. Or beat the **** out of them if you actually meet one, that might be funnier....but don't spread their words and bring them more attention.

Exactly, don't even humor them. Take away the media and those scumbags would run out of steam quick. I refuse to even acknowledge their opinion.

05-10-2007, 01:13 PM
They were supposed to come and protest at a funeral near my house for s 1LT who died in Iraq. A bunch of my buddies in my unit got in our uniforms to go show our support for the family of the deceased. The Freedom Riders showed up with like 500 other people from the community to block the family from hearing and seeing the protesters. Since legally they have to stay in the side walk, the people and bikers lined the streets with flags and banners. Fortunately the protesters never made it there. They were "held up" some how, lol.

05-10-2007, 01:55 PM
^Thank God for the freedom riders and caring friends/family to keep those people away.

05-10-2007, 04:25 PM
All we need to do is just ignore them. They just make those horrible comments just to get attention. Stop giving them the attention and it'll piss them off even more. They feed off our emotions and our anger towards them.

05-10-2007, 04:30 PM
i'm really rally suprized those people are still alive....... like seriously...

05-10-2007, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by One_Bad_400
i'm really rally suprized those people are still alive....... like seriously...

...it makes you wonder.

05-10-2007, 04:58 PM
"this is just a sign of gods anger for America persecuting Westbouroh Babtist church" That just makes me want to attach our electric fence on this guys sack and tie him to the fence. Sorry but I really dont like these crack heads.

05-10-2007, 06:21 PM
i would love to give those ****ers hell! :mad: :mad:

05-10-2007, 06:34 PM
I cant even begin to explain how much i hate those people, they'll get theirs when they're standing at the pearly gates and facing the music for using the word of God to spread ignorance like that.