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05-08-2007, 07:07 PM
This thread shall be for entertainment purposes only!

Lets hear the best pranks that you have done/heard about!:)

05-08-2007, 07:12 PM
I'm in building for the vo-tech, auto electrical and building are pretty much enemies so there is always pranks and arguments.

Last year, my friend and I saved a milk from lunch and threw it ontop of the auto class room and it sat there for a few weeks and stunk everything up. They took if down finally and it was a block of cheese. We got a inschool for that.:p

05-08-2007, 07:20 PM
we've done a few in the last few years:

Lawn mower in someones bedroom (had to disassemble it to get it in/out)

Room full of balloons

Cupped room (cover the floor in partially full cups of water)

Forked a room - put 2500 forks in every knook, cranny, pocket, sock, bag, etc

TP'd a room

Seran wrapped cars

loosen the valve stem cores - most people don't have the tool and can't figure it out anyway.

'fishbowl' the room - cover the accross the door framon a door that opens inward and fill it full of whatever

fridge full of beanbag foam

Silly string a room

Removed all the bolt and screws from the stall walls in the dorm bathrooms

took all the ladder and chairs away from a person isn't good a climbing but has a lofted bed

Buried a car with snow - we handed him a spoon and told him he would be needing it and nothing else, he figured out what we meant a few hours later

Moved a very forgetful persons car repeatedly

Thats all I can remember that we have done.

One I heard of but haven't done:

Drywall over someones door and paint it to look like it was never there

05-08-2007, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
I'm in building for the vo-tech, auto electrical and building are pretty much enemies so there is always pranks and arguments.

Last year, my friend and I saved a milk from lunch and threw it ontop of the auto class room and it sat there for a few weeks and stunk everything up. They took if down finally and it was a block of cheese. We got a inschool for that.:p

We did that to a friends room, but finally took it out after over a month, all he knew was that his room smelled :devil:

05-08-2007, 07:31 PM
back in the days of yor, we'd charge condensers and toss them to people.. occasionally we'd loosen front bicycle wheels.. launch tomatoes etc. onto a football game using giant slingshots..

a little more modern trick is to capture a screenshot of someones desktop, then use that as a screensaver background.. set it so that it requires a specific key to stop it..
the person will think the PC is frozen everytime the screensaver kicks in..

05-08-2007, 07:40 PM
in school we found an open window one night and layed bubbles(soap+h20) on all the hall floors so they were super slick for the early arrivers

had all the seniors buy the largest box of bb's and we all dumped them on the floor between 1 hour - ps extremely hard to pick upfor the janitor!

honey behind door handles

spelled out our year in oil on the front lawn(DO NOT DO)

and a set of posi's in front of the office entrance door on the side walk that lasted over a year

05-08-2007, 08:08 PM
cant beat the goos old "pullin the spark plug" trick on a quad, especially a kickstart.:devil:

05-08-2007, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by trx400EXtreme
cant beat the goos old "pullin the spark plug" trick on a quad, especially a kickstart.:devil:
Sadly i do that too my self on occasion

05-08-2007, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by MO-EX-RIDER

spelled out our year in oil on the front lawn(DO NOT DO)

why come? lol lol

05-08-2007, 08:30 PM
put car on blocks and put the wheels and tires on top of there house!!! haha

and the valve core trick! becasue an avarage person dont even know that the valve core comes out! lol..

one of my friends last year put glue in toothpicks and broke the toothpicks off in all the locks in all the doors of the school and he got busted becasue he took his mask off at one point and the camera caught him and they charged him for a felony but they brought it down to a misimeaner and he was charged like $1000 and didnt get to walk at graduation

05-08-2007, 08:49 PM
That valve stem thing is always funny. I used to just put a small rock in the cap that covers the valve stem. They fill up the tire with air then put the cap back on and flat it goes after about 5 hours. Always funny, but it isn't real funny when it happens to you.

