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View Full Version : Pappy's pics/ Congrats to Kyle Kozura

05-06-2007, 06:18 PM
Hey Pappy I'm glad I finally got a chance to meet you today at Steel City. Turned out to be a pretty good day even with all the breaks. Let me know when you get some pics up and I will check them out and buy a CD off of you.

Also I would like to say Congrats to Kyle Kozura in the 90cc class on his 2nd overall today, if it wouldn't have been for the chain gods being mad at us today you would of had the big #1 locked up dude, don't worry you will get them next time....Or you can be like Brandon and start looking for a new mechanic, LOL.

05-06-2007, 06:54 PM
it was cool meeting you also!

im making galleries and getting ready to upload them shortly, and a huge congrats to all the youth riders THEY WERE AWESOME!!!!!

05-06-2007, 07:43 PM
Thanks Kevin, we’re missin’em closer LOL. WOW was he flyin he led 7 of the 8 laps today and got both hole shots for a second overall. So close, so close. This series is so cool the competition is so high it takes alot to win one of these things. Congratulation to all the mini riders you guys all did a great job today. See ya all at High Point.

Can’t wait to see the pics, Pappy

I would also like to thank Ron Laurine for having a bolt for Kyle’s bearing carrier to get him fixed up for the second moto. This one was all my fault there’s no reason for the bearing carrier bolts to come out. I bet you I check them before every moto from now on. LOL

Check this out this was my horoscope for today wierd man wierd :

Stop kicking yourself over something you had no control over. Just sit down and deal with the ramifications. Once you do, you'll realize that there's no point in assigning blame. You've learned your lesson. Now move on."

05-06-2007, 08:47 PM
Ol' Pappy has seen the stress, I feel your pain.....HAHA!

05-06-2007, 11:30 PM
Round 2 galleries (http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=2878479)

05-07-2007, 12:44 PM
Hey Pappy it's Kevin I would like to get a CD from you from steel city with the pics of my son Brandon, he's in the 90cc CVT class his number is 423. Let me know what I need to do to get it. Thanks

Kevin Smitley

05-07-2007, 12:49 PM
Kevin just go to this link and place a order for 1 cd pick any pic you what and Pappy will sent your cd with all the pics he has.


05-07-2007, 07:43 PM
OK Thanks Mike I am getting ready to place my order right now I wanted to do it earlier today but I was busy as heck at work just got home at 9:15, Oh I just love these long days, YEA RIGHT... On a good note I just tore Brandon's tranny apart and the gears look great the shaft is the only thing broke so I will get away cheap this time thank god....

Logan #34's Dad
05-08-2007, 03:01 AM
Hey guys, Just want to vent a little. First off, It cost $40.00 to race. I was a little surprised at that -I guess I'm used to local costs ($20.00)- Then the class discription of Logan's class is 70 CVT. I would think that the "single speed" Cobra would have been in the 70 shifter or Mod class. Then I was really dissappointed with the 70cc turn out. Only 4 total racers including the Cobra. Any ideas why the turn out was so low? Then when Logan went to get his 3rd place award - He was told they were only giving awards to the top two. He was very disappointed which pisses me off. He said that is why I like to race - so he can show everyone his awards - (he just turned 9).
So in conclusion, I drove 2 1/2 hours, paid $60.00 ($20.00 at the gate) to start, Raced on a great track against only 2 CVT's and the Cobra - all great lil' riders by the way - (Could have raced locally and raced 10 quality CVT's), patronized the concession stand multiple times, leave with a dissappointed 9 year old, drive 2 1/2 hours home.

05-08-2007, 06:43 AM
WOW……… I’m so sorry to her that I’ve been trying to promote this series, I feel it’s the best thing that’s happened to D5 in a long time. The award deal is Rita Combs (Steel City/High Point) is 1 for every three that’s it. Kyle raced 70cc production for the last two years and we never had more than five riders if we we’re lucky, we moved up to the 90cc this year along with three others. When the age changed a few years ago a lot of our mini riders went from the 50’s straight to the 90’s thus killing the 70 class.

Man I really feel bad that you we’re disappointed , I mean it’s going to bother me. I do truly feel bad, I have a lot of pride in this series and thought it was going very well. You tell your boy he’s a very good rider and he did a great job out there on a very tuff track..

If you make it to another one of these races and I hope you do look me up I’d like to talk to ya. I got a red 6x12 box trailer and Kyle’s #5 in the 90cc CVT class.

05-08-2007, 06:58 AM
70CVT can be a tough class to fill, this is nt the only series i have seen that had low numbers

The plaques are usually handed out based on 1 for every 3 riders, however for the youth i feel all of the 3 70 riders should be given a plaque

Not every series can please everyone, the best suggestion is to contact the promoters and voice your concern.

05-08-2007, 07:14 AM
I used to agree that all youth racers should get a trophy until I took my son flat track racing and they had 36 riders in his class. The top 10 made the A main, the next 10 made the b main and the rest got to go home. Only the A-main got trophies. My son didn't even make the B main the first night. He cried about not getting a trophy and not getting to race a 2nd race. I calmed him down and explained to him that if he wanted to race twice he had to make the B main and if he wanted a trophy he had to make the A main. Well long story short, two nights later at the next race he rode harder and made the B main. He was happy to get to race twice but still dissapointed not to get a trophy. This made him want to try even harder and the next race he did it!!! He made the A main and got a trophy. You should have seen the smile on his face. Not only did he get a trophy but he earned it!!! It was a valuable lesson for him and one that I am glad he learned.

05-08-2007, 07:37 AM
Ya I agree with you. We’ve been going to Steel City for Five years now back when Kyle was in the 50’s and didn’t get a trophy there I used to argue with Rita and one day she told me your kid has to earn a trophy here. And man I went nuts, but you know what now that I think about it she’s been right the whole time. Kyle didn’t get a award at the first one of these races, he was getting dressed before practice and I asked him if he wanted a award today………. and he just looked at me and smiled. And you see what happened WOW he wanted it Sunday buddy. And he got it 2nd overall. We are very proud of him he ran great.

I e-mail Cernic a link to this post so he knows what’s going on with to 70 thing. And again I’m sorry about your disappointment

Mike Kozura

Logan #34's Dad
05-08-2007, 08:26 PM
Hey Guys, I am not trying to sound bitter. The 70cc with low numbers could happen at any given race. I was overly impressed with 90cc turn out! If your finishing in the top 5 your doing something right! It should be interesting this weekend with the two series (ATVA and WPSA) both racing on the same weekend, I'm guessing the numbers will be low. I'm gonna take Logan to Red Bud and try his first national.
Hey Mike, I'll try to look ya up at High Point. We can get a jump on the competition before the ATVA National comes to town.
Also, I understand the whole award thing and it just so happened that my advise to Logan was to ride harder. But I still believe they could have given the little ones something - even a silly ribbon.
Later guys, Rocky

05-08-2007, 10:04 PM
Low numbers can happen anywhere, especially if your looking for just a 70 class. We ran at Ballance this past weekend and they wouldn't let us run our Cobra 70 in the 71-90cc production class so we had to run the 0-70cc class and there were only four or five kids in it whereas the production class had 10 or so. They did let us run the 71-90 open class which were hybrids aside from ours and Tittle's cobras. Which if Brandon or Sonia are reading, your boys were haulin'! Good luck in Red Bud and for everyone else heading to Taylorville, we'll see you there!

05-11-2007, 08:01 PM
Hey Pappy I got my CD today, Thank you it is great going to Wal-mart to print them tommorrow. Thanks again and I will definatley be ordering at the next round again.....