05-08-2007, 09:23 PM
Mixed up some Round-Up in a hand sprayer and wrote "whore" in a chicks front yard. Thats a gift that lasts all summer!

05-08-2007, 09:30 PM
take 4-8 cinder blocks (depending on how tall the car or truck is..) put them where you would put the jack stands.. let the air out of the tires and take the rims and tires... or jack up the cars so its only 1/2 off the ground and put jack stands under the back so when they take off the wheels just spin..

05-08-2007, 09:31 PM
These are great pranks:).... (except for removing the screws for the stalls in the bathoorm)

Originally posted by parkers30
we've done a few in the last few years:

Lawn mower in someones bedroom (had to disassemble it to get it in/out)

Room full of balloons

Cupped room (cover the floor in partially full cups of water)

Forked a room - put 2500 forks in every knook, cranny, pocket, sock, bag, etc

TP'd a room

Seran wrapped cars

loosen the valve stem cores - most people don't have the tool and can't figure it out anyway.

'fishbowl' the room - cover the accross the door framon a door that opens inward and fill it full of whatever

fridge full of beanbag foam

Silly string a room

Removed all the bolt and screws from the stall walls in the dorm bathrooms

took all the ladder and chairs away from a person isn't good a climbing but has a lofted bed

Buried a car with snow - we handed him a spoon and told him he would be needing it and nothing else, he figured out what we meant a few hours later

Moved a very forgetful persons car repeatedly

Thats all I can remember that we have done.

One I heard of but haven't done:

Drywall over someones door and paint it to look like it was never there

This is vandalism:ermm: ....

one of my friends last year put glue in toothpicks and broke the toothpicks off in all the locks in all the doors of the school and he got busted becasue he took his mask off at one point and the camera caught him and they charged him for a felony but they brought it down to a misimeaner and he was charged like $1000 and didnt get to walk at graduation

Mixed up some Round-Up in a hand sprayer and wrote "whore" in a chicks front yard. Thats a gift that lasts all summer!

05-08-2007, 09:38 PM
When I was in highschool, some friends and I went to our JV basketball coaches house and pushed his car into his front yard and put a big "For Sale" sign on it. He woke up to a knock on the door from someone asking how much he wanted for it.

We also took realty signs and put them in yards of people we knew. A friend of my family actually had someone knock on his door to view the house.

We did the usual TP to teachers' houses, friends' cars, and mailboxes. Vasoline under the door handles.

I jacked up a coworkers truck and put jack stands under the axle. It was just high enough that it was off the ground but he couldn't tell that the wheels were off the ground.

I was going to fill his cab with packing peanuts but I didn't have enough and UPS wanted a small fortune for a bag of them.

We drew a giant penis on the passenger side of a friends car with window chalk. He drove around all day with it on there and never knew. It also said something about him being gay.

05-08-2007, 10:15 PM
Wiring a car horn into someone's reverse lights is always nice; especially when we told him it was just the person behind him honking:p

My teacher told me this one, haven't had the chance to do it yet... Walk into a bathroom with a squirt gun and stand next to a guy (make sure it has the walls to wear it covers your waist line but shows his feet). Act like your doing your business and squirt his feet, then just apologize and walk out:p

05-08-2007, 10:24 PM
JOEX, it may technically be vandalism, but all they had to do was heat up the glue, it would have melted and came out, and there would be no problems with the door locks

In my opinion vandalism causes permanent damage or damage that takes money to fix, to fix this situation, neither would have been required

05-08-2007, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
My teacher told me this one, haven't had the chance to do it yet... Walk into a bathroom with a squirt gun and stand next to a guy (make sure it has the walls to wear it covers your waist line but shows his feet). Act like your doing your business and squirt his feet, then just apologize and walk out:p


05-09-2007, 05:23 AM
theres a couple for me,

Put baby powder in hair dryers,

toothpaste in oreo cookies,

baby powder a room out through the crack in the bottom of the coor,

steel hubcaps off cruisers and hang thee over a bridge,

make a dummy set it in a tree over a road and when a car comes along let it go.

hahaha good times...

05-09-2007, 08:17 AM
make a dummy set it in a tree over a road and when a car comes along let it go.

hahaha good times... [/B][/QUOTE]

I really hope you're joking......

05-09-2007, 08:44 AM
lemme see here.

the good ol' shavin cream while some one is sleeping

we have moved my buddies car a few times, turned it sideways in parking spots so he cannot leave until some else does.

park really close to people so they cannot get in their cars. best if you do it to both sides.

TP cars.

me and my buddies never leave our doors unlocked. if you do, usually they will do anything to mess up your car (without damaging it.) like flip up windshield wipers, open the gas lid, move the seats, mirrors, buckle allt eh seat belts, open ash trays, take out the rear seats, anything they can pretty much.

also our vehicles get window chalked alot, usually just writing stupid stuff.

when riding, we will turn each others gas off when we stop, so they make it a little ways down the trail and their quad dies.

baby powder in vents of a car

grease the wipers (Bad idea!)

grease door handles.

at work we all carry tools in pouches and take them off at break time. sometimes we will hide each others tools, or i once taped one guys to a stack of boxes.

05-09-2007, 08:50 AM
if you really want to make someone made take a quart of milk with the pop top lid and drain a coup[le inches out of it. Place in a raw chicken wing and crack a raw egg in it. Place the top back on and hide it in a dorm room or somewhere. As the bacteria multiplies the pressure will build up in the milk jug and after 3-4 days the top will pop off and it will smell horrible for at least a week.

If you're gonna do it make sure it's a few floors away from you or in a different building. We made the mistake of doing it to our neighbors, the smell was just as bad in our place.

05-09-2007, 08:54 AM
Replaced all the chock in the class room with candy sticks (chock that wont right).

Put dark food coloring in someones soda (black teath)

I was working on my quad and had the spark plug out but still connected to the coil. My friend came over and I said hold this for a sec just acting all normal. He grabs it and then I hop on the quad and kick it over and he got a good zap that he wasnt ready for. :eek:

Put dead fish under a kids moped seat. 90 degrees and sat for a weekend. Bet that smelled good.

I took apart sammy shots. If you dont know what they are their a fire work that just makes a HUGE boom like them ones at fire work shows that just flash once and then BOOM and would blow your hand off like butter. Well I took them apart and had about 10 of the things that make the boom. Well I just pulled a wick out of a bottle rocket and lit it and through it by my friends feet and he took off running because he thought it was a sammy shot.

Loosend up a friends front tire on his bike.

Wonce my brother was sleeping on a coutch. Me and my friends wanted to do somthing to him. So my friend put a chip in his mouth and he started eating it in his sleep lol

Covered a truck with brown beans and sun tan lotion and went through teh back window and tied his dors shut from the inside. Then shuved a big paper bag in his muffler. He was going to call teh cops because it wouldnt run right lol.

05-09-2007, 08:56 AM
In college I used to weld my buddies hammer to his table and watch him almost rip his arm off trying to pick it up. You'd think he'd figure it out after a few times, but then again.....:blah:

05-09-2007, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by rcer450r
theres a couple for me,

Put baby powder in hair dryers,

toothpaste in oreo cookies,

I like them 2. I think ill try em soon :devil:

05-09-2007, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by NorCalRacer
In college I used to weld my buddies hammer to his table and watch him almost rip his arm off trying to pick it up. You'd think he'd figure it out after a few times, but then again.....:blah:

that happens as school and work. never leave tools laying on the welding table, because they will become part of the table lol.

05-09-2007, 12:07 PM
If you get bored you can go to a Walmart & find the mellowist looking little old lady & put a BUNCH of condoms in her cart when she's not looking & then follow her to the checkout to watch! I have MUCH respect for older people & this is harmless but it really IS funny!!! Ray.

the 97
05-09-2007, 04:23 PM
There is always screwing someone lunch box the a table….grease or pain in a pair of glove or a hat…..also funny when you put a zip tie on someone’s sleeve closed and then watch them try to put there jacket on..

05-09-2007, 05:06 PM
when someone is using a cutting torch fill a paper sack (had to dump my lunch out) with acetylene and toss it under the sparks.

harmless but scares the hell out of the guy cutting.

05-09-2007, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by 450rJam
when someone is using a cutting torch fill a paper sack (had to dump my lunch out) with acetylene and toss it under the sparks.

harmless but scares the hell out of the guy cutting.

ya thats funny but my dad did that to his friend once and it blew up and burnt his face.:eek2:

05-09-2007, 06:59 PM
Keep a window open a little at night and sneak in and put a skunk in there.

If you dont like you school you can jump up and punch out the ceiling panels ( sp). start my 5 day suspenion tommrow for that one. Probaly have broke 25 before i got caught.

05-09-2007, 07:24 PM
My friend (trent) has a lates 80 tempo. We would all have soccer practive after school then leave for home from there. During school we stole his keys from his locker and during lunch we had a set made adn returned them.

Every day my friend shawn went to anthis at lunch. He would then move trents car everyday as far out as he could. After a couple weeks he started getting pist. Well one day we where getting ready for soccer and was joggnig out to the soccer field. Guess whos care was in the middle of the pratice soccer field!:D:D :D :macho

05-09-2007, 07:56 PM
ive got a couple
1) Put daves insanity sauce in someones barbecue sauce at lunch. this is the hottest stuff ever.
2)Put visine in someones drink, makes them shat constantly in about 15 min.
3) Go to walmart then go to the bathroom with a melted snickers bar when someone walks in rub the melted snickers in your hand and stick your hand under the stall and ask for some toilett paper

05-09-2007, 07:58 PM
putting clear saran wrap over a toilet seat.

one day at college me and 2 other boys moved the back end of our teachers truck arond in like an almost complete 180. i couldnt stop laughing while we were doing it lol


05-10-2007, 05:36 PM
fold a mustard package in half and put it under the "snubbers" on the bottom side of the toilet ring (perforated edges pointing forward)
when someone sits on it, they get mustard shot into their pants that are around thier knees

05-10-2007, 06:05 PM

im trying the visine one....:devil:

05-10-2007, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak

im trying the visine one....:devil:

How much Visine do you need?

05-10-2007, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
How much Visine do you need?

Idk, but tomorrow at lunch im going to the EMO kids table and im deeboing one of thier drinks...squeezing a whole bottle in ti and putting it back while they are looking elsewhere...ill let you know what it does...

05-10-2007, 07:43 PM
lmao there not gonna be able to get their tight, girly pants off fast enough!! :p

05-10-2007, 07:53 PM
A friend of mine said 3-4 drops, i used 3-4 big squirts. tells us if it works for you to

05-10-2007, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
How much Visine do you need?

i put 1/4 bottle of visine in my own gatorade (half full bottle of gatorade) and i didnt shat that day. normally i go boom boom every day at three thirty and i just skipped her that day.

05-11-2007, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by CRich[814]
i put 1/4 bottle of visine in my own gatorade (half full bottle of gatorade) and i didnt shat that day. normally i go boom boom every day at three thirty and i just skipped her that day.

That is way too much information.

05-11-2007, 01:39 PM
I put a whole bottle in a can of coke...the EMO kid grabbed his arse and ran out of the lunchroom....so, im guessing that it worked....lol....im doing that to the administrators of my shcool too.

Ill do it in a couple years when im a senoir though...lol:p

ATV Chic
05-11-2007, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
I put a whole bottle in a can of coke...the EMO kid grabbed his arse and ran out of the lunchroom....so, im guessing that it worked....lol....im doing that to the administrators of my shcool too.

Ill do it in a couple years when im a senoir though...lol:p

I wouldn't suggest that, i knew a kid that had charges brought against him for pot brownies he gave to administrators! :scary: :ermm:

05-11-2007, 02:22 PM
they wont know about it...ill just go to school early and put it in thier coffe mahcine...lol...then they'll be having booboo's all day long...

ATV Chic
05-11-2007, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
they wont know about it...ill just go to school early and put it in thier coffe mahcine...lol...then they'll be having booboo's all day long...

baaaaahahaha too good lol:D

05-11-2007, 02:28 PM
thats what im thinking too....

Lol...this year the senoir are going to BURN...yea, BURN a gigantic penis on the football field....

It oughta be funny...cause thats where they are all walking for graduation....:p

ATV Chic
05-11-2007, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
thats what im thinking too....

Lol...this year the senoir are going to BURN...yea, BURN a gigantic penis on the football field....

It oughta be funny...cause thats where they are all walking for graduation....:p

hahaha oh helllllllllllll no! lol u need to take pics :p

05-11-2007, 02:36 PM
take the light switch covers off in a room and place a lil raw shrimp in there and just wait. The smell would be lovely for your freind. They will never guess where it is coming from.

ATV Chic
05-11-2007, 02:37 PM
^^^^ BRILLIANT! :devil:

05-11-2007, 03:24 PM
stick raw shrimp into the switch box ?

go ahead and lick your fingers for good luck on this one.

05-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by sexyatvchic
hahaha oh helllllllllllll no! lol u need to take pics :p

I would if I had a F'ing Digital Camera...:mad: :ermm:

05-11-2007, 06:05 PM
pulll the drain bolt on your frinds beater car is always fun ... espiacally when he has no clue of how cars work and.

lmao he went 10 miles tell it didnt work .

05-11-2007, 06:55 PM
lol^^^^^ good idea....

05-11-2007, 07:13 PM
my whole group of friends would put a bunch of stuff in the toilet at skool and flush it down of just leave it there and it took the teachers 3 months to find out that we did it and we got suspended for 3 days. Today was my first day back:devil: (we put rice,balls,sweatshirts, and lots of other things in)

05-11-2007, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
thats what im thinking too....

Lol...this year the senoir are going to BURN...yea, BURN a gigantic penis on the football field....

It oughta be funny...cause thats where they are all walking for graduation....:p

lol..this sounds familiar!! I'm not sure exactly who or how they did it, but they did this on the huge hill beside our highschool football field at like the beginning of the year. It's like a really big and steep hill beside the bleachers that they put banners n stuff on sumtimes. well, since the beginning of the year, there has been a gigantic penis that is the whole height of the field, and they had sprinklers n stuff on it forever, but it just seems to be getting worse...and bigger. lol. i thinks its hilarious when your in study hall and you look outside and the two janitors are standing at the bottom of the hill leaning against the fence and just staring at it.. lol

05-12-2007, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by 416exfreak

im trying the visine one....:devil:

Its not safe. I put a whole bottle in a kids drink before and he passed out for teh whole night and had no memory of the last 24 hours. Heres some things that can happen when you put visine in some ones drink that people dont know.

Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels

Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely

Blurring vision

Causing nausea and vomiting

Elevating and then dropping blood pressure

Causing seizures or tremors

Sending the ingester into a coma

Dont for get some serious jail time ! :scary:

05-12-2007, 11:43 AM
Well, im sure the kid lived...he was just very cleaned out...

It was funny, next time ill use explax tablets crushed up into a powder...stir them in/shake...ect...:D

05-12-2007, 02:01 PM
the best pranks are the ones that require some stealth and smarts.

if your prank ends in personal injury its not a prank its a chicken
&^*$*^ move.

and should result in an arse kicking.

scare someone or misslead them into doing something out of the ordinary, or use science